It's around her neck/shoulders- she's still managing to clean her face and body, and she can reach her cecals etc but she can't chew the stitches! So it seems like a sort of success... I did take it off for a while but she tried to chew again

Steve says it looks like she's wearing a little scarf round her neck... It's black and white striped as well, so he said she looks like she's a Newcastle United (football team here) supporter lol!
We've just given her metacam, the septrin and some pear and banana babyfood- she took about 4ml of that!
She's still drinking water, and eating hay though...
She has an appointment for a recheck at the hospital at 3pm. We called our local office to try and get the appropriate metacam dosage, but it's completely different staff on a saturday sadly. They said that we could go in at 4 something, and when Steve asked if they could at least tell us the metacam dosage in the meantime, they said 'well if you feel you need that then best call the hospital and get her admitted'?!?!! :X We're not admitting her, just taking her so that they can look at her and make sure everything's ok!
The thing is, we already had the Metacam, but we forgot to ge tthe dosage yesterday, because as we were talking to the nurse in reception, a man came in with a massive big dog, let him on a long lead so he could pretty much go where he wanted. and the dog headed straight for chalk's carrier, sniffing and nudging it! The guy just laughed! :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy: I told the nurse that he had better keep his dog away from us, and we made a hasty exit because Chalk looked terrified