Chalk has another abscess!!

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Jen (or Steve) - I'm so pleased to hear Chalk seems to be doing so well. The sock is great way to stop her getting at the stitches. Also, Leaf made a soft collar for one of her rescues - I think it was Knuckles. That may be an idea if you think the sock is too tight.

Keeping you guys in my thoughts.


ps - it may be quiet on here tonight, as Halloween is a big thing in the States :)
Thanks Jan :)

I've had to get up to take over from Steve as he was too tired..... I'm absolutely shattered!! But I don't want to leave her...

She's still not eaten any veg, but she's still eating plenty of hay, and she seems quite happy to tear into her cardboard tunnel, chewing and digging at it...

The sock most definately isn't too tight- I'd get a picture of it but my camera isn't uploading pics for some reason :( I'ts not really a sock at all now- it's really stretchy, sort of material.... It's hard to explain without it sounding bad, but I promise it isn't. It's very similar to Leaf's collar but without a join and slightly fluffier material... she's still cleaning herself but isn't chewing at the stitches anymore.... I might try taking it off in the morning and seeing how she goes...

I'm still really worried about the refusing veg still- but she's still drinking water. She doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain at the moment, but maybe when she gets some more pain meds later on she'll want to eat some....


Thank you Jan and Maureen- it really is dead on here tonight, I seem to really pick my times to have sick bunnies!
Is the collar around her neck? or her body? When my mom's dog had surgery on her back, they had my mom put a tube on her and it didn't stay so we got her baby tshirts and gowns. Of course the dog LOVED them and wore them until she passed away!

She is going to eat what she needs to eat most likely. Animals are naturally smart that way. She needs more of a coarse roughage for her system most likely. Hay was all Bo wanted when he got neutered. The drinking thing is from the medicines most likely although our vet gave Bo something to stimulate eating and drinking.... again water is going to help her system get back to normal.

I know you both are tired. :hug:
It's around her neck/shoulders- she's still managing to clean her face and body, and she can reach her cecals etc but she can't chew the stitches! So it seems like a sort of success... I did take it off for a while but she tried to chew again :( Steve says it looks like she's wearing a little scarf round her neck... It's black and white striped as well, so he said she looks like she's a Newcastle United (football team here) supporter lol!

We've just given her metacam, the septrin and some pear and banana babyfood- she took about 4ml of that!

She's still drinking water, and eating hay though...

She has an appointment for a recheck at the hospital at 3pm. We called our local office to try and get the appropriate metacam dosage, but it's completely different staff on a saturday sadly. They said that we could go in at 4 something, and when Steve asked if they could at least tell us the metacam dosage in the meantime, they said 'well if you feel you need that then best call the hospital and get her admitted'?!?!! :X We're not admitting her, just taking her so that they can look at her and make sure everything's ok!

The thing is, we already had the Metacam, but we forgot to ge tthe dosage yesterday, because as we were talking to the nurse in reception, a man came in with a massive big dog, let him on a long lead so he could pretty much go where he wanted. and the dog headed straight for chalk's carrier, sniffing and nudging it! The guy just laughed! :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy: I told the nurse that he had better keep his dog away from us, and we made a hasty exit because Chalk looked terrified :(

Back from the vets!

She got an injection of Zantac, which as far as I can gather is a medicine that protects the lining of the stomach from irritation? I'm not entirely sure... :? We also got the bonafide Oxbow Critical Care- a big bag of it, paid for by the insurance! She said to keep going with the Metacam etc and approved of our 'scarf' that we had improvised. She agreed that we dont want to use a proper collar!!

Anyway, since we got home, she's eaten loooads of hay, and about 7-8 carrot tops! And some coriander!! And drank loads of water, and I could swear that I saw her eat a few pellets as well :D:D:D

I really hope this keeps up....

She's jumped out of her little pen twice now too :shock: I've had to put a board over the top to keep her in, and she looks extremely mad at me right now :?
That's such a relief to hear that she is picking up so well. Quite the little fighter, isn't she? :)

The sock/tube sounds as though it's really doing the trick - a good thing to remember for any of us that may need it in the future.

You and Steve try and get some rest - I know how stressful this must have been. Nose rubs to Chalk (and the others, of course ;))

Thanks you guys!! :D

She's still not eating a lot though.... She didn't touch dinner with the other buns but she did eat coriander, oats and banana out of Steve's hand, and she's still eating hay..

I would give ANYTHING to see her dive into her breakfast in the morning like she normally does! That would be the best thing ever... Right now I'm not sure whether to make her progress as bad or good...

We still haven't decided about our trip! STILL haven't booked a hotel :? I honestly, honestly, don't know what to do.... I mean, we could cancel, practically our trip of a lifetime and then Monday morning her appetite be back to normal :? Or just as easily, we could go, and she could deteriorate, with us on the other side of the world, and I'd never forgive myself... :( It's stressing me out beyond believe- that alongside the 3-4 hours sleep I got, the will-we-wont-we pack, and if we're going we've got loads of stuff to do! Plus, if we go we're staying up all night tomorrow night.... :shock: These past few days I have honestly just felt like sitting down and having a good long cry...

But we will see how she is tomorrow and take it from there.... We feel it's safe to get some sleep tonight!

Thank you everyone, it's so comforting to know that others are thinking of Chalk as well! :)
Sounds like she is doing great. If you are worried about leaving her, is there anyone that could have them in their home to watch them/her more closely? Have you thought about asking on RU? (I saw you on there the other day, hence mentioning that). There may be someone rabbit savvy in your area who could help, although it is short notice.

Try not to stress too much because she will pick up on that, just be calm and normal and she will return to normal soon, I'm sure. She's done the hardest bit :) And it will have been harder on you than her, don't forget that.
Thank you so much guys :) :hug:

I have been trying to post all day but have just been so busy!

She is SO much better today! She didn't eat much breakfast earlier but has been taking carrot tops and kale and banana when we hand feed her... And then this evening she has just perked right up. I actually burst into tears a little while ago when she ran (yes, ran!) over to the bowl and started gobbling pellets!! And she just ran up and down the living room, doing binkies and then a huge bunny flop :shock: We're trying to keep her quiet, but it's just so hard, she seems so lively and happy now! And she had the Metacam this morning so it's not like that just kicked in and perked her up or something...

The real test will be the dinner, which is due any minute now when the slaves get off their butts and bring it to them...

I feel a lot happier about leaving her now. I'm still worrying my heart out, but I think I will do that anyway... I feel very confident that she will receive great care while we are gone, but it's just never the same as being there to see everything yourself!

We have booked a hotel, and provided there are no more mishaps, we might actually be going on holiday! We are due to leave at 3.30am for the airport, which is in about 7 hours from now...... :clover: *knocks on wood*
Hooray, Chalk! :pinkbouce:That is wonderful to hear good news!

I hope you get to go on your holiday! You get on that plane and ENJOY yourselves! :weee:
Oh Jen, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this. WTG Chalk :)

Sounds like she is feeling a whole lot better, especially if she is running around binkying - and eating too. I am so pleased that this has timed out just right for you to get away. Now, you and Steve go and have fun, and I'm sure Chalk and the rest of the buns will save all their bunny kisses for you.

Thank you guys!

Another update: We put their dinner down, with Snowy and the others jumping round as usual- and Chalk was there too! Waiting and jumping! She dived right in and ate a ton!!

I was so happy I burst into tears all over again lol- that's about the 4th time today!

It honestly is just the best thing ever to see her being back to her old self! I have wished with everything in me these past few days that she would pull through and recover- we really could not bear to lose her, and it was just heartbreaking to see her in discomfort. It's so lovely to see her hopping round, curious at everything, sniffing about, and just looking happier. She's actually just gone back for 3rds on her dinner!!

Trying to post about my hotel etc in Let Your Hare Down now- look out for it! :)

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