MsBinky wrote:
I was pretty sure it was blood but maybe it wasn't. I always thought red urine was a bit more orange. This was bright red. :?Problem is that her bum wasn't red it was more orange.
From what I've read, you can't really go by colour, it's more of a texture -- blood has clots that will appear as lines or spots in urine and maybe thread-like lines onthe rear of a bleeding doe? What exactly did you see?
And bunnies seem toreabsorb even active litters. I've seen several cases here where people felt movement in the pregnant doe, butshe never delivered.It's a situation that can be toxic, and it could show up in a tragic manner even weeks from now if untreated.
I'm frustrated with the vetshere, not the owner.Youshouldn't have to travel, surely any vet can do an xray, blood test or something,if not an ultrasound, or at least prescribepreventative or cautionary meds.
They canconsult with another vet. They can even call a breeder! What they can't do is nothing.
Even without stuck or reabsorbed kits, if that doe was delivering a full term litter right now,chances are very verygoodat her age she'd be in trouble, I find it stunning they didn't react.There'snomeds, no one on standby, no instructions, nothing.This one bothers me because I've seen it -- death while giving birth isexcruciating torture. It's like sticking a screwdriver in them andtwisting it for8, 12 hours.It's not an event I'dtake a gamble on.
I hope you get some answers.