Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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Here's one of Buttercup in his Daddy's arms.



Here's one of Buttercup resting under my stool,which he has claimed as his. Every time I try to take it awayhe charges at me. So needless to say it's now his.



Hi, I was just wondering what kind of BunniesJackie and Wilbur are? Thay are so cute! Our bunny looks very much likethem and since we adopted her we're not sure what kind she is.
Hi buckrogers, we were told they are Mini Lops,but I'm really not sure as they were purchased at a Pet Store (weretold they were both males well Jack turned out to be Jackie) so I don'tknow if I completely trust what they said. But they are cutearen't they, I'm such a proud Mommie.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart


What a funny picture!

I'm opening a separate thread for this one. It's tooexpressive not to hear what others think they're saying.

Just thought I'd post this picture of the Babies relaxing.


I know they look fat but they really aren't, they just have very thick fur. We actually weighed Jackie the other day and she only weighs 5.5 pounds, I really thought she weighed more than that.

I bought a really nice electronic scale from Home Depot (on line it was only $18.00).

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

That's not fat.Look how they flatten out ... there's nothingthere. Give them an extra treat. :D

I would not thought of Home Depot havingan electronic scale. Ionly think of them having thingslike Wood Pellets. ;)

Rainbows! :)
I had to take another picture of the:heartbeat:"LOVEBUNNIES":heartbeat:resting. I think they are so cute but then I'm the Mommie.



Here's the 2 Lazy Bunnies waiting on the slaves to bring them dinner.


Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

I love looking at pics of your babies, Susan.They are all such characters! Wilbur and Jackie make me want to justsnuggle in there with them, they always look so relaxed and cozy.

Give them all kisses from me (and give sweet little Daisy Mae extra from Mr. T) ;)