Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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Omgosh Susan..i have just now seen thisthread..and i'm loving it!! i love your bunnies,and i especially lovethose cute little hats :D

Wow gorgeous pictures!!!!!

one of my favourites :inlove:


Look at those adorable little faces


and the best part is buttercup is a boy! haha

I wanted to get Mr. Tumnus a princess costume for Halloween but myboyfriend would let me. Something about confusing the little guy orsomething...;)
Hi Haley,

We had Buttercup for about 8 weeks before we figured outSHE was aHE, (even a Vet thought hewas a she). He was so use to his name we just couldn't changeit. He actually comes when we call him. He's justso DARN cute.


oh, I didnt even mean that the name was feminine(I guess Im used to cutesy names for bunnies, even if they are male). Iwas referring to the princess outfit!

I just love it!

Edit: just to confirm, when you took the pic, you knew he was a he, right?? That makes it even cuter ;)

Hey Haley, I really loved the hat unfortunatelyI wanted green or blue but all they had wasLilac.So Buttercup had no choice for hisBirthday celebrations he had to wear what Mommie brought him home.

Here he is relaxing with his baseball cap on.



Here's a picture of the lovebirds resting this afternoon.

They don't have red eyes but the darn camera always makes them look like they do.



Aww they are so cute together! If you use aphoto editing software, you can take out the red eye. I use the kodakone that came with my camera. I think yahoo.com has one you candownload for free..

Also, I dont know if I asked you this, but have you ever tried bonding Buttercup and Daisy Mae?
Hi Haley, wethink Buttercup is too setin his ways. When we first got Daisy Mae she was in a cage inthe family room (where Buttercup lives) and he went nuts so we movedher up to the spare bedroom.

Buttercup was badly injured a couple of years ago by Wilbur whohappened to escape from his cage (while hubby was putting Buttercupback in his cage for the night)and jumped up and splitButtercups lip. This was at 1:00 in the morning had to rushhim to a 24 hour emergency clinic to have emergency surgery.

Anyway Daisy Mae already has a Boyfriend Mr.Tumnus.:inlove::heart::heartbeat:How quickly we forget LOL

ahh..I see. Well, I thought maybe Daisy Mae would like some company until she and Tumnus can run away together!

And I keep forgetting to print out that pic of Daisy Mae to put in his cage..I promised him I would!

I guess Buttercup will just have to settle forbeinga lifelong bachellor :D
I did print out the picture of Mr Tumnus (withhis Halloween hat) for Daisy Mae. My friends will think I'mnuts when they see it.

I just had to add this picture of Jackie.

I gave this to my husband a couple of years ago for Christmas. It's Jackie in her litterbox so of course we putit in the Bathroom so you can see it when you are sitting down contemplating life. I know were nuts.


