Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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Here's a few new pictures of Wilbur & Jackie.

The babies resting.


Wilbur just being cute



Goodness! Look at Himself sitting on that nice fluffy chair.

I bet most people don't have such a life of love and luxury.

You got that one right Carolyn, Wilbur &Jackie have their own bedroom, and it's the nicest one in thehouse. Two very spoilt bunnies.

Buttercup lives in our family room, he's never caged another spoilt one.

Poor little Daisy Mae is in a cage but gets out at least twice a dayfor about 2 hours each time. I definitely want to come backas a Bunny in my next life. LOL

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

SOOOSKA wrote:
Poor little Daisy Mae is in a cage but gets out at leasttwice a day for about 2 hours each time.
I have a solution, we can build Tumnus and Daisy Mae their own palacesomewhere between your place and mine :D
I dunno Stan, I think youre about 2000 miles outof the way :wink Plus Pebbles might try to steal Tumnus away,he is a looker you know ;)
Back off Stan & Pebbles, Daisy Mae will attack you.

Daisy Mae likes your idea Haley, however she thinks a big cage here would be much more convenient.
Here's a couple of Buttercup resting on his spfawith the pillow Mommie made for him. So spoilt, but hedeserves it, he's such a good boy.




Buttercup really is a gentleman of leisure, huh? He always looks so cozy and relaxed. Lucky boy!

Hey, has he ever met Daisy Mae? Just curious.
The first night we brought her home we had herin a cage in the family room (that's where he lives) he wasn't to happywith her. We do bring him upstairs the odd time and let themsee each other throughthe cage. She kinda justlooks at him.

We figure he's too old to meet another bunny at this timme.He will be 9 in August and he's been so spoilt all his life, we reallydon't think he would want to share all his belongings with any bunny.

yeah, he is one spoiled little man. Tumnus says its better that Daisy Mae doesnt meet any handsome older men anyway ;)

Oh, and I love your new avatar! The hats are adorable!