Buttercup, Wilbur & Jackie's Home Thread

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Here's Jackie eating hay



They are so adorable. It's so cute that their noses match!I love how both of them have one ear sticking up in that one picture.

I love the new pics! :inlove:

All your babies are soo adorable! So do you have 4 bunnies all together(Buttercup, Wilbur, Jackie, and Daisy Mae)? Are there any more Immissing?

So many beautiful white bunnies! Tumnus would just fit right it :)

Aww Happy Gotcha day to Buttercup!:highfive::balloons: :party::hug:

What a party! Looks like a blast. :toastingbunsMyboys want to know what that delicious treat is that you have in frontof Buttercup.

Oh, and I love the hat..too cute :party:
Here's Buttercup, he's getting ready forHalloween and all the Bunny Treats he's going to get.


