BUster is neutered. New girl is not spayed...YET... but tomorrow I am calling three different vets and going to get the best price to get her spayed. I would go to the place I did Buster's neutering but it was unbelievably expensive....I'm talking in the $200+ range. It was terrible but I didn't want to drive for a long time because he's such a wimp and easily stressed you know. The kids told me that she did really well on her 2 hour ride home. So I know that I can drive a little ways to get hers done. I am kind of scared though. poor little thing. SO this morning I woke up and Buster was still going to CrAzYYYtOwn in his cage, so I told him that I forgave him and thank you for making a
teeny mess instead of a big one. And I put the little gate around his cage so he could have a little more room. Then when we just got home from church (they had a bit of a fun day today, Muscle Car Sunday

), I went to clean her litterbox out and Buster jumped on top of his cage...the white one pictured above!!! And is trying to sneak around to go check her out and/or escape lol. He is soooo crazy and so funny! So I decided to move her into the living room for the day so he could have free range of his room. And I left the door open for her to get out if she wants to....but really, all she wants to do is eat hay. So at least I know her digestive tract will be moving along quite nicely

also, she is pretty curious, I found that out when I get into her cage to clean the poop (WHICH IS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! and she peed on her hay..eww gross) and change the water. She still hasn't eaten any pellets...think I should try giving her just a pinch a day? Or is it ok that she doesn't eat any pellets since she is eating her hay VERY well?
I also still haven't gotten a name for her yet. I was thinking about Phoebe. Like from Friends, my favorite tv show heehee. Havent decided for sure. Any time I try to think of names, I can only think of Phoebe, don't know why I like it so much! lol. Guess it just sounds good.