Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Haha, Buster :) Doesn't quite know what to make of this new addition. I don't know much about either breed, but my sister had a himi once and it was a pretty small rabbit.

I would suggest if you want to quarantine for a few weeks, to keep her in a completely different room, so that you minimize upsetting Buster. I would think him being able to sense her near, but not get near her, would upset him. If you don't care about quarantining her, then I would put them next to each other, and let him get near her(through the cage bars), so that he can figure out who this new bun is and get used to her.
All my pictures are being turned upside down or something, make it staaaahp!

Angrily chomping. He's going to hate me after this huh?

It depends if he likes her or not. If he likes her, then he's not going to mind a bit. So are you trying to keep them somewhat apart for quarantine or something?
She's so mellow...she did the bunny 500 a few times but now she's just nomming away at hay peacefully. Yeah I don't really want to quarantine her bc I would have to take her upstairs and there is nobody up there. You're so right. Being close but not close enough is totally driving him up the wall. He is determined to escape. Think he may try to bite her through the bars?
I was just told to keep them apart, in two different cages or else something bad will happen...I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. He is MUCH happier now that I let him out :)
I would put their cages right next to each other then. So that they can see each other and get really close and Buster can check her out, but still not be able to bite through the bars, just in case Buster is REALLY upset. And just see how that arrangement works, and if it helps him calm down. If it makes things worse, you can always switch it back.
Happy Buster :3
Oh and their scent glands are on their chins right? Because he's been chinning the corners of the new purple cage several times and I was like "oh yeah, you think that's yours? Well I bought it and it's mine! Too bad I can't fit in it, okay I guess u can have it :p hehe."

Okay, yay, thank you Jenny! I know you've heard this before but I shall quote Forrest Gump now, "I love you Jennay" :)
Haha :) So you have to get a pic when Buster goes up to her cage to say 'hi'.
Well he went up to her to say nom nom to her face so I shooed him away bc I don't want him to bite her an he bit me...so I grabbed him and put him in the little cage. He is upset again. But, he probably shouldn't have bit me and it would have been okay. Lol. So he's in time out tonight, I will have to figure something out in the morning before church. :( I feel bad for him even though he was a terd :p

But when he came up to the cage to check her out, she gave him eyes like "chill eyes" they were a little serious but not like "I want to kill you" and the ears stayed at a neutral position. Busters ears were forward, then he started scratching and biting at the cage bars.

And miss thang is over there all cozy and mellow. Just chill. :) she's like, I escaped death, took a 2 hr car ride, and got a new home all in one day? Yeah I'm awesome and extremely tired from all the stress lol.

I just know that Buster is going to make a huge mess in that itty bitty cage.

Poor Buster has had his whole life disrupted with an *invader*, but biting is NOT nice, and definitely not something you want him thinking he can do. Maybe once he realizes it's a girl, and gets used to her being there, he'll start to feel more at ease.

That picture is a good one to compare her size with Buster's, and if she is more than 6 mo. old, then she's a himi, as the california breed is much bigger.
Congrats on your new bun! She is quite pretty and looks like a himi of you ask me. Love the picture where she is flopping.
Yes I agree with Jenny keep them caged separately but next to each other for awhile. Dont rush their first date. Let her, and Buster, get acclimated to new surroundings before their first date. Here is my favorite bonding article. Read the whole thing :) it has alot of good info.
And remind me again, are they both fixed? I can't keep track of whose buns are fixed or not......haha

Lisa, you didn´t let me down, I posted your link on another page for Katie, I know you are the guru of male/female bonds lol.

I think they both need to get accustomed to each others smells and she needs to settle in to her surroundings.

Buster looks just like my Bandy, they could be brothers. I was watching just now when I put him back in his newly cleaned enclosure and he was periscoping just like Buster...they are both just gorgeous.

Your himi is lovely too, I can see them together as a very handsome couple.

Just take it easy and don´t rush them, we are far more eager to get them together so put the brakes on and think of them. It will be so worth it and I´m so glad you´ve now got the two.
Katie, just been looking back at the cages, they look just like the size of my two but I put an xpen around so that Bandy and Snowy have more space. You could maybe do that so they could go out separately and have a little more space if they can´t have the run of your place. I am presuming Buster gets his time out as usual.
HAHAH OMG. I saw a picture and before I even read anything I went "OMG HONEY This girl got a new bun and it looks exactly like Hipster!!!!" Hippogryff looks a bit different I think he's a californian mix but your girl looks like a Himilayan mix :)

I was NOT expecting to see this at all, what a wonderful surprise!!! What have you named her!!

Also, I suggest if you're going to house them side by side, don't use the plastic pen with the diamond shaped holes. The rescue lady told me the best results come from if they're both in the exact same type of pen and have their litterboxes and bowls mirroring each other so they can mimic behaviors :)
BUster is neutered. New girl is not spayed...YET... but tomorrow I am calling three different vets and going to get the best price to get her spayed. I would go to the place I did Buster's neutering but it was unbelievably expensive....I'm talking in the $200+ range. It was terrible but I didn't want to drive for a long time because he's such a wimp and easily stressed you know. The kids told me that she did really well on her 2 hour ride home. So I know that I can drive a little ways to get hers done. I am kind of scared though. poor little thing. SO this morning I woke up and Buster was still going to CrAzYYYtOwn in his cage, so I told him that I forgave him and thank you for making a teeny mess instead of a big one. And I put the little gate around his cage so he could have a little more room. Then when we just got home from church (they had a bit of a fun day today, Muscle Car Sunday :)), I went to clean her litterbox out and Buster jumped on top of his cage...the white one pictured above!!! And is trying to sneak around to go check her out and/or escape lol. He is soooo crazy and so funny! So I decided to move her into the living room for the day so he could have free range of his room. And I left the door open for her to get out if she wants to....but really, all she wants to do is eat hay. So at least I know her digestive tract will be moving along quite nicely :) also, she is pretty curious, I found that out when I get into her cage to clean the poop (WHICH IS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! and she peed on her hay..eww gross) and change the water. She still hasn't eaten any pellets...think I should try giving her just a pinch a day? Or is it ok that she doesn't eat any pellets since she is eating her hay VERY well?
I also still haven't gotten a name for her yet. I was thinking about Phoebe. Like from Friends, my favorite tv show heehee. Havent decided for sure. Any time I try to think of names, I can only think of Phoebe, don't know why I like it so much! lol. Guess it just sounds good.
I hope she isn't a mix. I think they have to be full-bred to be in the FFA show.

AHHHH I like your idea... hmmm, I will have to get something to put under Busters to make it taller. But I don't want to keep him cooped up all the time right? So only at night?

It sure was surprising, especially after hearing "NO you cant have any more pets til one dies!" for how many years??? Hmmm, about 4 except I got Buster without permission lol.
I like that name for her...and it kind of sounds nice with Buster and Phoebe.

Mine jump on the top of the cage and I´ve now put cardboard on there so their little legs don´t fall through as Houdi once hurt his when it fell through and he struggled so I don´t want that happening again. If she´s plenty of hay, she should be OK. Is she old enough to start on veggies yet ?? I usually feed mine only a small egg cup in the morning and at night but they get loads of veggies and have hay all the time.

Michelle, that´s what I said that she reminded me of the hipster.