OH NO! Another picture monster, I can't handle two of you!
I'm very excited about the idea of having them together again, poor Buster, but yah' know something, he's ALWAYS the one who starts the fights...:XHe always bites, or tries to get on top of Tucker! Tucker obviously doesn't like that, and snaps back... LITTLE MONKEYS! Good grief! Last night I would separate them when I sensed something was happening, they do a weird little dance, and Buster was soooo nasty about it he bit me! So now I use one of their cardboard tubes to break up the fights... He rips that out of my hand too... He is definitely the more dominant one. I hope this neuter thing works out for my, and Tuckers sakes! LMBO!

Tucker more and more is becoming such a sweetheart, he licks me, head buts me for attention, sits on my lap,and loves being stroked behind his ear! Such a little gentleman

My Buster, oh, my Buster... He is being hit pretty hard by those darn hormones I think! That's ok, we'll fix that up...

Did I tell you guys i've decided to go in with both again for the neuters? I think they till have a pretty good chance if they go in soon.
RS- you're right it's much cheaper than mixing and matching something for them, a bag here is about 3.75, but they sell it in a tub too for only 7.00, and we went through a whole bag over the weekend alone...:shock:Two rabbits, two plates... and i'm only giving them little bits, to get them used to the whole veggie thing, can you imagine what it'll be like when they're used to it??????:?I'll be buying the tubs from now on I think! LMBO! They do LOVE IT, though!Thanks again for the idea

Tina you definitely NEED to try this!
everyone in Monkeyville