LOL! Daytona just sat there in amazement. Like,'how come they're out here? This is where I go to get away from them'...LOL!
The trucks going flying... hmmmmm, I don't know if I want to witness that...:shock:Could you imagine, a little Holland lop tossing a Tonka truck? LMBO!
As far as a good book on chams go, I haven't found one... but I will tell you this... They are REALLY hard to keep healthy... a good place to find some info is a reptile chat board, or a vet with knowledge of keeping reptiles... you know who else might be able to help you? sandhills, her husband does A LOT of reptile rescue... Katannah didn't have a normal upbringing. He was VERY sick with coccidia, and was kept in an environment that he normally wouldn't havebeen kept. He also is exceptionally loving. He had to be wrapped up in a towel to have his meds, so now he LOVES being cuddled in a blanket. Normally they don't like human contact of ANY kind. Also he has full run of the house, normally they don't live like this, but when he had coccidia, he learned that his pooh was a bad thing, because every time he went, I had to take him out, and clean out his home. So now he won't go to the bathroom in his house.
You see all of my monkeys at one point or another, have been sick, or had 'something the matter' with them... Katannah, very ill, almost died quite a few times. Daytona, was the runt, has severe food allergies,and suffers severe anxiety problems. My fish, Nibbler, he had a companion, who was infected with Ich, he was the ONLY survivor. Tucker,well the ear thing, and Buster suffers from severe bugger syndrome.LMBO!

My vet says we should get a sign for the front lawn, "Lyndsy's Animal Sanctuary"
To me, these things just make them that much MORE special. Katannah, he just needed some medication, in the end it cost us thousands of dollars in vet bills, but everyday I get to spend with him, is priceless. Daytona, he just needs a special diet, and lots of TLC. Tucker, he doesn't seem to mind his ear thing, he beats Buster in cleaning themselves. One less ear to worry about!LOL!

Buster, i'm afraid there's no cure for severe bugger syndrome... No such luck! Just a lot of gentle guidance I guess...

(and possibly a neuter) LOL!
Here's another of Katannah, his name is spelled this way because when we got him from the dreaded pet store they told us 'he' was a 'she'! This is when he was quite young and sick.
again a month later, still sick, keep in mind these pics are old, about 2 years ago!
This is him sleeping on me, under his Katannah blanky.
can you find me?
Here's Godzilla attacking a doll! LMBO!
This is him looking out the window in our old apartment.
and the only picture I could get before my camera died!