Thanks everyone...
I'm thinking I might try to let them out together somewhere else, other than their room, but not today...

I've seen, and heard enough for one day. That awful shrill noise just ran right through me,and all I could think was OH NO!:shock:
I know it happens most of the time, when you've got 2 bucks... I just thought they were different, they couldn't be separated yesterday, and today, this...:?
I went out and bought everything for a new cage, and the new bowls, the new hayrack, some new toys, and litterbox. My husband went out earlier and got some more NIC's to build an addition, we've decided to put Buster on top... Tucker's the bigger boy, so we let him have the old cage, the new one is going to be one level smaller...
I also called the vet to cancel one of the monkeys neuters... So it's Tucker who's going first, Buster will go a week or two after. I think it'll save me some headache, i'll only have to deal with one monkey down at a time... She also suggested waiting to try and bond them after they get neutered. (a while after)
So I guess not all hope is lost...
Lyndsy, and 'the monkeys'