That's great! I know what i'll do...
I'll get a sign for the door, 'MONKEYS ROOM, ENTER AT OWN RISK!!!' and then i'll get you to record the song for me, and i'll play it on that part of my zoo tour! LOL!
Jenniblu- i'm so sure you'd return a handsome monkey such as my Tuckerpants...
bbw/lanna- you know that he's ripped that chube up and pulls on it... He just adores that thing, i'm afraid to replace it...:?
RS- He needed a new chube a week after he got here! LMBO!

He grows soooo fast I can't keep up with him! He has more than doubled the size of poor little Buster boy!
It's so funny, today I had some of my friends kids here. They all felt so 'sorry' for Tucker! You know I never thought of that before!:shock:I just assumed he never knew any other way...but they all kept saying "oh look at POOR Tucker" POOR TUCKER! WHAT ABOUT ME! LMBO!

I gotta feed that monkey, clean up after him, and try to give him meds, which by the way is our last night! YAY!

Poor Tucker, give me a break! That little monkey is ANYTHING but poor!
Lyndsy and 'the monkeys'