Top o' the mornin' to yah!
Well Tucker is still taking his meds, of course NOT without a fight...:XI'm COVERED in scratches! Oh and biting, we started that too! Teenagers UGH!:?His nose has stopped being wet, but his eyes are still red... I noticed however that the are red after spending a long period of time in his cage...:?So it got me thinking, maybe he has an allergy? I was using 'carefresh' but found it had alot of dust init.
I went to paws n claws today and bought a trial size bag of 'mountainfresh' pet litter... It says its 100% natural wood fiber... I was also thinking corn cob litter... :?I'll have to find that post about litter, on here, and see what's what!
I also bought them a stuffie made for rabbits... It's shaped like a triangle and full of different colours. Well they BOTH mounted it right after I put it in their cage.:shock: Tucker also THUMPED his foot at Buster because he wouldn't share it! :shock:LITTLE MONKEYS!So needless to say I think they LOVE it! LMBO

I think i'll have to buy another one...
They also got a new bag of food, and a new litter box, but this one I fill up with shredded news paper, for them to dig and play in! Thank goodness they aren't white! They rolled around in the news print for an hour! MONKEYS!
They're still tearing down the house... Yesterday the monkeys bit into the wall and took out a piece of the wall!:shock:Strong little monkeys aren't they???? My husband was NOT impressed!

LMBO!They give that man a run for his money... LMBO!

OH! I almost forgot, they both peed right on my foot last night, one on one foot,the other on the other foot! It was funny! I guess I now belong to them!
We are having quite the snow storm today! YIKES! There's probably about 3-4" already and it just started about 20 mins. ago!:shock:Hopefully it stops soon! I want summer, so I can garden... I plant a 'dog friendly' garden EVERY spring. My dog LOVES to eat my flowers, so this way when he does, I don't have to worry about him getting sick! The monkeys on the other hand, my neighbours use pesticide on the lawn, and so i'm afraid to let them out this summer, they EAT EVERYTHING! :?We'll see...
So that's it for now, i'll take some pics later. The monkeys are sleeping right now! Oh the life! LMBO!