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February 14th, 2010

Happy Valentines Day Ya'll!!!!

So, there really is not much to update about with Poker and Vegas..They are the same as always :)

Gratie is doing better already..
I found him last night on the top level of the cage...
He is doing very well with the litter box, except there are still lots of poos all over from where he is marking his territory-I think that the cage may smell a bit like Poker still..

He is getting skittish when I pick him up, but I am trying to do it as often as possible so he and I can bond more.
He is a pushy little guy---I had him on my chest while I was leaning back on the couch and he was nudging my face and hands and all that-he is really trying to get used to me.
He is kind of aggressive towards the things that he really likes. Mandy gave me a little House Rabbit Connection's Rabbit Care Guide-and as I was looking at it-Gratie ripped it out of my hands and started eating it-I firmly said No Gratie, pulled it away-and he chased it and grabbed it again..But I didnt let him have his way, he has to learn.

Anyways-I want to just say that I think that I am tired of listening to people go on and on about something that just isnt smart..If you are going to do something stupid, dont tell others about it-because you just look dumb..
Thats my statement for the day because I cannot stand some people right now...

Another thing that I want to say--I may be getting a Thrianta..I love the breed and I would really like to own one..
Peg says she is going to talk to a breeder next time and see if there is any connections to here in NY..she's awesome :)

I am awfully tired so I will be back later maybe with some pictures.
Good luck finding a Thrianta :)
Gratie might not ever grow into his big, cute ears :) If they have big ears they usually keep them :) As far as I can remember, his Mother had big ears too right?
About the fosters--It looks like they will be coming here on the 20th...That gives the doe more time to heal from her spay..

and Grace--yeahh maybe he'll keep them-he is just getting cuter and cuter with them anyways :)
Mom had normal sized ears for a big bunny I believe.
February 14th, 2010

Today was a great day.. Peter and I didnt argue, we didnt miss a minute together, and Evan was very well behaved..

This morning I was laying there andI heard a knock on the door..I went to get it but Peter jumped up and went to the door--which I thought was very odd because he doesnt even go to the door when we get pizza delivered.. He came in with a dozen red roses and a little note...The note read "You'll Always be My Best Friend, i Love You, Peter"

It was adorable..

Anyways;I made a post in the Main Forum about Thriantas and Housing--so please check it out and leave me with some feedback...

I am out for the night..

I am going to see my brother tomorrow..Leaving here at 6:50 so we can get Peter to work and make it to the jail before 9..ufff..its going to be a long day.

I hope to get some pictures tomorrow of the bunnies...
But I have to go and buy litter first...I am almost out..
im trying to think of the member who has a male thrianta....shes not on often but hes a doll...
February 15th, 2010

Uff Uff Uff..
I went to see my brother today..He was a bit tired so he didnt want to talk much.. We sat at the table drinking some green tea and he pigged out on junk food from the vending machines... His appetite has gone up quite a bit since he has gone in-but because of his cancer---it keeps his weight down.. He looks nice though--he got a haircut so its nice and short--he looks very handsome.

I got very bothered by someone commenting on something I said yesterday (it was no one on the forum);
I mentioned that "I will be getting a buck thrianta and a doe thrianta and I will hopefully get one litter from them. I will keep 4 and the rest will go to the breeder that gave me mom and dad.."
They said-"That is ridiculous. Why would you keep 4 plus the mom and dad but give the rest back-thats a waste of time and you should just buy 6 of the same breed of rabbits."
I responded-"I have a private reason that is strictly none of anyones business because it involves me and 5 other human beings.I am sorry to come off rude."
Them--"B.S!! You just say that it is private because there really is no reason."

At that point I walked away..I was being ridiculed by some stranger! I wasnt talking to that person in the first place-they were standing next to my friend when I began the conversation..

I just want to put it out on the table that I have a very private reason for wanting to breed for just one litter..Its not private on my end but it is the confidentiality rules of a private program I run.. The animals will NOT be harmed, they will NOT be killed... They will be well taken care of... The reason for wanting to do this with Thriantas is just because I am in love with the breed and I am getting 2 of them anyways-So I mind as well do that. As much as I would love to share with everyone the reason for this--I just strictly cannot. I will give a brief overview though so no one judges me on anything ridiculous;
I have a group of 5 teens that need help. Ever since introduced to rabbits and the care of rabbits, things have began to change and their lives seem to be looking brighter.. I dont think thats really the best way to explain it--but whatI am doing will help these teens.Although they are older than me, its my brothers wish to have these teens see a better future.
I just dont want people to think that I am doing this for the pleasure of having cute little babies around--thats not at all why.. The babies wont leave mom until they are 8 weeks of age-and even then, 4 of them will be kept here--I am not selling them and I am not harming them.
I love all animals, and I also love the teens that I am working with--and they love animals too...

I eventually plan on going public with the program and I will be opening it up to everyone that needs help.. At the same time I will be opening an animal rescue with all animals ranging from fish to horses....But that wont start until I have proper funding for all that care..

For now, I am going out, but I may be back later.
February 15th, 2010

I just keep making myself look pretty stupid :/

I didnt realize that if I house my own rabbits outside-that could effect me ever getting any fosters or rescue bunnies....

I got this information from Ali, and I am really glad she told me.

I would rather go through the fostering process and see if its the right thing for me, if so-I will continue to do fostering..If its not right for me and I get too hooked on the rabbits, I will go through with getting the Thriantas and having the one litter...

I just hate that things dont go as planned..

I feel like fostering is better for me right now..

Mom and I have discusseda limit and it seems that I can have 2 more inside rabbits, and 2 outside rabbits.. That means 4 more total rabbits...

I am thinking about how to make everything work--We are having a tag sale in March and that will empty out the basement(it was being refinished at one point but because of the way the house is set up, it didnt work)..The basement is a concrete floor, and its kind of musty...But I think with a few touch ups, I can turn it into an awesome rabbit space--that way I can turn keep fosters AND my Thriantas..

Im really in such a terrible mood..Im pretty emotional right now over everything-not just this situation..

I know this sounds bad, but I keep wanting to leave the forum.. But Ive put so much into my posts, my blog, keeping everyone updated, making friends--I cant pull myself away.

I also say that I am going to take a break, I wont be around much, and all of that junk, but I end up coming back everyday..
Maybe I need to limit myself..

Things are just upsetting me..

Ill be on for a little more time tonight..
I can't speak for other rescues, youcan look into others. I just know that most in ours frown very badly on it.

I myself have taken breaks but I have also limited myself at times. I don't leave because we have a really great group of people.
JadeIcing wrote:
I can't speak for other rescues, youcan look into others. I just know that most in ours frown very badly on it.

I myself have taken breaks but I have also limited myself at times. I don't leave because we have a really great group of people.
Well, I would rather stick with 3Bunnies anyways.. Like I said to you in the PM, I need to let go of things in order to make other things work (I dont think I worded it like that)...

I am okay though, I have been waiting too long to get the fosters and I dont want to back out now :)
pOker wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
I can't speak for other rescues, youcan look into others. I just know that most in ours frown very badly on it.

I myself have taken breaks but I have also limited myself at times. I don't leave because we have a really great group of people.
Well, I would rather stick with 3Bunnies anyways.. Like I said to you in the PM, I need to let go of things in order to make other things work (I dont think I worded it like that)...

I am okay though, I have been waiting too long to get the fosters and I dont want to back out now :)
You have amazing goals and you have a lot of time to complete them. You just need to make them work together. Rome wasn't buit in a day. The greatest things in life are worth fighting for, they worth figure out what it takes to make them work.
I think the majority of rescues frown upon breeding anyway (well in my country and I know some do in the US). I'm not sure what thriantas look like, I must google them :)I can't wait for you to get the fosters, when are they coming again?

How is my godbun doing as well? :)
JadeIcing wrote:
pOker wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
I can't speak for other rescues, youcan look into others. I just know that most in ours frown very badly on it.

I myself have taken breaks but I have also limited myself at times. I don't leave because we have a really great group of people.
Well, I would rather stick with 3Bunnies anyways.. Like I said to you in the PM, I need to let go of things in order to make other things work (I dont think I worded it like that)...

I am okay though, I have been waiting too long to get the fosters and I dont want to back out now :)
You have amazing goals and you have a lot of time to complete them. You just need to make them work together. Rome wasn't buit in a day. The greatest things in life are worth fighting for, they worth figure out what it takes to make them work.

Ali has shared some good stuff - I want to share another thought.

I'm currently 49 and one of the things I've learned over my life is that we all have "seasons" that we go through. For instance - for me there was my pre-marriage, early marriage (before kids), marriage w/ young kids, marriage w/ teens, marriage w/ empty nest, etc.

In each season of my life - there were different things I could and couldn't do because of the other things going on in my life. At times I went back to college - at times I worked outside the home.

Each choice was made with the understanding (as I got older) that it was the BEST CHOICE for me - but it was the best choice FOR THAT MOMENT of my life.

It wasn't always a lifetime choice - but it was a choice that would affect my lifestyle at that point in time.

You have hopes and dreams and I think they are wonderful. There is a verse in the Bible about how "without a vision, my people perish" and I think it is those dreams that give us hope.

What you may need to do is look at your life and say, "What is best for me now?"

It doesn't mean you'll never do those other things. It just means that this is not the best time for those other dreams. But you don't have to give them up.

I'm going to give you a fairly good example from my current life right now. My rabbitry is IN my home - I hope to move it to another building in the next year or so. That is my dream...

but the building I want is about $11,000 in order to do it the way I want.

I can't have that dream right now - but I can continue to work towards that dream - by setting aside some money every payday - by working on my design plans - by even starting to make the cages or the bases with wheels on them (so the cages can ROLL out of the barn in case of a fire).

At times it gets discouraging. I want my barn and I want it NOW. But if I got it now with what I can afford...I would wind up not having what I truly want.

I encourage you to pick what you can do now and work on it. The other things can still come in time - you are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Continue to work on those dreams and plan for them but also be willing to wait until the timing is right.

I know the day I put my bunnies in our brand new barn - I will be so glad I waited to do and get the best thing for our life. Its hard now - but in the end - it will be worth it.

In the meantime...:hug:
February 16th, 2010

So, I have been doing some research into starting a rescue...

I have officially decided that I am going to go through with it when I turn 19.

That gives me about 2 years (I am almost 17) to save money, establish a connection with an exotic vet, find a place, get cages, tanks, build kennels, get other supplies, read up on everything...It basically gives me time to do everything..

Seeing as I will be doing a rescue for all animals-from fish to horses, I will need to really do some hard work..
It is going to cost alot. I am going to go to college for law enforcement to become an animal cop...

I am going to establish connections with other rescues.

-The rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, and all the little animals like that will be kept indoors where they wont be able to hear any dogs or any loud animals like that.
-The dogs will be kept in an indoor/outdoor kennel, where they can be indoors at night, and have the option of indoors or outdoors during the day..Each kennel will have a door for them to go in and out of, but it will be shut at night.
-The horses, cows, goats, and all the large farm animals like that will be divided between a few different farms, my own farm will house goats, chickens, sheep, mini ponies and donkeys. My neighbors farm a few minutes away will house just horses and chickens. And any cows, llamas, or anything of that nature, will go to a farm about 15 minutes away.
-Cats will be kept in a large room with a big window so they can see out.. Any feral cats will go to my neighbors barn as well to be able to be free(they wont be able to leave the barn but its huge).
-The reptiles such as fish, snakes, frogs, lizards, or anything like that will go in their own tanks in another large room with special lighting and all of that good stuff.
--Many animals will go to foster homes and I am sure there will be plenty of animals that need sponsors..

I have a connection with one vet already that will do all of the dog and cat work, but the exotics and farm animals will need to find a different all exotic vet.

I am pretty much open to all animals..

OF COURSE, I will be taking classes to learn about more vet work to be able to identify how to treat certain injuries and illnesses, and how to handle certain animals and all of that good stuff.. I will be volunteering at the local humane society again, volunteering at the farm with the alpacas and all the other animals--theres not many people with those kinds of animals in this area, but it doesnt hurt to be ready..

I am going to need alot of money and I am setting my goal much higher than it may need to be, so that way, if I do reach that goal, I will have alot more money than needed..
I am really going to start looking around for supplies--Its always good to start now. If something ever happens and I dont want to open the rescue, orI cannot get the funds to do so,I will happily donate everything or sell it.. I am going to start with some used things, maybe cages and all that...

I have alot more ideas and alot more plans, but that'll take days to post here..lol..

I know that I need to get some paperwork and all of that, but it'll all be handled..I am going to make sure I am actually allowed to open a rescue here, and blah blah blah..


Gratie is doing excellent-He is NOT enjoying the whole food switch and is dumping the food all over the place... His litter skills arent getting any better-I think its because of all the space he has..
But I know he will get better at it..

Vegas is doing excellent, he is such a lazy bum :)
I was surprised to see that he has actually been really improving with his litter box skills :) which saves me soo much timeeee.

Poker is still my little baby.. All shy and lonely :/
I am stil trying to find the best place to bring the boys to get them neutered..

I have to get them neutered soon because in July when I go to Maine, I would like to bring them, and brining only 2 cages will save me so much space--I would have Gratie in one cage, and the other 2 in the other cage...If they dont ever bond, I may leave them home with a friend of mine that will stay here until I get back..She has bunnies so she can just bring them(shes only 2 houses down)..Or if that wont work out, I will make them each their own small carriers and when we get to our house in Maine, they can just be divided and have free roaming priveleges in different rooms..That seems easy enough..We'll just wait and see..

Anywayyssssss---I am off like a prom dress to make some food (sorry, that was a bit innapropriate)...

JadeIcing wrote:
Where do you drive through to Maine? I could bunny sit one if they didn't bond. :biggrin2:
I drive through Waterbury, but I could always go a bit out of the way ;)
I think when I read this Vegas jumped up and said "PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME" lol..
pOker wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Where do you drive through to Maine? I could bunny sit one if they didn't bond. :biggrin2:
I drive through Waterbury, but I could always go a bit out of the way ;)
I think when I read this Vegas jumped up and said "PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME" lol..
:biggrin2:Waterbury isn't far at all maybe just 30mins. :p
JadeIcing wrote:
pOker wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Where do you drive through to Maine? I could bunny sit one if they didn't bond. :biggrin2:
I drive through Waterbury, but I could always go a bit out of the way ;)
I think when I read this Vegas jumped up and said "PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME" lol..
:biggrin2:Waterbury isn't far at all maybe just 30mins. :p
Alrighty then, one of my bunnies will see you in July :) lol..