Well-Known Member
Actually, she's caged most of the time. She's let out for a few hours a day, but she lives in her condo most of the time. She tends to eat our carpeting and can escape from her exercise pen pretty quickly. Her condo is 75% carpeted, too. I don't know how she got them, either :?
Will said that he will be sad once she goes, but he will be OK. We tried to introduce Toby and Berry-Boo again, and Berry-Boo yanked a chunk of fur out of Toby. He's OK, luckily he's molting, so it looked worse than it was. I just don't think it's going to work
"Food? For me!?"
Nom nom nom!
Will said that he will be sad once she goes, but he will be OK. We tried to introduce Toby and Berry-Boo again, and Berry-Boo yanked a chunk of fur out of Toby. He's OK, luckily he's molting, so it looked worse than it was. I just don't think it's going to work
"Food? For me!?"

Nom nom nom!