Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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YAY!!! You kept your end of the deal! :highfive:

I LOVE those videos.... Will looks like he really does love Berry-Boo but doesn't want anyone to know about it lol... :p The tongue in the ear thing was funny :D

Oh and Toby's binkies don't look mini to me! They look pretty binky-tastic lol! :biggrin2:

Please can they come and live with me?
Haha! Nice try... Well, OK, you can have Berry-Boo :p She's such a nice bun, but I could never let her be a free-roam bun here (she's a chewer!). Toby, on the other hand, will always be mine!

This morning, I was laying on the floor and petting Toby. He shoved his face by mine and started grooming my nose. It tickles when he does that. It tickles A LOT. His little tongue slipped and wound up IN MY NOSE! I tried to fight it, but I sneezed right in his face. He didn't run away, he didn't bite me, he just sat there with this flabberghasted look on his face! It was priceless!
lol yeah. Just after that, he did the little foot-shaky thing and started grooming himself. He got extra head pets for that lol

He has been ignoring me this afternoon, though. Probably because of the "tape incident".

The tape incident was from noon today. I was folding laundry, and I left the closet door open so I could walk in and out easier to put away clothes. I also use my closet as my "post office". I have all sorts of bubble-mailers, boxes, tape, etc. in there at any given time. I had packed up something this morning, so there were little tape scraps on the floor. Toby went in to investigate (I completely forgot to clean up!) and came running out of the closet like a bat out of Hell! I heard clicking while he was running and thought it was a broken bone (I'm paranoid). He ran under the bed and kept thumping. When I got to him, I found out that he had a piece of packing tape stuck to the bottom of his foot! He thumped again and it came off, but he wasn't a happy camper!
I love your blog! It's been awhile since I've ventured into the blog area. Kinda glad I skipped Pride Fest cause of the weather, furries scare me.:p I had to laugh at your "incestuous gay finches," because that's what James and I called our dwarf hotot girls. Sprite was very... dominant? Loving? Wishing she was male? Something. Too bad my sister's transexual husband never got to meet her.:p

I luuuurve your bunnehs. They will be mine.
Don't worry about the furries at Pridefest, though. There was a small herd of them (no more than a dozen), and if they approach you, you can easily outrun them when they are in their fursuits. Furries scare the Hell out of me, no lie. I just found out what "yiffy" meant (DO NOT SEARCH unless you are over 18!). Funny roommate... We just kind of ignore it. I wish he would go back to LARPing (live action role play). Him and his buddies would go to Illinois and LARP dungeons and dragons. Yeah... that's a whole other can of worms lol

My family's old dogs did that, too. We had Bridget and Jenny (West Highland Terriers) and they were mother and daughter. When company would come over, it never failed. Jenny was up on top of Bridget (much to our embarassment). Yeah... Pets have a funny sense of humor, don't they?

And, MY bunnies will stay MY bunnies! Since Berry-Boo is a foster, you can duke that one out with Julie lol BUT TOBY IS MINE! :p
Oh man, I shouldn't have looked that up!:shock: D&D as all good but LARPing is a bit... much. Ok yeah I go to Gen Con when I can afford to but I prefer my roleplaying strictly separated from... life and stuff.

Dora might be needing a friend... NO! BAD ANGELA! NO MORE BUNNIES!!!
Haha! Bunnies are addicting, aren't they? :biggrin2: Berry-Boo is VERY addicting with her plush, rexy fur lol *subliminal messages make you want to snort rex fur, you want to do it NOW!* :p

Yeah, when they would go LARP, I guess they had felt costumes and cardboard swords lol When they needed a "magic" attack, they throw little pouches of different colored fabrics to represent magic. They also yell how many points each hit is. Just imagining a bunch of nerds running around in a field yelling D&D stuff at each other is too much for me to bear. It gives me the warm-fuzzies just thinking about it lol

EDIT: Toby let me sleep in until 7:30AM (normally it's 6:15AM). He finally couldn't take the lack of affection and nibbled on my fingers. He's been on the bed most of the time since then... It's 8:25AM! That's almost an hour of head-pets and nose-rubs! My fingers feel like they are going to fall off!
kherrmann3 wrote:
EDIT: Toby let me sleep in until 7:30AM (normally it's 6:15AM). He finally couldn't take the lack of affection and nibbled on my fingers. He's been on the bed most of the time since then... It's 8:25AM! That's almost an hour of head-pets and nose-rubs! My fingers feel like they are going to fall off!
I want a bunny that jumps into bed in the mornings! That sounds so cute!! I'll ask again: PLEEEEEEEAAAAASE can I have Toby? :D
OK, Jen, only if I can have Snowy AND Barney! :p

EDIT: Here is a picture of Berry-Boo while semi-tranced lol

Also, I had a nice wake-up this morning, too. I felt Toby hop onto the bed, so I ignored him. Then he hopped over my legs and put his little front feet up on my sides (I was laying on my left side). After that failed, I got his whiskers on the back of my neck. That ALWAYS wakes me up. I don't know how he knows where to stick his whiskers for maximum tickling, but he does. THEN, I had to pet him from 7:30 until noon (on and off). :)
This is kind of long, I'll just put it in its own reply/post. This is just from another thread I started:

Why are the best rabbit toys free? Don't get me wrong, it's great, but have you ever wondered WHY? I love it, though! It's cheap!

Empty soda box:



"You guys want pizza?"

"I know it's in here somewhere..."

Getting mad that it fell over and digging at it...

Standing by her slain adversary.

"Can I chew on that, too?"

"You fiend!"


She has such long legs!

... and for the closing, Berry-Boo's nose as seen from under the door.

kherrmann3 wrote:
Haha! Bunnies are addicting, aren't they? :biggrin2: Berry-Boo is VERY addicting
What is it with you kooky foreigners and your funny ways of saying words :p. I never in my life heard anyone say addicting till I joined this website - before you ask I'd only heard the term addictive.

That gaming stuff :lookaround...and gay humping animals...:headsmack
NZminilops wrote:
kherrmann3 wrote:
Haha! Bunnies are addicting, aren't they? :biggrin2: Berry-Boo is VERY addicting
What is it with you kooky foreigners and your funny ways of saying words :p. I never in my life heard anyone say addicting till I joined this website - before you ask I'd only heard the term addictive.
You've never heard it in that context? Like; popping bubble wrap is addictive? Or; cheesecake is addictive? So, what do you say, then?

... I want cheesecake now :tears2:
Ahh, I see. We speak American, not English! You should hear Will talk. I'm not "bashing" him, but because of where he was raised, his English and grammar are less-than-stellar.

"We've brung..." is the only example that comes to mind right now :shock:
I don't even know if it's a word lol I've always said brought. My mum was a "grammar-Nazi". lol

And I only use "baby talk" around animals lol Never in public :p
You'd hate my accent then, I sound funneh :p. Colour (or color to you!) would sound like culla when I say it. Some people from the US told me I say "bare bear and beer" all the same, and I agree as I can't see how you could say them all differently!

Chocolate is "choclit", hmm, corner is corna :p, can't think of much else right now. We don't really use the 'r' sounds in words.

But that's how YOU'RE supposed to sound :p You have an accent to us, so you will always sound funneh :p I don't differentiate between "bear" or "bare", but I do say "beer" different.

I've been told by people from across the US that my accent is "a lack of an accent". Whatever that means. *shrug*
I'd love to hear you say beer, I bet it would be amusing!

beeRRRRRR :p.

Lots of people on the US TV shows start to sound accentless to me after a while, like the people off Friends and that type of accent. But if I stop watching them for a bit and go back, they sound funny.

To me you'd sound all r's and thick over-emphasized vowels. To you I'd probably sound like I have no lips or teeth :p.

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