Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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Poor little Berry Boo... I feel so bad for her. She lookssadand in pain.:(I wish I were there to give her nose-rubs during these next few days to make it all better.

Very nice pics that go along with Berry's update. I also love Toby's pics of his little antics. He is so cute!!! :pI might have to start thinking about finding room for a nethie for myself. They look so small/compact with big personalities. Just too much fun!!!:D

Toby looks like he is one busy little guy...:D. Did you have to throw any socks away once he was done with them?

Toby looks even cuter on video, even though he is very photogenic no matter what. :p

Haha! Nope, Toby doesn't put holes in the socks, he just moves them wherever he sees fit. Sadly, the socks get thrown out once Will is done walking around outside in them and wearing the heels down to nothing lol. I will get a few more pictures up soon! Best Buy said my computer was done... I hope they are right this time... for their sake... :grumpy:

Here's updated fluffiness!

Toby doing a Bunny-500 from the bedroom into the hallway. Will and I like to sing the Batman theme when Toby does it, we just replace the word "Batman" with "Thunderbun". Will gets a kick out of it lol

Slower Bun-500 :p

Haha! I already snuck the pictures of Will into the "Real Men Love Bunnies" thread! :D

Here's my newest picture of Toby. I've put a few of Berry-Boo up in other threads (Binky Bunnies, Bunnies Acting Like People, Mini-Rex Madness, Broken Ain't Boring!, and a few others).

Toby enjoying his box with newspaper in it...

Thank you for all the replies, everyone! :) Here are the newest updates here!

Berry-Boo is 100% healed up and on the move after her spay. She binkies like NUTS! She has mostly been layin' around up on the second shelf of her NIC cage. She snuggles into her fleecey blanket up there. She's up there as I'm typing lol. She also has a second bed on the main floor that is made up of an old scrub-top of mine. She loves that stupid thing lol.

Toby is getting a new play area. Will and I found an old cat condo on the curb last week. It was in front of a duplex where some people were moving out, and it looked like it was in decent condition. It's about six feet tall, and it's made of plywood, PVC piping, and shag carpeting. My mom and I ripped the carpeting off the wood, and took everything apart. I washed the wood, and Will and I are in the process of cutting the PVC down so the total height will be around three feet. I figure that it would be safer at that height. We are replacing the shag carpeting (I didn't know they made shag carpeting anymore...) with industrial shop stuff (you know, the low, cheap stuff). When we are done, it is going to have a main base that has a box over it for him to climb in, a level above that with a hole in it and an access ramp, a carpeted tunnel, and a loft/bed. I'm probably going to hang some of his toys on it, too. I would give it to Berry-Boo too, but she is too into chewing things. I don't want her to rip out any of the carpet on it... She plays with our apartment carpeting enough lol

We got our Halloween pictures of the bunnies! Here is part of the photo shoot. Toby was beyond the ultimate in rabbit disapproval.

Toby the Spider-Bunny

Berry-Boo the Hot Dog (Will's choice of costume... :?)

*sigh* I don't think that Berry-Boo and Toby are going to bond. I am not going to push it, either. Berry-Boo is too pushy for Toby. I thought Toby would have been the dominant one, but Berry-Boo eventually wins. Toby ran behind me full-speed and was trying to hide under my leg during their last "date". She is just too pushy. She doesn't nip at him or anything, but she tries to mount him and he wants nothing to do with it. He just has his eyes open wide and hides by me or tries to get away from Berries. Poor bun. He wants to sniff her through the bars, but they can't be by each other.

Sad. :nerves1
The costume pictures are soooooo darn precious!!!!!:pToby couldn't disapprove of the situation any more than the look on his little face in those pictures! Awe...that Berry-Boo hot dog...too sweet!! She looks like she didn't mind the costume that much. Can't wait to see the entry pictures for the photo contest!!

Sorry to hear that the dating thing isn't going well for Toby and Berry. Poor lil' Toby getting scared. At least you were there to protect him. Berry is still fortunate to have you as her foster-mom, and sniffing through the cage bars will have to do until Berry finds her forever home.

Well, Toby has a condo now! Will and I were able to finish up the cat condo we found on the curb when we were over at my parent's house. My dad has a garage to work in... It's better than an apartment parking lot! Here it is (Toby is thrown in for scale!)

Here are pictures of Toby on his new condo. He discovered that he can easily access his hay bag from the second level! That little butt made a mess with all the hay! Why does it seem that hay tastes better when it's stolen?

Hey! I can see my house from here!

Nom nom nom...

I swear this isn't what it looks like, mom! I AM NOT sitting in my hay bag!

The spoils.

Mmm... Enjoying the spoils...

I was bored with Photoshop :D

Here's the BUNNEH update! :D

I will be picking up some new food for Toby tomorrow. It will probably be Oxbow, or something I'm semi-familiar with. He might get new hay, too. I'll probably just steal from Berry-Boo to see if he likes it :p No runny-nose for Berry-Boo, either! I only heard her sneeze once today, so I think all is well! Both buns were introduced to an endive. Berry-Boo gobbled it up, Toby, not-so-much. Here's some new pictures from today (10/16)

Toby being a butt and squeezing behind the fish tank stand (where he's not supposed to be and he knows it!):

Toby nose (old pic, still cute!):

Toby being an attention hog while I am still in bed (ugh):

More attention:

Toby disapproving of the endive:

Toby: King of the Whiskers...

Dramatic Pose: I has one.

Berry-Boo in her towel/blankie:

Slide show of a some frames of a video I took. The clip was less than a second long, so I didn't want to put the video up. She's speedy! (click to see)

Here, Myheart, these are just for you, then! lol :rofl:
Sorry for the noise, I got lazy and don't want to edit the sound :D

This is what you get most of the time...

AND... I NEED A JOB! I'M SO BORED! :banghead :lookaround

Here's just a image compilation I made of Berry-Boo licking her nose. :tongue

I took these from a video clip and saved the images frame-by-frame. :bow These smilies are fun :agree



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