Haha! Thank you, MyHeart!
I've been thinking, I don't think that I've ever shared the rest of my live-in critters on the forum... I took some pictures this morning, so now everyone can see what Will has to deal with on a daily basis!!! I will group them by which room they live in.
Also, be sure to check out the stuff at the bottom of the post! I am putting extra information about some of these guys down there. Some of them give explanations of their names, etc. The critters marked by "***" have extra info at the bottom!!!
The Bedroom!
Will says it's "ours"... HA!
Tobias L. Bunny
What? I know it's your bed, too!
*** The Freshwater Fish Tank
There's more info on the bottom! It's a 46-gallon bow-front, for quick reference.
*** Russian Dwarf Hamster - "Squishy"
Squishy's sad origins are at the bottom of the page... Here he is begging for a snack!
*** The Roborovskii Dwarf Hamsters - "Scooter & Ms. Peepers"
Coming out of the nest... Scooter is in front.
Bein' fatties...
The Living Room
Yeah... Where my other pets live...
"Little Fish Guy" the Betta
Little Fish Guy is Will's Betta-fishy. He couldn't think of a name, and he just kept calling him Little Fish Guy, so it stuck.
"Oscar" the Betta
My betta-fishy! The only fish I've ever bought at Wal*Mart! (that lived, anyways

Better shot of his coloring... This IS NOT photoshopped to make him prettier than Will's (lol) I just got the camera angle right with the lighting

I did brighen the pic a little, so he is not QUITE that bright, but close.
The Dining Room!
In all fairness, she is between the Living Room and Dining Room. I just didn't want the finches to be alone in this post
*** The Zebra Finches - "Meepers & Psycho"
From left: Psycho & Meepers.
Smaller Bedroom
OK, this one isn't a pet. He's our roommate.
Sean: The Roommate
He is at Pridefest in this picture. It's not a very good pic, but it's the only one I could find... Those are furries around him. Those are all grown men in animal costumes... Yeah. Grown GAY men. It's kind of weird... Our roommate is gay. There. I said it

If you don't know what a "furry" is, go to Wikipedia and search for "furry fandom". Oddly enough, he's in a picture on there, too... :?
Here is that extra info I was talking about!!!
fish tank is a 46-gallon bow-front tank. It's 36" long and 12" deep (with out the "bow" included). It currently houses 2 three-year old angelfish, 2 goldfish from the pond outside, some rasboras, 3 platies, a cory cat, a cherry barb, tons of kuhlii loaches, and an albino bushynose plecostomus (pleco). Oh, I almost forgot Will's "jerk-fish". It's a rainbow shark named "George" (Hor-Hay, like the Hispanic pronounciation).
Squishy is a very special ham-ham to me. I owned her parents, and they were my breeding pair. From their first litter, I kept Squishy's older sister, who was unfortunately named "Stubby". She had this name due to her lacking one leg (mama bit it off). Squishy, on the other hand, came from the second litter and has a deformed face. I found out that the parents had some faulty jeans a little too late in the game. Squishy's face is off-centered if you look at him straight on. He's a good little fat-ham, so I kept him. The other atrocities that came from these litters were a hamster without a tail, Arnold (my mom's hamster with the exploding tumor), & Fatty (EXTREMELY obese hamster). If any of you have seen the movie "The Nutty Professor" with Eddie Murphy (and remember it), Fatty looks like "Shelley" the hamster. She was the one who was rediculously fat in the lab. Stubby has since passed on, as have most of the other siblings. Mama hamster stuck around to the ripe old age of three, despite having no body fat left on her... I did "discontinue" this breeding strain after the second litter of atrocities.
Scooter & Ms. Peepers are our "breeding" pair of Robo-hams. No babies yet. I doubt there ever will be. That's OK, they are still cute! Yes, I have double-and-triple checked. They are a boy and girl! We can tell them apart, too! Scooter is the larger ham, while Ms. Peepers is smaller and has a little hole in her ear.
Meepers & Psycho are our Zebra Finches. We adopted them this June from HAWS. They are approximately two-years old. When we adopted them, their names were "Hor'devours" and "Entree". Nice, eh? We got them for $12.50. That included BOTH birds, their cage, the cage stand, and all their perches/toys/food cups. I love adopting. It's cheap!

Oddly enough, they made us take the finches into one of the "meeting" rooms to see if we were "compatible". I can understand having to "meet" with a hamster or something, I mean, it makes sense to do that with the dogs and cats and rabbits, but finches? I had just had my tonsils out a few days previous to this, so I sat on the floor beeping at them while they were in their cage. That is why I named mine "Meepers". We can tell the finches apart, too. Will's finch, Psycho, has black on him. My finch doesn't have any black on him. He has white wing bars instead of black. They are both boy finches, and I am pretty sure they are brothers. The male birds have a song that is only sung in their family strain. The song goes from father-birdy to son-birdy and it doesn't have much of a variation to it. Both of our finches sing the same song. Only the males sing. The females meerly "beep". On top of that, I have seen both finches "kanoodling" in their nest. I have incestuous, gay finches. Woo.