BIG prayers for Maisie, please

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That's a good idea, Bo B Bunny!! :)

I forgot to report that she went over and munched on some hay a bit ago. I know that when the buprenex wears off, she might just change her mind on her desire to eat, but for now, I'm happy that she's trying. She's movin' around...I'm so proud of her. :)

I'll be sure to give her love from you guys. She's been okay coming over (inside her cage) for some nosey rubs, so she's doing really good.

I'm really working hard on just leaving her be, though...don't want her moving around so much so that she's in more pain when this does of pain meds wears off.

Edited to add: Maisie also did a big ol' pile of poops when she went into her cage. I think she was waiting until she got home to poop! Lol. But, I'm happy to see her pooping. :D
Yay for Maisie! :pinkbouce::party::groupparty:

Get better soon sweetie! :nurse:And keep up the eating :carrotand pooping :litterhealthy:!

And hugs to you Rosie! I'm glad to hear she's on the mend!:hug1
She's such a brave little girl, guys...

I gave her a rice "sock buddy" (as I've decided to call it now) just a minute ago, and she rested her cheek on it (as if to feel the warmth) and looked at me with a bit of confusion/relief in her eyes. It was so cute.

I also noticed she's not feelin' the "movin' around" idea, so I took her regular 1/4c of pellets, divided it in half, and placed one half right near her (so she would just have to turn her head to eat some) and the other half in the spot she was laying in earlier. She looked over, sniffed, and ate a few pellets! YAY!!

I'm so proud of my sweetheart!!!

So, she's got a sock buddy, her food, hay really nearby, and later on, I'm going to put her regular food bowl nearby with some (unsweetened) applesauce in it (something she's not been offered we'll see how that goes...I'll just do like a teaspoon of it). I'm also going to put a couple nice-sized leaves of red leaf lettuce (nice and wet) nearby, so she can eat those when we go to bed (she won't eat them with people around that might see, hehe).

I'm also considering putting some water in a crock and putting it near her comfy area, so she doesn't have to move far for that, either.

Oh, and good news! I just now checked on her again, and low and behold, she's in her litterbox!! YAYY!!

I almost have to wonder if she feels a bit relieved not to have that yucky feeling inside anymore. I mean, obviously she's in pain right now, but she seems to be so willing to do what needs to be's interesting. I honestly didn't expect her to move from her spot the first night she was home, but maybe it's the pain meds that are allowing her to move around a bit.

Do ya'll think it's okay to have her regular litterbox in there? Is it maybe too high for her to be safe jumping in and out of? It's a large kitty litterbox, and it's got about 4" sides. If it is, I'll find something else to do, because I don't want to take ANY chances with my girl's recovery. Last thing I'd want is for her to hurt herself just because of a silly litterboxes sides being too high...

Hugs to all!

So glad to hear Maisie is doing great, Rosie! She's doing a lot better than Hazel was after her spay! Such a trooper :).
Hazel didn't eat much at all for at least a day after, and we had to keep feeding her water on a spoon LOL. My son even put down the couch pillows on the floor in her room and slept with her the first few nights :D.
Give Maisie a big kiss from Hazel and me, and wish her a speedy recovery.
Aww...thank you for the kisses for Maisie...I'll be sure to pass them along. :)

Okay, so I've set her up with water in a crock (which she was happy to see and took a few laps of), and her carrier food bowl thing (that attaches to the front door of the carrier) with 1tsp of unsweetened applesauce and a coupla raisins in one side, and 1tsp of banana babyfood with a couple raisins in the other side. I also gave her a few small leaves of red leaf lettuce (nice and wet, for extra moisture).

So, she's all set for the night! I've taken note here of what I gave her, so I can check on things in the morning. She, of course, has her pellet food right nearby, as well as plenty of hay. Her regular water bottle is there, too, but she hasn't yet ventured over to drink from it. I've marked it with a dry erase marker on the outside where the line currently is, though, so I can tell by morning if she's ventured over to take a drink from it. I'm guessing she'll stick with the crock, though...and I suspect she'll eat the raisins out of the applesauce and banana and then discover the flavor of each and possibly partake of them a little (which is why I put the raisins there...they're small ones, don't worry). I'm hoping she eats they're good moisture, and the banana is a treat. :)

So, there ya go! Maisie's got a full menu of lots of things for the night! :)

And ya know...I'm making sure to give her every excuse to eat...but I'm not terribly worried, as she's eaten about five pellets, and a few strands of I know she's trying and that the desire is there. What a sweet girl I have! :)

OH...another note: I took out Sock Buddy for the night, since it's chilled quite a bit since I put it in there, and I won't be refilling it with warm rice until morning. I think tonight we'll also have a heater on very low to raise the temp in here a bit, so the place isn't so cold for her (our house averages about 64F...I'd like it to be about 68F for her for her first week, at least...have to be sure it's comfy for all, and Danny being from Edmonton in Canada, he needs it to be under 70F in here to function).
Good girl! :inlove:

You're right about her getting worse when the pain meds wear off, personally I'd give her the Metacam before bed if you haven't already. Takes hours to work. It'll take the edge off.

So glad to hear all went well!

sas :rose:
I apologize, Rosie, I haven't been on the site since last week.

I'm sorry that you had to go through so much anguish over the past week or so but I am very glad that that Maisie is OK and going to be fine.

The 2 from the shelter that were just spayed on Jan 10th are 3 yrs old and I was concerned about their age also and what would be found but they were lucky.

Well now that you have gone through the "big scare" with Maisie I'm sure that she will become even more spoiled than she already is right now!
I'm happy for both of you :D
Rosie! For being such a big scare for you, she's REALLY doing well! I don't know that I've ever heard of a rabbit being spayed, coming home and pooing and then eating right away! they usually take at least a day to get themselves together a bit.

What a good girl! :)
YAY!! Oh, Rosie, I am SO relieved and happy to hear Maisie is doing so good. She really is a little trooper, eating and pooping right away!

What they found with the uterus just goes to show why it's important to spay. It's great that you took such quick action.

Carry on spoiling that little darlin' :D

Gosh, I'm soooo relieved that Maisie's fine! I told you it mustn't have been cancer, call it intuition, but I just knew it! I΄m so happy for you! And what a brave little bun she is, recovering so quickly and smoothly!

Give Maisie a huge lick-kiss from Vitto and a hug from me.
Thanks, guys!

Oh man, am I a proud Mama, guys...

She ate her applesauce and banana babyfood, her lettuce, and even pooped and peed! She hasn't had much of anything to drink, but the lettuce was REALLY wet, so I'm not too worried...not to mention the moisture of the applesauce and babyfood. :)

I'll ask Danny to pick up some applejuice on the way home to add a bit to her water. What kind of applejuice is safe? I know most of them have lots of sugar added (or am I wrong on that one?), so I want to be sure she gets the right one.

But...she's movin' around in there...still tippy-toeing, not quite hopping, more like a walk, but she's moving around, which is excellent! :)

Why, she even knocked over the hay rack we gave her! YAY!! GO SPUNKIDOODLE!!!

So very happy to see she's recouping so well!!! Go Maisie! :party0002: (Of course, all spoiling and momma's attentive care wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with it, right???? :foreheadsmack:)
Haha...I know...she really thrives on being treated like royalty, hehe!

I mean, I know other people might find me nuts to be doing so much (taking the time to cook rice...since we don't have a microwave, giving her such a huge variety of things to eat, etc.), but I swear, I never thought of doing any less for her (or any of my babies). She's been doing so good...and I can't measure just how proud of her I am. I really didn't expect it to go this easily! I swear with her I thought I was going to have to do everything but PAY her to eat! LOL!

But, like I think I've mentioned, I almost wonder if she knew something was going on with her body, or if she was in a measure of pain before (even though she wasn't acting like it), because she almost seems relieved...which is an odd vibe to be giving off right after a spay! But, really, she really does seem relieved!

My sweet girl...

Edited to add a few questions:

Should I go ahead and give her more babyfood and applesauce this morning? Or should I wait until later? Also, same question about the lettuce...

I'm going to go make my baby a new Sock Buddy. :) I just love being able to pamper my little baby girl!!
I'd try to get her back on her regular diet as soon as she stops "tip-toeing" around and you see she's back to her normal "royal" self...

I'd wait to see how she is in the morning. See if she still needs pain meds and how she looks. You'll know...
If you're only adding a bit of the apple juice to the water - it shouldn't hurt for a day or two if it's sugary. Just give her more water than anything.

I'm really impressed with how quickly she's come around!
BlueGiants wrote:
I'd try to get her back on her regular diet as soon as she stops "tip-toeing" around and you see she's back to her normal "royal" self...

I'd wait to see how she is in the morning. See if she still needs pain meds and how she looks. You'll know...
Okay, cool. I'll keep an eye on her. Thank you!

:biggrin2: :hug: