BIG prayers for Maisie, please

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Rosie, she'll be ok. :pray:I know it's hard not to blame yourself (like we all do) but I can totally understand what you were thinking about waiting. If there is something and this is the first thing you noticed, then I'm sure you caught it way early and she'll be fine. :)Although I know how scary it is. You're an excellent bunny mama!!

Like Ivory, I was thinking it be an infection but if she doesn't have any other symptoms than I'm not sure.

So, Ivory, rabbits can get endometriosis?? If so, I hope that's not what Maisie has. I know from experience that it's painful!

Rosie, give Maisie pets from us and kisses from Drizzle. :pet::bunnieskiss
Rosie, I'm so sorry. I know Maisie will be fine. I, too, think there is a silver lining here.

Hugs and prayers for you both:pray::hug2:. Healing vibes as well for Maisie.

Oh, and remember to ask for some pain meds, something stronger than Metacam. (I'm sure you thought of this already, but just wanted to mention it as I know how upset you are, I didn't want it to go unmentioned;).)
Oh Rosie, Im so sorry you have had sucha stressful weekend. Im with everyone else on this, I think she'll be ok and everything will be alright.

I'll be praying for you and your girl tomorrow. Let us know as soon as you hear something.


Thank you, guys.

Yeah, there are absolutely no other symptoms. She's peeing fine, eating and drinking fine...she's doing really well otherwise, actually!

She's not been more agressive than usual, except when I break out Teeny's Calf Manna (and ALL of them become more agressive for food when they smell it...practically MOW me over for the food when they smell it now!). Otherwise, she's my sweet girl...she hasn't been sleeping a whole lot more...just the usual seasonal sleepiness (and keeping warm). Nothing out of the ordinary. She really shocked me with the blood in the hay! :(

Oh, there was a mention of pain meds...our vet that does our spays give buprenex, so she'll be really well taken care of there. :)

Thanks for your love and support for us both, guys...
Oh, I just realized something else I should add about my baby girl.

When we cleaned out her cage recently, I realized that she never really enjoyed the toys we'd bought for her...

So, yesterday, while we were out, we bought her and Flower their own wagonwheel toys (as well as the ball that comes with), and Maisie was having SO much fun playing with hers yesterday! She threw it around and had a good ol' time...which is funny, because Maisie's not much of a player...she figures she's much too much of a lady to look silly! Hehe...

It's encouraging to have remembered that she was shows me that we're probably spot-on with getting her spayed, and it handling what's going on with her (I can't handle typing the exact words...the "c" word is such a scary word, isn't it?).

I know my girl will be just's just so scary to think she has cancer...and so scary to have found blood from and on her...I've broken down a couple times, but I leave the room so she doesn't see, as I want her to be as comfortable and happy as possible.

I'm petting her lots...but it's hard, since petting her, I start to cry...but I make sure to hold it in, and remind her of her beauty (not that she forgets, hehe), and tell her that we're all in the process of taking care of this for her, and that she's gonna be just fine and reminding her of my love for her (again, not that I give her much chance to forget, hehe), and that we're all here to do whatever she needs. :)

I think she's doing pretty good, though, if she was playing. It's just so unusual for her to play, that it's REALLY encouraging that she was.

I'm so proud of my little dwarfy girl...she's so amazing, and such a wonderful trooper...

I'll keep you both in my thoughts - I know it's scary - same thing happened to me with one of my rats.

I had her spayed at 2 years old (they only live 2-3 years!) and it turned out she did have uterine cancer, but they removed all her parts & she did GREAT! In fact, she lived to about 3 1/2 years old, which was remarkable.

You're a great mom; you noticed right away & have her going in ASAP - you can't do more than that.

Thinking of you & Maisie

rosie! we are praying for your maisie here at my house. nemo and i are wishing the absolute best for you guys. i'm so sorry :( but she has a great family there to care for her, and she knows that.

Maisie(and Rosie),

Get better soon, Girl! Hope the spay goes alright. Praying for you. :pray:

Message to Maisie: Girl, you gotta get better! You are stressing your mom out!Feel better!

Love, Hannah :bunnyhug:
I can't say much...I've been keeping my off and on crying out of the main portion of the house (so Maisie doesn't see it).

I'm sure she'll be okay...I just feel bad for her, and love her so much...

She was playing again today with that new wagonwheel toy we gave her, so I know she doesn't feel TOO fact, she's playing with it as I type this...tossing it around, hehe! And then she stops and looks around like, "Did anyone see me being silly??" Hehe!

I talked to Danny earlier, and we're going to call the vet's tomorrow and get her scheduled for a spay on Tuesday. They're really good at scheduling things with not much advance I think they'll probably have an opening for us. I'll update as soon as I know.

Just keep praying, guys...I love her so much...she's so first bun love, and she is such a wonderful girl, she sparked a huge love in me for bunnies...she was the one that started the craze...:)

Edited to add: Thank you so much for all your love and encouragement,'s helping so much, and is so wonderful to read. :hug:
I'm not a praying person, but I'm hoping with all my might that Maisie is gonna be ok.

Kisses to that gorgeous chinny baby :hug::rose:
Thanks for being there for me lastnight. I've been thinking about Maisie and I'm sure that everything will be just fine!
oh no Rosie! I'm just seeing this now. That's horrible! I hope she is ok! I have found dark-coloured urine (pinkish, slightly red, and some white) in my bunnies litter boxes before, but it wasn't blood. Maybe this is what you found, but it looks very similar to blood? Im at school right now, so I cant see the pictures but I'll look at them once I get home!

My thoughts are out for Maisie and you Rosie! :hug::pray:
Thank you so much, everyone, for your warm wishes and love...:)

She's now been scheduled for this Thursday (the 17th) for her spay (they were booked solid until then, and I said "emergency spay" so I know she gave me the first possible time slot they had open). So, keep praying that she's just fine over the next few days...

She's my little trooper...eating, drinking, etc just fine, and still playing with her new toy. She just looks a bit uncomfortable in general (or maybe that's my thinking I would feel that way, lol). Is there anything I can do for her in the meantime?

Oh, and when you see the pics, blueskyacresrabbitry, you'll see that it's definitely blood...and not diluted in any way at all.

One real quick thing I wanted to share...and this is not said in an angry spirit, but just as something I should have probably added before, but didn't have a clear enough mind to quite put together correctly.

I would really love to think this were a urinary issue, I would really love to think a round of antibiotics would help her...and I understand people wanting to think this isn't as serious as it is...or that it's something smaller than it is...


Urinary issues with animals and humans pretty much come with the same symptoms (I assume because the urinary systems from each species is so darn similar):

- Funky smelling urine

- Lack of control in urinating (in animals, this presents as "inappropriate" urinating, in other words going other than where they're supposed to go)

- Cloudy/sludgy urine

- Straining during urination (which later could become straining with little to no output)

- Drinking more or less than usual

- Blood in the urine

And here's why I know it's not a urinary issue:

1. The blood I've found was in the center of her litterbox, not in the corner where she usually urinates (Maisie is one that pees in the same corner all the time, doesn't switch around to other corners).

2. It was concentrated blood...not dilluted, as you would expect it to appear if it came out in urine. I also don't think one would be able to SEE that kind of blood (in urine), as it gets so dilluted...but that's for others that are more qualified to determine. I know that you cannot see it either in humans or in cats...unless you have something much more serious than a urinary issue at-hand.

3. Her litter (and thus urine) smells (and has smelled) completely and totally normal.

4. She's not urinated outside her litterbox at all.

5. She's not been straining to urinate, she's not been drinking more, and there's been the normal amount of output.

6. Blood in the urine comes after all the other's when the urinary issue is quite progressed. You would see the other symptoms quite a long time before seeing blood in their urine.

So, basically, you have a case of the animal just not showing any symptoms for a urinary issue...and thus, why I know that's not the issue with her.

Like I said, though...I really wish it WAS something smaller and less serious...I really wish this weren't happening and I could say that she's had antibiotics and is fine.

Thank you again for all your wonderful, sweet wishes for my baby girl...I'll be counting the hours until her spay (and asking lots of pre-spay planning questions).

Hugs and love to everyone!


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