BIG prayers for Maisie, please

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Bo B Bunny wrote:
If you're only adding a bit of the apple juice to the water - it shouldn't hurt for a day or two if it's sugary. Just give her more water than anything.

I'm really impressed with how quickly she's come around!
Thanks for letting me know about the apple juice...I'll have Danny pick some up on his way home. I wish she were drinking it'll help with that, certainly! :)

I'm really proud of her and how well she's doing...she's such a little trooper! :)
We give Clover some of the fancy applesauce here and there... She likes it. Not much but if it's only once in a blue moon and a tsp or so...... she's fine.

Bo likes frosted mini-wheats LOL! I try to bite the frosted side off and then give him the rest.... I know - I'm bad!
Ok...we have DRINKAGE!!! YAYYY!!!

I was so worried about the fact that she hadn't had much to drink AT ALL...I'd given her that crock, which I thought she finished...but upon taking it out, discovered that the floor was all wet, as if she'd dumped it somehow.

So, today, I took the time to show her today that her water bottle was there. I don't think she'd realized it was there, or something...because now, just a few hours later, it's down a good inch in water, hehe! I think in her dopeyness, she just didn't see it, until I pointed it out (I moved the bottle back and forth a few times, and she watched).

Wow...I broke down in tears in relief in seeing she'd had some intake of her water...oh man, I didn't realize how worried I'd been about that! It was like there was that one last puzzle piece that just wasn't quite fitting yet...

And get was AFTER I'd opened the Pedialyte that I noticed she'd had some to drink...and it only says its good for 48hrs, so I'm going to give her some in the crock so she can try to rehydrate as much as possible. :)

I'm so happy, though...she looks REALLY GOOD, and isn't acting like she's in much pain at all, which I find odd. I haven't seen her acting in pain enough to give her any metacam, so not like she has any in her system. I find it really odd how great she's doing...I expected this to be SO much more difficult...

All your prayers and love must have done this little girl good!! YAY!

Oh, side note: We're thinking of scheduling Flower's spay for the first week of February. We're really serious about getting this all done NOW.
Felicity, the bunny from the shelter that was spayed last week also would not drink or eat. Since this vet clinic keeps them over night I had the feeling that she had not eaten or drank while there because I don't know how carefully they monitor this.
I gave her pedialyte by syringe the 2nd night .I'm sure that she would have come out of it by herself but I thought that it might "jumpstart" her system. That seemed to work really good as the AM after the pedialyte she had pooped and also eaten.

This might be helpful when you have the others spayed so that you don't have to be so upset when they don't drink. I really couldn't have gone to sleep that night if she had not had some fluids in her.

Sounds like maisie is over the hump. :D
Yep! I think she really is over the hump...and I'm so happy...:D

What a trooper!!

I'll remember that, though, angieluv, next spay...Flower doesn't know what she's in for! LOL...
Oh Rosie, I'm so happy that Maisie is doing well. You've been such a good, doting bun mom. Now, Miss Maisie, you keep being a good little princess, ya hear?

:eats: + :litterhealthy: = :clapping:!!

Ahhh She's doing well! :)

Drinking is a huge issue all the time here! I gave Bo his little water bowl and he's not fond of a bottle now. I wish he would use both! I worry he will get his water dirty and not drink - he is weird like that!

I bet some people would think we're all a bunch of nuts ya know it? cause we do things like syringe liquids just to get them going better! LOL! but we know they are our furry babies! :D
Few more pictures of her incision (taken last night...ignore the piece of hay that made it out with her, haha):

Aww...I can see a little Maisie teet in these, too!! :D

I'm doing links for these two because, while it would probably be perfectly fine for general audiences, it's still an incision. :)

And here's a couple pics of her tranced in my lap (we were very careful with her last night, no worries):


That's CLEAN laundry on the couch with me, btw...hehe!!


Very clean and healing very well! Good going Maisie! No swelling, no irritation. I'm impressed with how quickly she's healing. (Must be all that "mommy love spoilin'!!!"):biggrin2:
I think so, yeah. I think maybe she knew something was wrong before, and that might have also been what the tail fur chewing was about, and I think now she's feeling relieved and much better than she was before. I don't think she was in any PAIN, persay...but I think she knew she wasn't totally healthy.

She's doing so well...

We went ahead and put her litterbox back to how it was before (wood pellet litter with hay on top)...given how wonderfully she's healing. My girl is so wonderful...Mama's SO PROUD of her!! :D
She looks awesome! I think you have a good vet! nice clean and pretty incision.

Give her kisses for me. She's so adorable !!!!!
I thought so, too...I thought the incision was VERY nicely done. ESPECIALLY with how wonderfully she's healed! :)

I'll be sure to give her kisses from you...:)

I think her healing so well is a good testament to how much love all my sweeties get. I've had people try to tell me that because I have ten animals here in my house, they get less love and attention than other people's animals...but I really think you'd have to see how much love and attention they get to believe it. Given that I'm home basically 24/7, they get talked to all day long, and I stop by and pet each one now and then during the day. They get involved with our daily lives, and they know that we're here for them, and they're never going to be forgotten.

Each one of my babies has a HUGE portion of my heart, and each and every single one of them gets a HUGE amount of love each day. They know they are loved, not a single doubt in my mind.

I think her ability to heal is a good testament to how loved she feels...and I have to admit, I have given her a touch more love lately...but not a whole lot more than she normally gets...and look how wonderfully she's doing! I know deep within my heart of hearts that my babies know they are loved.

Hugs to all!
Glad she is well. 10 animals isn't easy but is still fun. Give her a kiss for me. You know how important she is to me.

P.S. I should know about 10 being ok number I have 13 animals 14 if Chibi bonds with Elvis. Ok so two are not much work at all.:biggrin2:I also didn't jump up 3 all at once. Most was two and they are ALOT smaller than your three.