BIG prayers for Maisie, please

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*fingers crossed for Maisie* and hugs to you!!

Also, remember to actually ask the vet what it could be as opposed to self-diagnosing that it's something with her uterus only (I tend to forget to do that too sometimes). Spaying her won't hurt, but also ask the vet what the bleeding would be in case they want to do other tests.

Hi Rosie,

So sorry to hear about Maisie, I've got all my fingers crossed that she'll be ok, you'll be in my thoughts! (and Mouse and Chalk's) Hope to hear good news on Thursday xx
There's no chance this could be something that requires more immediate attention, right? Just a bit worried about Maisie, hope she's feeling ok today.
The best and most direct way to handle what's going on with Maisie is to have her spayed, and that's getting done in a couple days...the quickest they could get her in. So, she's being very well taken care of, don't worry! :)
Hi Rosie, I just noticed this! We had the same thing happening to Hazel, she also was 2 years old and un-spayed (she's a wild cottontail, and we weren't really considering spaying her... glad we did, though!). She had the exact same symptoms ( or lack thereof) that your Maisie has.
We also did an emergency spay, and she recovered just fine. The vet said they did find some pre-cancerous lesions, but we found out in time, and it was all removed.
Hazel is still doing well, she turned 5 last Saturday :).
Hoping all will go well for your Maisie too.
Crystall...thank you so much for your love...(and congrats on having a GIRL!).

And Hazel-Mom...thank you so much for letting me know. I'm so certain this is what's going on with Maisie, and I'm just trying to stay calm over the next day and a half, while preparing for Maisie's spay.

Thank you so much for sharing Hazel's story...:) It's the encouragement and support I needed! :hug:

Have I mentioned lately how much I love RO? :biggrin2:
I'll be keeping Maisie in my thoughts today. Please update us as soon as you are able. You know there will be a lot of people sitting on the edge of their seats until we hear that she is OK.
Well, folks...Danny just walked out the door with my sweet girl...I had a nice, long talk to her before they left...reminded her that her only job was to stay calm and don't worry about things, and to remember that she was coming back home to me, so don't be scared. I said her ONE job today was to keep calm and wake up good after surgery...that Mama would take care of the rest. I told her that when she comes home, Mama's gonna be right by her side taking care of her, so not to worry.

I'm sure most people would laugh at how frankly and openly and humanly I talk to my animals, but I truly think they at least can tell from the tone of my voice that things are okay, and not to worry.

Now to reassure the rest of the crew that she'll be back soon, and that the world isn't coming to an end (since they've seen her the whole time they've been here, since she was the first).

I'll be sure to let ya'll know just as soon as I know she's out of her surgery...

Hugs to all,


P.S. Some of you said last time we had scheduled to get her spayed (remember when Danny hit stuff with our Saturn? lol) that I would be calmer this time around...and you're right. I'm much calmer, and I think have a much better handle on things this time around. ;)
Ok...good news...Danny's made it (this time, hehe) to the vet's, and is dropping Maisie off as we speak. I made sure he knew to let them know to look at her uterus, etc. for abnormalities (so they could have their memory refreshed).

So, he didn't hit anything, yay! LOL!! (Reference sometime in June or July when we last tried to take Maisie and Flower to get spayed, LOL!)

I'm relieved they made it...the first hurdle is done!

Now, to wait for the call to tell me she made it through the surgery okay...
Well, kinda long, yeah. They said that they should be done with her surgery by early afternoon, so I just have to clean out and prepare her cage, and when she comes home, I'm going to say "welcome homes" and make sure she's okay...but then I'm basically going to force myself not to flutter over her constantly, so she has good time to start the healing process, sleep, and start recovery.

My poor sweetheart...:(
Prayers & good vibes being Maisie's & your way that everything goes smoothly and you have your Baby home in notime.

I hope you hear something soon, waiting is the worst, even tho she'll be just fine and we all know it...its still TORTURE!
One of the ways that I'm lucky, is that I can just watch the surgery and watch them wake up, and alert someone if anything is going wrong. That's why I tend to be so calm, I guess...but it must be scary, not being allowed to watch, and not knowing how it went or how they're waking up...

Best of luck to Maisie. I'm sure she'll be fine- most of them are.

The couple of surgeries I've gone thru w/ mine, I betthe vetwoulda let me be there, but I was WAY to emotional as it wasn't a planned thing, it was more life or way could I have handled that...altho I was there before he was even fully awake! :biggrin2:

And while I'm here...a few more healing vibes sent for Maisie...

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