Beezille's Buns

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ya well he had free roam of the apartment for awhile...but tore up all that carpet in the carpet. and hell have free roam of my room when the baby gate is down. but hell be happier getting to run around always

and i dont know, might be her hormones or possibly her replacing her babies. or she just is hateful
my roomie, michael, has chrones disease. hes been having a flare up and monday night he had a temp of 104 and couldnt move. his gf and i rushed him to the er. was there most of the night with him and then i left for work tuesday morning, his gf stayed with him, then when i got off i stopped by the house, fed and watered everyone and went back to the hospital. hes doing a bit better but not by much. they have him on a lot of pain meds.
mimzy slept in bed with me last night, i forgot to put her back in her kennel so she just free roamed my room and i woke up with her next to me. kinda comforting.

i dont really have much to say about this right now, might later.
got home tuesday morning and was going to sleep for an hour when my dog started freaking out and then i heard a bunny scream and then the boys freaking out in the cage making a huge racket. i jumped out of bed to see the boys freaking out in their cage and ess running around in his screaming. i grabbed him as fast as i could and his body was stiff but he was still kicking and screaming. i dont want to know what happened. i dont want to think about it. i still havnt touched his cage...i almost put food in his bowl this morning. then i just sat there staring at his empty still hasnt registered. when the apartment is silent, i can hear his screams though...just echoeing around me.
loosing Dalton and then Ess...its to much right now. and work and michael being in the hospital. took pictures of ess monday of him and charlee...ill post those for the last pictures that will be posted of him. buried him by the big tree on the trail...
fuzz16 wrote:
i dont really have much to say about this right now, might later.
got home tuesday morning and was going to sleep for an hour when my dog started freaking out and then i heard a bunny scream and then the boys freaking out in the cage making a huge racket. i jumped out of bed to see the boys freaking out in their cage and ess running around in his screaming. i grabbed him as fast as i could and his body was stiff but he was still kicking and screaming. i dont want to know what happened. i dont want to think about it. i still havnt touched his cage...i almost put food in his bowl this morning. then i just sat there staring at his empty still hasnt registered. when the apartment is silent, i can hear his screams though...just echoeing around me.
loosing Dalton and then Ess...its to much right now. and work and michael being in the hospital. took pictures of ess monday of him and charlee...ill post those for the last pictures that will be posted of him. buried him by the big tree on the trail...
I am so sorry. I know how much Ess meant to you and I know if makes it even worse to not know what happened. I was in the same situation with a pug named Cooper I had about 2 years ago, He was only 3 years old and out of no where one day he just started having seizures and no vet could tell me why and I had to have him put to sleep at a young age. That was two years ago and I still cry at the sight of a pug or any dog that resembles a pug.

So I know exactly what it feels like and I am terribly sorry. Ess had a good life with you and all of your househeld, he couldnt of asked for more.

:hearts Ess
Shainabee wrote:
fuzz16 wrote:
i dont really have much to say about this right now, might later.
got home tuesday morning and was going to sleep for an hour when my dog started freaking out and then i heard a bunny scream and then the boys freaking out in the cage making a huge racket. i jumped out of bed to see the boys freaking out in their cage and ess running around in his screaming. i grabbed him as fast as i could and his body was stiff but he was still kicking and screaming. i dont want to know what happened. i dont want to think about it. i still havnt touched his cage...i almost put food in his bowl this morning. then i just sat there staring at his empty still hasnt registered. when the apartment is silent, i can hear his screams though...just echoeing around me.
loosing Dalton and then Ess...its to much right now. and work and michael being in the hospital. took pictures of ess monday of him and charlee...ill post those for the last pictures that will be posted of him. buried him by the big tree on the trail...
I am so sorry. I know how much Ess meant to you and I know if makes it even worse to not know what happened. I was in the same situation with a pug named Cooper I had about 2 years ago, He was only 3 years old and out of no where one day he just started having seizures and no vet could tell me why and I had to have him put to sleep at a young age. That was two years ago and I still cry at the sight of a pug or any dog that resembles a pug.

So I know exactly what it feels like and I am terribly sorry. Ess had a good life with you and all of your househeld, he couldnt of asked for more.

:hearts Ess

thanks, stillcant talk about it on the forum. your the only one who reads my blog lol.

and ya i thought it was hard loosing dalton but Ess was my baby...he was the one who got me truly into buns as more than just a rabbit. i dont think i can even get another rabbit. it helps that mimzy is a cuddler though.

loosing Ess on top of the stress im under is making me miserable. like really, you know how people say things cant get any worse? only get better...well...they keep getting worse. har.har.har.
some pictures of Mimzy...shes been sleeping in bed with me since roaming my room too, i moved her kennel in there and just leave it open so she goes in and out.
We were chillin in the kitchen



looking for treats ^^

she was slipping lol ^^
Chillin in my room, watching a movie

she pooped in my bed -.- ^^

Mimzy and Ty, my babys ^^

(ignore the skin...its all ****** up looking. but i had a baby. still gross though!) ^^

bun butt! ^^

kisses ^^

she passed out here...then scratched everytime i didnt have my hand on her. which was painful. ugh. needs her daggers clipped ^^

cant stay at the hospital anymore cause he doesnt have a private room. sucks...but a need sleep.

me and my roomie, the girl one, talked about moneys last night and the lack there of. im checking out some clubs today and tonight. i wont dance but ill serve....dancing does make good money though. thinking about it really really hard. my friends a stripper though...i know what she sees guys as now. i know what it did to her. ruined her relationship with her bf..still loves him. but she has a wall up that she cant let down. :( and the guy im talkin to...we talk about if i danced what he thought. he told me what i told him once, "do what you do." i figure hes upset and wouldnt like it. but were not together really. and im more concerned with affording life than having him in my life. sad but honest. been hurt to many times by guys to care if i loose another.

its bad when there is only enough money to scratch by and i cant afford my medicine after charlees necesities and the pets. i bought the rabbits food yesterday...and spent my food money id been saving :( i will be ok though, i can go longer on small bits of food than the buns.

then i cried. the stress got overwhelming. i have a job i work 40 hours a week, often times more. 7.45-min wage. paid biweekly my last check was about 500$.
a breakdown of my costs to live.
car insurance and payment-280
food-200 just for charlee and i
food-20 (bimonthly. i get 40lbs bags)
hay- free most times from grandparents farm
litter-40 a month or so. need to find a cheaper litter than the cop stuff i use
food-40 month
frontline-40-3 month supply
frontline-40 between two cats and three month supply
food- 40 bimonthly
daycare-245 weekly
diapers-80-90 monhtly
wipes-20monthly(if im sparse with them)
baby foods-50 montly

thats just some of it. i dont wanna think about the rest. thankfull i havnt had a period in a year, saves me on tampons by a lot!!!!
ok. these pictures were taken of Ess the night before he passed. he was running around and eating the veges charlee threw on the ground so i put him up there to get cute pics of her hugging him :) he was getting fat. i wanna cry. but i cant. to tired to.


he ate the rest of the carrots and was wanting more i think

found a cracker maybe? i dont know what charlee's doing. Tys just begging like usual *rolls eyes*

*hugs* shes still learning how to be gentle with mimzy but fine with the others...cept she likes to smack the boys' ears. she likes how the flop back up i guess

*open mouthed kiss* ess was trying to escape...i would too if she kissed me like that though

he had just laid down and relaxed getting all hunched in for pictures, just looking as handsome as ever. id totally jump on that if i was a doe :)

and though its getting easier to accept the fact i have lost two great buns in the short couple still kills me. it helps that mimzy is a sweet bun, but i miss my fat little buns. Ess's cage is still set up...sitting there empty. i should move sara into it, it takes up less space than the one shes in now.
so got it figured out.
i talk about my personal life to much.
dont care :)

-talked to the apartments, rent is moved to 814.
-i have the whole month to slowly pay the rent. so ill be able to pay it, hopefully have money left over to at least get someone fixed. god thats so sad i need to get it done.
-will have enough, after friday, to pay off the rest of rent, my car payment, and also some utility bill my ex-roomie didnt pay off and left me with a huge late fee.
-my pet deposit is still in place so i dont have to pay another 300$ :)
-tys not going to my ex!! thank loose him then :(

ya. ty got a bath! my hands were so fuzzy after scrubbing him down. ugh. lol. now he looks super skinny and his fur is all messed up looking. wish i had my camera, its cute. in a ugly dog kinda way
Decision has been made. I fought for it hard for awhile with Sara's attitude and biting. But I've had enough now. I feel bad because she has been with me for so long and I am very attached to her. But I can't keep her anymore because she has become WAY to aggressive and she ran up to my daughter, who was ignoring her completely, and drew blood. I could have ignored it with her biting me, but not my kid.
I feel horrible, but I've tried very hard to get her calm. spending time with her and giving her lots of treats and love. But I can't take it anymore....She will be rehomed with a breeder I got my flemmies and lop from. She said she would work with her and I would get her back once she was over her issues.
Certain decisions just have to be made. I'm sorry you're having to do that but I might would do the same thing if I had a child and was in the same situation. Children are too innocent to have to go through that for no reason.

The breeder wouldn't breed her would she?

Let us all know how it goes :)
no, the breeder knows she carries the double dwarfing gene. she helped me with the litter she had before that was deformed.
and she breeds purebreds only with pedigrees, so she wouldnt have a use for breeding sara

and sara free roamed last night with mimzy and they cuddled last night...i feel bad because i could probably bond them together, but i dont think i have the time to deal with her aggression problem.
Yeah, and Sara might change once Mimzy is no longer a baby.

I say that if you know the breeder will care for her well and work with her. Do it.
building an NIC cage for the boys-MImzy will probably be added to it later :)started a thread about it so people can keep track

well i think maybe it was her being cooped up and having less time out. because now she is acting her old self-not pyscho...and she even let my daughter kiss her(or bite her whichever it was). still, though, i have found a home for her with two nuetered boys. a flemish giant and a fuzzy lop. :) she will keep the boys in line.
i feel bad for rehoming her, specially meaning i might have been to blame for her attitude. but could also be the stress of the apartment right now. i think she would be happier with these two rabbits than at my home. :( i have had her since she was a baby and i remember i got her cause she licked me (and the fact i knew she wouldnt sell-her sister was there for 5 months then went to a home free)

Blake is being fixed friday. his hormones are out of control and fallow is still being laid back, so i can hold off on him until i actually have the money. uggggh...why is it so much to fix a bunny!!!! dumb.

and p.s. Shainabee, thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog. it makes my day to know someone pays attention *hugs*
hello was reading this ages ago and lost it until i found your nic thread x it is now book marked lol
lovely pics x sounds like you have been having a rough time though :( x
well sara actually cuddled last night. put her on a makeshift harness and took her outside. it was sprinkling a bit but she liked it. just plopped down in the grass and ate. shes fickle.

but i dont think she knows it yet, but sara was on craigslist for a few days- i know horrible...and yes would have questioned them and made sure they knew what they were doing with her and how to care for her. think me horrible if you will. shell be happier this way- but a member from here is actually getting her saturday maybe. actually im pretty sure she doesnt realize it, so i am about to write her an email about her.

found out why she was aggressive towards the kitten and baby mostly. when my roomie was watching my daughter and i wasnt home she wouldnt watch charlee and martini and they would hit on and attack sara. now that that doesnt happen anymore she is happier.
peppa and georgie wrote:
hello was reading this ages ago and lost it until i found your nic thread x it is now book marked lol
lovely pics x sounds like you have been having a rough time though :( x
rough time yes, im a single mom. ill always have money troubles (unless i marry rish like i want to!) but i gotta be strong, just need somewhere to rant where no one knows me
Arr it is hard isnt it. Yes is nice to rant too. I think i must be paranoid i always feel like everyone generally ignores me in forums, there will be lots about stuff and i say something but all the nexts posts read as though i am invisible lol. I am very sensitive though and my other half says forums are like that especially if you are relatively new, you have to establish yourself apparently lol.
Mind you it might be just something about me or the things i say lol x x Anyway i shall be an avid reader for you now.
peppa and georgie wrote:
Arr it is hard isnt it. Yes is nice to rant too. I think i must be paranoid i always feel like everyone generally ignores me in forums, there will be lots about stuff and i say something but all the nexts posts read as though i am invisible lol. I am very sensitive though and my other half says forums are like that especially if you are relatively new, you have to establish yourself apparently lol.
Mind you it might be just something about me or the things i say lol x x Anyway i shall be an avid reader for you now.

thanks :) i now have two :)

i tend to rarely have time to ever keep up with the forum and people. but ya i feel pretty ignored most the time, i used to get upset about it a lot but not so much anymore....i just use this as my kinda diary for the buns and learning stuff.

and with forums in the past it does take a while to get noticed with anything you say, the fish forum i was on i was known by everyone and respected for my knowledge, but here im still learning and cant help out with advice or anything so im kinda just another bun-slave that nobody notices
arrr there is sort of a forum behaviour that takes some getting used to. i first started all enthusiastic and chatty with ideas i had used and was really taken aback when i just got ignored or corrected every time lol silly really but it upset me too then my other half explained what it was like and so i am more guarded with what i say now and expect in return x
your bunnies are beautifull by the way x
i am very jealous of the flemish giants, i really want one.
You may have heard me going on or seen the thread where i was trying to adopt one from the rspca and someone was really nice and helping me but he was far away so was a long journey to pick him up, which was fine we would do it. Then i needed a home visit from my local branch but they said they wouldnt do it as i hadnt met the bunny. The lady there said she couldnt understand anyone wanting to adopt or rescue a pet they had not met before. I was really irritated as i just want to give a loving home to him it doesnt matter what his personality is like i would love him and had found out about him from people working with him.
She was having none of it so i cant get him as wouldnt be able to go up there with three kids to visit him and then alot later to pick him up. grrr sorry to rant.
Anyway look forward to lots more pics of them xx
people here are nice, but one wrong thing said and its imprinted on you from that day on. i know i will get a lot of s**t for rehoming my sara, but she just doesnt fit with me and the way i live.

and ya i read the thread about it, i beleive. and there was someone who worked for the organization or one of them giving you advice?
i want to adopt a rabbit, but they make it so difficult. ive wanted hims ince feb and its between them not letting me and me not thinking i have time for another big bun. (hes a french lop mix-Brumby)but i had been trying since august 08' to get a flemish and finally found a breeder close to me, but they were mutt bunnies, but i didnt care. their still my lovely doggy-buns

and rant away, its good for the emotional state of the human mind-which is messed up. lol. and with the amount of animals in shelters and rescues they really should be more worried about finding them a home and if the person is willing to give them a good home and take care of them then so be it. its not thier job to pass judgement
Thanks, yes you would think they would be more keen to get the animals into loving homes.
I understand why you need to re-home sara, and i can imagine it must be sooo hard.
I had to rehome some buns years ago before i had children. My parents told me they had found a lovely home for them, when in actual fact they gave them to an animal rescue, they thought i wasnt coping and wanted to help i guess. I was so angry though when i found out as i only found out when one of mine died and i wondered if they still had the others and if there was any way i could get one back or here about them as they were brothers and sisters of the one that died. Anyway my parents were really funny about giving me details of where they had gone so i rang a rescue as i was suspicious and they told me about it. I was cross and upset too as it turned out they died the day after they were put there. I felt like it was my fault as i had let them go.
Yes i love to rant i think i do it too much though.
Do you have any news on when or where sara might go x