Well-Known Member
So been working over time. this is my only day off today until not this coming sunday but the sunday after. not looking forward to it. im exhausted...but loosing weight from working out and lack of being able to pig out cause theres no food.
sadly rabbits havnt gotten much attention. the boys i let run around on the patio once it cools down until i go to bed and the other three trade off running around. Mimzy chills out whever i am mostly though. she lays in front of the toilet sometimes when i take a shower to. she seems really curios about the boys and i cant wait until thier nuetered to introduce her to them
well couple days ago while i had the boys playing Blake caught his lip in the baby gate. god knows how he did it. so his bottom lip has a rip in it, but it didnt bleed that much suprisingly and been putting anti-biotic cream on it and hes been doing fine with it.
im getting ready to seperate the boys til i can get them fixed so that problems dont arise with fighting.
Ess tore up a corner of carpet bad...i may have to move into a smaller place. meaning ill have to pay for the carpet. hopefully it wont cost insane amounts
more money and bills than i have money for. lifes rough, gotta start getting better sometime though right!
sadly rabbits havnt gotten much attention. the boys i let run around on the patio once it cools down until i go to bed and the other three trade off running around. Mimzy chills out whever i am mostly though. she lays in front of the toilet sometimes when i take a shower to. she seems really curios about the boys and i cant wait until thier nuetered to introduce her to them
well couple days ago while i had the boys playing Blake caught his lip in the baby gate. god knows how he did it. so his bottom lip has a rip in it, but it didnt bleed that much suprisingly and been putting anti-biotic cream on it and hes been doing fine with it.
im getting ready to seperate the boys til i can get them fixed so that problems dont arise with fighting.
Ess tore up a corner of carpet bad...i may have to move into a smaller place. meaning ill have to pay for the carpet. hopefully it wont cost insane amounts