Beezille's Buns

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Hey how about a gay guy best of both worlds he he
sorry silly joke there xx I think you should get them to leave, your life could be a whole lot more positive without them.
You could try advertising for an animal loving house mate, most animal lovers are certain sorts of people and if you stress the bunnies and stuff, you could even say you are into rescuing and then you might get someone to help you out and be a bunny buddy. That would rule out any anti pet types and generaly if they are kind to animals you would like to think they would be kind to kids too although may not always follow xx
let us know how it goes anyway x Shainabee is right about letting mimzy out and leaving a door open that is quite a major disaster, allsorts of things could have happened xx
lol most of my guy friends are gay...but they are older and have houses and such.

i think i am to nice. but if it comes down to it im getting a once bedroom and i can afford that alone-im pretty sure.

i try not to think about Mimzy being outside....its a scary thought. i know it wasnt thier fault...the door you have to pull on really hard to latch and its happened to me before as well and i dont notice its open for hours. so i cant be angry at them for it.

built the NIC cage last night...redoing it tonight though cause apparently im mentally retarded and messed it all up!!! lol. but for now its holding them :) im updating that thread with pictures and everything here in a minute.

Sara only got about ten minutes out last night. got home around 7 from work and let her run around for a minute while i cleaned her cage, but then she went back so i could make the boys' cage and i went straight to shower and bed after that. but i think cause her issues they have decided not to get her, so shell probably just be staying with me and hopefully i can figure things out for her, cause my roomies are now bitching about another cage lying around. ugh.

found a vet who owns her own small little place, shes not rabbit savvy but has a lot of experiance with rabbits so i am going to go see her about fixing everyone. since shes a smaller clinic and also in a bad-poorer-part of town she charges 75$ nueter and 90$ spays. im going to see if it take all four in if she can do them all at a lower cost...package dealio thing. im cheap i know.
Arrr maybe sara can be worked on, bless her, is hard with kids and pets, do you think she is a real threat to charlee? Is charlee old enough to keep away from her,she looks young in the pics so maybe difficult.
Yes i would go for a one bed if i was you, then it could be a total bunny palace for you all xx
Good luck with the vet thing, they are very expensive arent they xx
my daughter is 13 months old on the she doesnt know any better. i just keep them in seperate rooms when sara is out running. ill figure it out im sure and once spayed sara should calm down. my roomie was in agreement that sara was most aggressive when she was prego and right after she had the babies...
ok. so i post to much. o well.
got the boys harnesses and leashes. the harnesses are so hard to put on though. i didnt try with blake but fallow put me through a lot just to get it on. it clips right under their neck so im sure blake will nip me if i put his on.
blake tried chewing and pulling fallows off. it was cute lol. it was like fallow told him to get it off him and blake was helping him


Fallow is such a handsome fellow in his blue harness and leash!!! he loved the neighbor came out too and her dog so three dogs gave Fallow a bunch of attention. he sucked it all up but kinda got scared and ran to me when they started rough housing


love this picture of Fallow

anyone ever noticed Mimzy has wings on her shoulders? i did a few weeks ago but kept forgetting to say something


Mimzy butt

got Mimzy a ball like Miley had...she wouldnt touch it. I was disappointed





the lonely ball untouched and unbitten^^

Mimzy eats anything you give her...she LOVVVES this spinach dip...she kept straling my chips and running away with them



then we put in a movie and chilled for the rest of the night :)

then this morning....

Daisy sometime in the night jumped up in bed and slept there (my rooms messy i know...Mimzy wont poop in the litter box )

yes...Daisy had just woken up when the flash went...she sleeps like this lol

Gorgeous pics, i tried leads on mine and Georgie went mad, ended up making whole garden safe lol
Oh yes preg hormones and stuff she would have been aggressive.
She should be fine after being spayed.
Give the ball some time! hhaa keep pushing it to her.
Miley didn't touch it for like a week and I just when I was going to throw it away, it was tore apart :)

I don't think she is overweight! She is a growing baby haha. She cracks me up because the hair on her forehead is so long and scruffy. It's adorable.

Fallows harness clips under his neck? what kind did you buy? it looks like a regular dog one, but I've never seen one that snapped under the neck. It's so hard to get Mileys on because of her ears - Mine clips under the belly so imagine trying to squeeze Mimzys ears and head through a tiny hole! haha

I love the photo of Daisy with her tounge all floppin' out haha
Years ago i must have had a very fat bun as i bought one and it wouldnt do up under his belly lol xx Peppa and georgie are much slimmer lol but dont like being restrained xx
lol well its a cat harness i dont like it at all. they have these easy harnesses that you put thier legs through each hole then it clips over thier back. ill have to go get one of those :)
two blue ones and a pink on for mimzy, sara is to tiny for one

well the boys and sara both have one too and none of them touch them...o well. the kitten and dog does :)


Mimzy and I: This is back when she was about 9 weeks old maybe?



Mimzy on one of the car rides:We go when it's cooler out and she hangs out in the passenger seat or the back dash of the car. Martini goes with us. She was about 9 weeks old here too




This is Mimzy after a car ride, she was exhausted!

Martini in bed sleeping

This is Fallow, this was taken about two weeks ago...hes got a blocky head :)
omg! Mimzy was so little when you first got her. Way younger than 9 weeks I think. I got Miley when she was 8 weeks and and she was so much bigger than that, I couldn't pick her up with one hand to save my life haha.

Martini is so adorable! It never fails to shock me how cats can fall asleep in such ODD positions haha.

ya...Mimzy is gonna be small and stay that way i think...

but she did a dead bunny flop and landed next to my leg and slept like that for awhile. that made me smile

cats and babies...i swear my kid sleeps in ways i dont think i ever could!!
Aw! I love dead bunny flops, their so cute. Scary sometimes, but cute ahaa.

Kids sleep in odd positions too?
I wish I could just fall asleep anywhere, it would be so nice haha I'd be able to get naps all the time.
Boys in their new cage :)

Fallow on the ledge (it got carpeted over the last peice and cardboard for safety)



Sara before she got moved into her new home-a kennel with a second level :


she seems happier now in that than the cage...even though she seemed to have more room in the cage. o well


harassing Ty




Mimzy in Sara's cage. she helped me build it :) she jumped up then took her awhile to build up courage to jump back down

Mimzy has grown very attached to my 8 year old cat, Smokey. she loves being around her and sleeping while touching her. Smokey tolerates it now but she doesnt like the attention of any animal. But Smokey was grooming herself then started grooming Mimzy so that made me happy.

post more pictures later. gotta go to work now. ugh.
Shainabee wrote:
Aw! I love dead bunny flops, their so cute. Scary sometimes, but cute ahaa.

Kids sleep in odd positions too?
I wish I could just fall asleep anywhere, it would be so nice haha I'd be able to get naps all the time.

lol me to! first time i saw Dalton do it i started poking him and he didnt move. i freaked out. then he woke up all calm lol and started eating. ugh he scared me lol

and are some pictures of my daughter sleeping. i dont know how she does it. shes nuts.



^^^^this one is nuts...she was abouttwo-three weeksold i think


HAHAHAaa. You're right!
The second picture is nuts. I don't know how they do it. It hurt my neck just to turn it to look at her rightside up haha.

The boys are getting so big! They look so comfy in their new cage :)
ya they have a lot more room in thier new cage, but not enough. so they get lots of patio time to and they love it out there, im wondering what theyll think of the snow when it hits finally :)

and ya...she still sleeps weird at a year old...dont know how she does it.


Mimzy loves pets from anyone, and very curious. Charlee was banging around in the kennel so she investigated :) and got some attention

Daisy and Ty playing: yes just playing.





Ty has teeth! he rarely looks

Ty smiles a lot :)

Puppy dog eyes


i was trying to get her to play with it

she just ignored it, and me


i love how she sleeps, like a little dog :)





always next to smokey :)






lol yes, maybe Peppa and Georgia will starting getting jealous and be more snuggly? maybe lol

also...talked to the vet. they normally charge 150$ a rabbit, if i bring in all four, theyll do 90$ each!! im exctied! its its a short five minute walk from my apartment to there so i cant go check on them when im worried!
just have to double check with the vet about procedures taken, so far they do everything the way i want to hear :) mask them out give pain meds after and blablabla