ok. so i post to much. o well.
got the boys harnesses and leashes. the harnesses are so hard to put on though. i didnt try with blake but fallow put me through a lot just to get it on. it clips right under their neck so im sure blake will nip me if i put his on.
blake tried chewing and pulling fallows off. it was cute lol. it was like fallow told him to get it off him and blake was helping him
Fallow is such a handsome fellow in his blue harness and leash!!! he loved the grass...my neighbor came out too and her dog so three dogs gave Fallow a bunch of attention. he sucked it all up but kinda got scared and ran to me when they started rough housing
love this picture of Fallow
anyone ever noticed Mimzy has wings on her shoulders? i did a few weeks ago but kept forgetting to say something
Mimzy butt
got Mimzy a ball like Miley had...she wouldnt touch it. I was disappointed
the lonely ball untouched and unbitten^^
Mimzy eats anything you give her...she LOVVVES this spinach dip...she kept straling my chips and running away with them
then we put in a movie and chilled for the rest of the night
then this morning....
Daisy sometime in the night jumped up in bed and slept there (my rooms messy i know...Mimzy wont poop in the litter box )
yes...Daisy had just woken up when the flash went...she sleeps like this lol