Beezille's Buns

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Im sorry :( I've read your blogs a few times actually, just as i do others but i never post on them.. Are your two boys flemish? They look like it.

Im really sorry about Dalton, Binky Free Dalton
boys are 13 weeks old today...its insane how big they are already.

This morning I had a PB&J while I let the boys run around for a bit, Martini played with them and Blake doesnt like her but Fallow will sometimes play with her, ignoring her the rest of the time. Blake kept taking my jelly off my sandwhich though, it was cute.

Blake looking for more jelly


Martini sleeps and plays with the bunnies, she's the flash.


Blake is skinnier and has the NZ look to him while Fallow has a pudgy fat head and body








Pipp wrote:
Just read your last few Blog posts yesterday, I'm stunned that today Dalton is gone. :(

What happened?

So sorry... :cry2

sas :cry1:

Dalton was mauled and killed by Maddy, a pitbull boxer mix I was dog sitting. owner doesnt want her back cause he thinks shes a killer now.

I know its just the terrier instinct and i dont know how she got to him...but she cant stay with me now cause my other rabbits and the kitten.
i broke down to my dad about Dalton earlier. he showed me a broken chesnut french lop and a chesnut lop, said we could go pick one up right now, hed pay for em and everything...i cried harder. i decided-and promised the other rabbits and roommates-that another rabbit wouldnt come home until all boys were fixed and litter trained.

stupid me stopped by the pet store where i used to work and they have holland lop and mini lop babies...i was so tempted. i know i cant right now. and if i got another, it would be Brumby, the rabbit in the shelter...who i still go back and look at just to see if hes there..
Oh god that made me want to cry and i am new here and only just finding these blogs, so only just read about dalton, that must have been so terrible. I really feel for you. Poor poor Dalton xxx
ya...Maddy is now with a friend. it was hard to see her go, i got really attached to her.
when i was driving away she was pulling at the leash whinning and barking and when i got home my dog ty was walking around whining and lookinjg for her. hes better now but dont know about her yet.

Sara had three babies Wednesday night June looks REW((the deformed baby who will be named Tanner im pretty sure. still deciding whether its best to put him/her down or keep him/her myself)) one looks lilac, and the other otter according to a breeder...still young to tell though. Sara's loving being a mom, i think. shes playing with her toys all the time and binkies aroundt he closet when she gets some time out. seen her feeding the babies once, so im happy :) shes being a good mom, opposite of what i originally thought.

Ess is annoyed and fidgety, he scratches at his cage and pouts a lot. i think he misses Sara a bit.

The boys, Fallow and Blake, are getting big. they run around on the patio in the evening once its cool and Fallow plays with Martini a lot, Blake hates her though. They love cheerios and will nip at your legs for them. They get pouty and loudly kick and throw toys around the cage when they go in for the night. I just dont trust them out all night.

Mimzy figured out she can slip through the wire kennel slits. she runs straight to the boys and hangs out there with them.i think she likes teasing them. thinking about bonding her with the boys once everyones been fixed.
figured id fill in birthdays and gotcha days for everyone, not just my bunnies either :)

birthday: july 7th, 2001
gothca day: july 8th, 2001
bottle raised when mother abandoned her and 3 siblings, takin one kit with her. one doa, two died within a week.

birthday: august 1, 2008
gotcha day: feburary 20, 2009
sweet pound puppy, very odd looking boy. went in and fell in love with the looks of a lab husky mix...walked out with this butthead who i originally thought was ugly and didnt know what it even was. :)

birthday: unknown
gotcha day: september 29, 2008 (bout 5 weeks)
Ess was originally Sara but after getting Sara I realized Ess was a boy, ugh. Ess i fell in love with while working at the pet store...brought him home before we opened the next day.

birthday: unknown
gothca day: october 5, 2008 (bout six weeks)
Got as a friend for Ess...and cause i knew she wouldnt sell. sadly, most rews stayed there for a couple months.

The boys: Fallow and Blake
birthday: march 15, 2009
gotcha day: april 21, 2009
I loved my dwarves but i wanted to know the feeling of having a giant. the way people talked about them just enticed me more, so when i found out about these two, 3/4 flemish-dad being fawn- 1/4 new zealand, i couldnt pass it up. :) and i knew i wanted boys, took me awhile but now i can tell them apart very easily

birthday: may 9, 2009
gotcha day: june 15, 2009
After Dalton died my dad showed me this lop baby and I didnt really think anything of it until he gave me the money to get here. I originally had wanted a french lop before a flemish giant but couldnt find any, so this baby i just couldnt turn up. my first pure bred-(partial) pedigreed animal ever!

birthday: may 10, 2009
gothca day: may 29, 2009
Sister dropped off this baby she took from her friends house. three litters of kittens were dying off from lack of care and neglect. we took her in. shes had URI already, plus needed multiple flea treatments, and also on medicine for an eye infection.

Charlee "Bear" Ann-baby
birthday: july 14, 2008
my red headed daughter who will be a year old soon :) getting better with the bunnies and will give the dog and martini hugs and kisses....she bites the dogs face to. i dont get it. :)
Sara's babys were born wed night, june 17th. lost the litter june 20th. two babys put down for deformities, one she killed.

The boys ran around yesterday almost all day, evading Charlee as much as they could...and martini who has an unhealthy obsession with thier ears. Fallow did a bunny flop and laid on his side looking dead, every now and then you could see a tongue stick out, lol. martini would take that chance when he wasnt watching to attack. they did good cept in the baby room(which is actually the dining room where all her toys are kept) they kept pooping in the corner. no biggie though :)

Ess got to run around to for a bit outside once it cooled down. he doesnt enjoy the freedom as much as the boys and mimzy, he just sits in the litter box and doesnt know what to do.

Fallow, while they ran around last night, jumped on the couch and laid down next to me for a minute. hes such a lover, Blake is a lot more skittish, until you offer cheerios.

Figuring out how im going to pay bills, my job sucks and its hard to work so much when i dont have daycare yet and no one to watch charlee most the being a single mom, then again i like it.

Charlee's walking a lot more :) she's getting big to. her birthday is in 22 days!!!1

edit: forgot about Mimzy!

Mimzy continues to come out of her cage whenever she likes and come steal food. she tried some mint chocolate ice cream yesterday and milk over it. it was super good...made me mad when she jumped in the dish still half full. she was sticky and gross but Ty got to eat the rest, he liked that.
Some pictures of Mimzy. shes getting bigger.she got out last night and figured out how to get onto my bed. she slept at the foot of my bed last night...left lots of poop pellets. lol.

Her cage:

Charlee kissing Mimzy:

Mimzy passed out, she had some of Charlee's dinner:



Mimzys favorite spot on the couch:

clean bunny:
The boys:

Blake laying in the sun with Charlee:

Blake(?) being attacked by Martini-he hates her-:

Fallow after stealing the carrot:

Boys playing:

Boys wanting the carrot:

Charlee feeding the boys the Ty:


ty got a carrot too




they tried stealing it
Sara's been acting funny...havnt messed with her a lot. she got to run around a bit outside once it cooled down but she charged at everyone who went out, kept lunging and attacking me. i know shes not prego, hasnt been with anyone...kinda worried. shes eating and drinking fine thoug. just super aggressive. drawn blood a couple times on me.

Ess i introduced to the boys, but i am gonna wait for sure now till hes fixed, i love my little dwarf but dont think i can ever go back to the dwarf breeds after the boys. :) thier great and awesome.

found someone to do nueters for 75$ and spay for 90$. its a low cost plus smaller vet clinic. ill take all three boys in at the same time once i have the money, Blake gets sort of aggressive towards Fallow when Sara or Mimzy is around them...or even if i give more attention to one the other gets jealous. thier silly.
So i woke up this morning to ess laying down next to me all passed out on his side. i was really confused at first but i figured he got out of his cage last night...which yes i keep him in a cage that he can escape from if he tries. lol. he used to be a bed bunny and sleep at the food of my bed, but never by my head. it was cute :) made my morning. and then somehow martini was stuck in his was funny though
[align=center]The ten noble pet truths.

[align=center]1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
[align=center]2. Give me time to understand what you want of me

[align=center]3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

[align=center]4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as Punishment. You have your work, your friends, your Entertainment, but I have only you.

[align=center]5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

[align=center]6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

[align=center]7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

[align=center]8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I might have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

[align=center]9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.

[align=center]10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me.Please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so. [/align]
Talked to a vet, now waiting for the boy's balls to drop so they can get fixed. getting more and more worried as it gets closer.

Ess is free roaming in my room right now until i figure out how he gets outta his cage, does good with litterbox training so i dont mind him running around.

my dog got locked in my room last night so he got into my crash can and chewed up a diaper in my bed...i slept on the couch last night...doin laundury now and my dog is gross. ugh...puppies. hes almost a year so will grow out of it soon.

smokey-my cat-slept next to me last night with martini-the kitten-sleeping at my feet. smokey was annoying. martini just randomly got up and started attacking me or smokey. shes weird...

got in a wreck yesterday...yay. slight damage but insurance should cover it..its a new car :( went to a photoshoot last night, it was...different. my friend was a pinup girl and they didnt have time to get pictures of me and my make up done so going another time maybe.

mimzy is getting bigger :) to big to fit through the kennel bars so she doesnt escape in the night anymore.

Sara has been acting a bit happy...or to weak to be mean. not sure. shes not eating as much as before but been giving her cooked carrots when i make them for the baby and she eats them up.

super tired from work...stressed out....why is daycare so expensive!?! its 285 a WEEK!! for my daughter to go...i get maybe 150$ a week. explain why this doesnt seem right to anyone. lol...dumb country
Rabbits are good. LIfe is getting really rough. My daughter turned one tuesday :)

The boys are getting big. Blake is at 8lbs. and follows me around for everything. He came and sat next to me on the couch and was on the edge. he fell off, dont know how, and just laid on the ground looking at me. i told him cheerio and he jumped up and laid on my lap and took a cheerio from me :) Fallow is about 10lbs. my money i was saing up to nueter them had to go to gah. still not old enough so i have a bit more time.

Blake found out i was eating ice cream and spilt the dish on himself

Fallow looking for cheerios

Mimzy is good, getting big. we let her free roam when were making dinner and cleaning up and she goes and lays in front of the trash can and watches us...its cute though when she scurries to beat the kitten to food that falls to the floor. shes a junk food baby



my sister's puppys legs in the background. she does good with the bunnys too :) she didnt like sharing the water though

Ess was free roaming-due to me not being able to figure out how he kept getting out, turns out he was pulling a side in and slipping under it.- till he tore up all the carpet and decided to sleep in the pile he made of it. now he pouts at night, chewing on the wire. so annoying

Sara is getting fatter now and more spunky again, getting more social and the plan is to get her fixed and Ess and rebond them, then bond Mimzy! if it doesnt work out Mimzy will go with the boys :)

job sucks. i dont make enough for rent. my roomie moved out cause we had a disagreement about something and flipped out on me for nothing. took the silerware, dishes, pots/pans, trash can...ya a lot. so had to go buy more. now im broke and thankfully the buns just got a bag of hay and pellets but the dog has a few days worth of food....dont know what ill do yet.

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