Good news everyone! I have found a brush that works wonders on Bandit!! It's amazing and I only tested it for a minute.
I decided to randomly browse the pet aisle at the supermarket (which I don't usually do because it's all dog/cat food/toys and usually nothing decent. But since I've been looking all over for a brush for Bandit I figured it was worth a shot. I had been looking at the Zoom Groom for cats and the Hair Buster comb. I can't get shipping for the Hair Buster here, and the zoom groom was about $16 and I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money on it if it wasn't going to be really great. Then I saw this brush at the supermarket, it's actually marketed for removing hair from furniture etc, but it's silicone/rubber like the Zoom Groom is, just with fine bristles. Add on to the fact it was only $4.95, I bought it straight away.
It's probably a little bit large for small rabbit, but medium to large breeds would be fine with it, and you definitely wouldn't want to use it on long fur. The complaints I see about the Zoom Groom seem in involve the hair not sticking to the brush, but with this, because of the many fine bristles, it seems to stick well. You still get floaties, but you're always going to I think. In any case, I'm really excited about this. Yesterday after work while Bandit and I were lounging, he did a little bit of loud grinding which had me concerned. So we've upped the grooming from 2-3/day to 3-4/day, and I've also split his 1/4 cup of pellets into two meals today (morning and evening) to try to increase his morning hay intake. So far today I haven't heard any grinding, which is good. I might give some more feedback on the brush after I've used it a bit more in a few days.
I've taken some pictures of the brush, the pic of Bandit is from Bunny Club a few weeks ago