Bandit: rabbity antics

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Ahh, Bandit is so cute! That second from bottom picture is just adorbs - "hey mum, I fixed the paper stack for you!"
Thanks Pani, I love that photo too :D Bandit was acting up today, being a weekend I decided to try letting him out in the morning, and boy was that a mistake. He was just into everything and trying to eat and dig at the couches and I couldn't do anything because I literally had to follow his every move. I ended up shutting him in again until later in the day, the poor guy, lol. I also bought him some new toys yesterday, they're plastic bird toys that I've hung in his cage. In typical bunny fashion he's completely ignored them except for when I hid a piece of carrot on one of them.

More photos again :p
1. I think Bandit may have claimed that particular lounge chair, he was chilled out on it for quite some time.
2. Bunny feet! <3
3. Some photos of the herb garden. I brought all my potted herbs with me from my old place and the new place has these nifty little garden beds. So I planted out everything except the chives (not for Bandit), rosemary (has to go somewhere else in the garden), lemon balm (no room) and mint (because it's a bit invasive). The only thing I'm missing is basil because all my plants died off in the bad frost we had about a month ago. In the beds I have parsley, coriander, lemon thyme, oregano, dill, lettuce and silverbeet (new seedlings), and baby carrots (I've had them for ages, I just feed Bandit the tops mostly).

Also I apologise for photo quality, I really need to find my compact camera instead of using my phone camera all the time.





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It's time for more updates (like you needed any with the amount I've been posting lately :p ) Still, there have been some changes. I finally added the corflute to the back and side of Bandit'd condo behind the litter tray, it should mean I don't have to clean behind the cage nearly so often. I also added flooring to his steps today, I just had folded fleece blankets before but I was worried about him pushing them off the steps. So I put a plywood base, and then cut some foam mats to size (though he'll chew those up at some point). It's worked well though.

He's gone through some well-behaved and some very naughty stages in exploring the new place and getting regular run-around time. It's great to see so many bunny flops though, he does them all the time :D

1. Steps with new flooring
2. Exciting different angle :p
3. Bandit being cute in his litter tray, as only bunnies can be!
4. The "final" condo with corflute and step coverings in place. You can see his new bird toys that he ignores :D This is clearly the "before I swept" image :D

Condo Steps.jpg

Condo Steps2.jpg

Bandit Cute.jpg

Bandit Condo.jpg
Wow, hats off to you! The finished product looks amazing, I'm impressed with all the love and effort you clearly put in. Bandit looks so pleased with his new digs. I'm glad he's adjusting well to the new house!
Thanks so much, Bandit really does seem to like it, which is great. Had such a feel-good moment today because I bought a cheap area rug to cover some of the floorboards and give Bandit some traction, less than 5 minutes after letting him out he was zooming around and doing binkies on it :D So he obviously likes it. He's also already tried to eat it, but that's why I bought a cheap one, lol. He's been racing across it and then sliding along the floorboards at the other end, haha!

I also bought a dust buster a couple of days ago so that I can vacuum loose fur from his cage while he's out. I can't use the vacuum cleaner because he would make a beeline for the power cord.

If I manage to get some good binky shots or video I will share, but literally as soon as I turned the camera on he sat down and groomed for a while then just wandered off :p
Some how they know when they are about to be filmed lol Shida does the same thing!

~Shida (and Shell)
I managed to film Bandit doing some binkies and 500s yesterday :D I had the camera set up on the tripod ready to go, then I let him out, and since the first thing he does is race around on the rug, it worked out perfectly. I just need to find some basic free video editing software, since there's several videos, and a few long pauses where he's just sitting there and I'd like to be able to put it all together. Then I'll share it with you guys :) I took some pictures too, nice pictures instead of phone camera pictures, lol.

The herb garden is growing well, I can already tell after a week that the oregano is almost literally jumping out of the ground now, it's growing so well, I think it was a bit stagnant in the pot.
If you want to email them to me I could do it for you, I have some really good video software that I paid for to do my sister-in-laws wedding, it's call pinnacle studio plus 17

~Shida (and Shell)
I appreciate the offer, I've been meaning to get something for while though because I film birds on occasion too so I need it for that anyway. :)
Yesterday was the first day that I didn't get a chance to let Bandit out to play, I could tell he was a little frustrated by it :p So today when I let him out he just went all crazy for a while, haha. It was super cute. Right now he's just hanging out by the back door, I open the glass sliding door and he sits right in front of the screen door and looks outside and listens etc. He really seems to like it :)

I took some more video today too, so hopefully I can get around to putting that all together at some point soon.
Don't you ever stop shedding?!?!!! :pullhair:

The amount of fur is just crazy. I vacuumed his cage yesterday afternoon, and this morning it looked like I hadn't even done it! :vacuum:
I've been trying to get more into the homemade toy thing for Bandit. One of them that I made yesterday he hasn't even touched :p I also gave him a hay bag, which is a paper bag, stuffed with hay and a few pieces of herbs and a single craisin for him to destroy. Up until now, he's just had a couple of little nibbles, but he's finally gotten right into it and there's a lot of ripping going on :D

I bought these super expensive paper bags at the supermarket that weren't treated with anything (the only other choice was more of a shiny brown paper that was probably treated with something to be grease proof), I bought sisal string to tie it with and then of course I already had all the hay etc. He seems like he's having fun destroying it at the moment anyway. He must have finally smelled the craisin :p

In other life news, I bought a lawnmower today. I probably have at least 120 square meters of lawn (front and back combined) and it was quite overgrown. So today I learned to assemble and use a lawnmower. It also kicked my butt. It seems completely effortless at the time, but after having been sitting down for a bit, I'm quite achy.
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Aw, Bandit's toy sounds cute! I bet he's enjoying it. I should see if I can make something similar. :)
I feel so awful right now. My brother is moving house and can't take his cat with him since his new rental doesn't accept pets (I won't get started on how much I hate it when pet owners rent out a place that's not pet friendly). But long story short, this cat needs a new place to live. I said I would think about it, and though it breaks my heart, I just don't think it's the right decision for me to take her.

While I would love to give her what I know would be a good home, it would be difficult with Bandit making sure they got along, and if they didn't having to keep them separate. Then the additional vet bills and the fact that I'm going away for a weekend about a week or two after I would get her. It just doesn't feel like the right time and I would feel irresponsible taking her on when I know it's not the right time, even though she does need a home. I'm just worried, that she'll get really ill and I'll fork out lots of money at the vet, then suddenly Bandit will also get ill but I won't be able to afford the vet care. That would break my heart.

Going to let them know tomorrow I think, I feel bad since I offered in the first place. But it just doesn't feel right.
Cost-wise, since it's your brother and it's his cat, maybe you could come to an agreement that he would foot her vet bills if any. Or even just help out with paying a portion of the bills as far as you need him to, to ensure you can still maintain a decent financial cushion for yourself and Bandit. I think it's a pretty fair exchange for knowing his cat is with someone he trusts to treat her well, and you being family means he can come over and see how she's doing too.

But naturally if the addition of a cat would be an added stress that you and Bandit don't need, you shouldn't feel obligated to take her. It's not like she's in urgent need anyway. It's his responsibility to find her a good home, and I'm sure he'll make every effort to!
Thanks for the advice, I did end up deciding not to take her. While I would have loved to take her on, I just felt it wasn't the right time, or the right decision for Bandit at this point. We just got settled and he's loving it here, I didn't want to risk it.

In good news, I finished making a sign for above Bandit's cage today :D I saw the hook in the wall above the cage and immediately knew what had to go there (just hadn't made it until now). I used an offcut of plywood from his cage levels, stained it with some leftover stain from when we made my bed frame, then bought some mdf letters and painted them with some paint that I've had for years and knew I would use for something eventually :p So here you have it, the finished product. I love it :D

DSC_0643 Bandit sign 1.jpg

DSC_0647 Bandit sign.jpg
Love the sign! It's fun to hear he is so happy in his new home. Nothing like a happy bunny to cheer up your day :)

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