Bandit: rabbity antics

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Congratulations! Small weddings can be really nice too. Mine was just a handful of people, so I'm sure yours was wonderful! Glad Bandit is happy, even if his wedding surprise wasn't the best, lol.
Thank you so much everyone, it means a lot. We had such a fantastic, enjoyable day and a really relaxing weekend after. We've also been overwhelmed with the generosity of our friends and family with the gifts they gave us.

One friend bought us a rabbit cake plate, I'll have to take a picture and upload it, it's pretty awesome and funny :p
It's been a while since I updated so I feel I better fill you all in on things that have been going on.

A week after we got married was my birthday. I had a great day until Bandit fell ill. I have no idea what caused it, but he had a very serious bout of GI stasis and I stayed up the whole night with him. I would have gone to the after hours vet but the rabbit vet wasn't on call and the receptionist didn't seem to know how familiar the vet on call was with rabbits. So I stayed up all night petting him, and just keeping him company and trying to encourage him to eat and move around (which didn't work). We went to the vet in the morning and got the usual pain killers, gut motility meds and sub q. fluids. It was still the better part of the day until he started eating again. But after a few days he was right as rain again. I've no idea what caused it as he didn't have a blockage and hadn't had any unusual food. It's a mystery.

Bandit is back to his mischievous self again now. Just this week I've started to get the new herb garden set up and plant things out from the pots that I brought them here in. There's a few things I need to grow afresh such as Basil as I always lose that during the coldest part of winter. I bought him a new bed today (second one in as many months) and he seems to like it. It's one of those canvas type dog beds. Picture attached. He seems to like it so far and has spent a bit of time on it lounging and grooming.

I've also finally resumed my youtube channel since I hadn't had the chance to make the part 2 video for moving with bunnies that I'd made previously. So here's hoping that continues to progress well. Channel is here if you've never seen or are interested

Every now and then Bandit is using his new bed, caught him using it today for a grooming session. So cute! :D

Also, have an adorable picture of him eating chervil. I bought some natural (no added anything) apple chips at the royal show (see video - sorry, I can't figure out how to not directly embed it and just link to it instead.: [ame][/ame] ) on Friday, and tried a piece on Bandit today. He gave it a tiny hesitant nibble before deciding that it wasn't worth eating. Just now he was laying down so I put it on the ground in front of his nose and five minutes later I caught him eating it. He ate it all except the "crust" I guess apple peel isn't appealing.



Some days you just really need a cuddle from a pet... pity that Bandit doesn't really do cuddles. :( Bunnies are lame :p
Yeah, no kidding! You would think I'm torturing some of my rabbits just to try and pet them, let alone cuddle.

Bandit is as gorgeous as ever.... despite being a lame non cuddle bun :p
This is why I think I will always have a dog in my life, as well as my other babies. Buns are wonderful, but there's nothing like a dog when you need to cuddle, IMHO.
Yeah, no kidding! You would think I'm torturing some of my rabbits just to try and pet them, let alone cuddle.

Bandit is as gorgeous as ever.... despite being a lame non cuddle bun :p

Haha, thank you :D He is pretty darn cute, which is why I can't be mad at him for not wanting to cuddle. I will just have to admire him where he wants to sit, and just settle for loving on him with pets.

This is why I think I will always have a dog in my life, as well as my other babies. Buns are wonderful, but there's nothing like a dog when you need to cuddle, IMHO.

Yes, I need a cat in my life for that exact reason. Will also plan on having dogs, but I find them a bit too clingy at times :p
Yes, I need a cat in my life for that exact reason. Will also plan on having dogs, but I find them a bit too clingy at times :p

I am clingy like a dog, so if you put me and a little dog together, we cling to each other and sometimes it's the only way to get some peace around me, XD.
Bandit peed outside his litter tray for the first time today. It's technically not the first time, since he's done it before when he outgrew his last tray, but he's never done it for seemingly no reason. My guess is that he didn't want to go in the tray because I skipped cleaning it yesterday. I clean it out every day after work, although maybe once a week I skip a day but never have a problem. He seems perfectly himself otherwise, so it's possible he just thought the tray was too dirty. If it continues to happen I'll certainly have to consider health reasons. But until then one pee outside his tray in 2 and half years isn't too troubling.
I think he's gotten too spoiled :p They're so picky, aren't they.
I think he's gotten too spoiled :p They're so picky, aren't they.

Haha, probably. He is definitely spoiled, that's for sure.

I recently introduced him to dried apple chips. He's not one for trying new foods and at first he just refused it. Then eventually he had a nibble and reluctantly ate a piece (minus the bit of skin around the edge). And now, he absolutely loves them and goes crazy for them. Haha, he just needs to learn to try new things :D

We also got a new (secondhand) coffee table yesterday, he seems to think it's a new toy just for him, he's spent a bunch of time underneath it being very silly.

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