Thanks Pani, I love that photo too

Bandit was acting up today, being a weekend I decided to try letting him out in the morning, and boy was that a mistake. He was just into everything and trying to eat and dig at the couches and I couldn't do anything because I literally had to follow his every move. I ended up shutting him in again until later in the day, the poor guy, lol. I also bought him some new toys yesterday, they're plastic bird toys that I've hung in his cage. In typical bunny fashion he's completely ignored them except for when I hid a piece of carrot on one of them.
More photos again
1. I think Bandit may have claimed that particular lounge chair, he was chilled out on it for quite some time.
2. Bunny feet! <3
3. Some photos of the herb garden. I brought all my potted herbs with me from my old place and the new place has these nifty little garden beds. So I planted out everything except the chives (not for Bandit), rosemary (has to go somewhere else in the garden), lemon balm (no room) and mint (because it's a bit invasive). The only thing I'm missing is basil because all my plants died off in the bad frost we had about a month ago. In the beds I have parsley, coriander, lemon thyme, oregano, dill, lettuce and silverbeet (new seedlings), and baby carrots (I've had them for ages, I just feed Bandit the tops mostly).
Also I apologise for photo quality, I really need to find my compact camera instead of using my phone camera all the time.