Looking nice! I'm sure Bandit will love it!
I've been building one too, as a temp bonding cage until I get my bunny room remodel done. It's amazing how you start out thinking it won't take long to put together... then several hours later you're still at it

I'm always looking for new ideas. I'm liking those non slip tiles. What are they exactly? And what is that plastic edging?
One thing that I discovered, that may or may not be helpful to you, is that I found that the cage also needed some vertical support. So I attached 1x2's at several points around the cage, particularly around the doorway. Seemed to keep things from sagging so much.
The non-slip tiles are a self-adhesive rough vinyl that I found in the hardware store in the same section as rubber feet and castors for chairs etc. It's basically a non-slip stick-on strip for the edge of steps etc, it was pretty wide so I cut it in half. The plastic stripping was in the builders section, I'm not sure if it's used for plasterboard but it was kept near there and came in a few different lengths. It's just a "U" shaped stripe with one side of the u a little longer than the other and it slips on over the edge. I was just lucky that it was the right width to fit on snugly. Like this:
I only had one issue with sagging (apart from the roof where the door is but that's to be expected) and it was on the left panel above the front door. I was able to fix it by attaching it diagonally to a piece on the roof that wasn't part of the roof door. If that makes sense, if not I can illustrate it.
So Bandit's cage is now 99.9% finished. I only say that because I forgot to attach the corflute, which I'm going to add on the outside behind his litter tray to stop hay slipping through.
So now it's time for more pictures
1. Attaching the roof, here you can see all the solid parts of the roof, the three grid long gap at the front is for an access door.
2. Cable tie attaching the cage to the base. Not a very exciting picture I know

I found that I didn't have to attach it in the corners, only next to the door opening and along the sides which resulted in the corners being held in naturally.
3. The finished product in position (I have it sitting on interlocking foam mats so that it doesn't damage the floor)
4. Another angle, doors open
5. Freshly installed bunny. This was right after we finished moving the furniture in and were having lunch, hence the small temporary litter tray which was in his travel-size cage. The blue box with carpet on top for traction was the original idea for the step to the next level
6. Bandit on the top level, he could get up, but he couldn't seem to get down, so I made a few alterations (seen in next post).