Going back to work is exhausting! I had all of October off from work, then I work five days straight and I can tell you I'm feeling the effects, lol. I just have to get back into the swing of things. It doesn't help that I have to get up at 5am for work on weekdays... I received the sample bag of litter from Oz-pet today, it's 5 kg so it's a decent sample and will help keep me going for a while longer. I did notice, that on the delivery e-mails I received about the shipment, that it was coming from a company called Aus pellet heaters. This is a company I looked into buying pellets from, so they must be the people that supply pellets for oz-pet to sell under a pet brand.
Bandit updates:
1. Yesterday morning I came downstairs to feed him and realised that he'd been on top of the washing machine overnight. How did I know? I found the toggle for the blind pull cord on top of the washing machine, instead of still hanging on the cord where it is supposed to be

This was a little concerning for two reasons; the first being that he could have chewed through the washing machine power cord again (have since devised a way around that in case he ends up there again) he also could have destroyed the blinds (I may need to pull them up at night), and secondly, I'm very worried about him hurting himself when he jumps down from there, it's about 90cm high and he's jumping onto tile with all sorts of objects on the floor (his food bowl and tunnels, toys etc).
2. I have come up with a way to stop him messing with the gates/fencing when I let him out in the hallway etc to play. He used to constantly fuss with them, try to chew on them and lift them etc. Not only was the sound annoying, but sometimes he would escape, I was worried about damage to the walls and he would focus on it so much that he wouldn't do anything else. But, I have since discovered that if I put a phone book on the floor right against the gate, he just has to destroy it!! It took him 8 months to get his previous phonebook which is kept in his room to being halfway destroyed, but he did the damage in the picture below in half an hour! He certainly had fun, lol.
I have actually been considering baby gates, firstly because they're more secure and he wouldn't be able to mess with them, secondly I wouldn't have to step over fences all the time, and thirdly, I'm assuming it would take me 1/4 of the time to set up and take down his play area every time. I'm not sure on it yet though, while I think they'd be great, I'm just not sure I should be spending the money on them.