So, two good very good things and one very funny thing have happened recently. The first is that my good friend's husband fixed our washing machine cord for us for free!! He has his restricted electricians licence so no worries about it being a dodgy job at all, which is nice. I ran it today after I got home from work and it works a treat, it's so good not to have to hand wash clothes anymore.
The second good thing, is that he also made me some rabbit jumps. He's doing some sort of building course at the moment and is way ahead of everyone else in it so apparently gets bored, his wife (my friend) told him about how I was wanting to train Bandit to jump so he decided to make some for me. Which is super nice of him. So he dropped those off yesterday when he came over to fix the washer.
As for the very funny thing... well, on Sunday it was my nephew's 5th birthday party, and my mum gave him a dart board with suction cup darts. Later that night we set up the dart board, and my nephew stuck one of the darts to my forehead before pulling it off. Fast-forward a few hours and I have a nice big "hickey" on my forehead from the dart, lol. It's already been there two days, I'm hoping it goes away soon, lol. Still, it's a fun story to tell when people ask about it.
I got to try out the jumps today with Bandit, and having used them I would have made it so there could be more poles on it that fit closer together so you can raise the height in smaller increments, but I got them for free so I'm not complaining. I may even be able to add in some in-between heights if I really want.
Enough rambling, it's Bandit jumping photo time

(and also pushing over pole time, he seems to quite enjoy doing that. One time, he even jumped between the two orange poles without knocking either of them off!)