Thanks guys, it is a fantastic picture
The problem I had with my bale of hay, is that I initially decided to start bagging it while pulling off the wheat seed heads in the process (seemed like a good idea at the time) until an hour and a half later I'd only done one bag, lol. So I decided to do a second bag with seed heads removed, and then I got sick of it and just decided to dump the rest of the bale into bags and I could pull the seed heads off at the time when I got Bandit hay. So I get down to dividing the last two flakes in the bale and discover literally dozens of earwigs. I hate earwigs at the best of times, so this really didn't make my day. At this point the bale was still in the boot of my car on a tarp, so I bundled it up and pulled it out before deciding to salvage what hay I could off the top, shaking it thoroughly, before I sprayed around the edges of what was left and onto the bale with some insect surface spray. The earwigs were all trying to run off the edge of the tarp all at once so drastic measures were called for. So I sprayed it excessively, then bundled and tied the whole thing up and threw it in the trash. I would have just tipped it into the green bin (for garden waste/leaves/bunny poop etc) but it was already full. And I was not releasing that many earwigs outside my house, it was horrible. That was really the only downfall with the hay. It's beautiful in every other regard, perfectly clean, smells great, not dusty, no crappy little waste bits that I know Bandit won't eat, very green throughout and nice thick stems for superior teeth wear

Also it was cheaper than what I usually pay for bales, just those earwigs... ugh.
Bandit is still going crazy with the shedding, when will it end?!

ullhair: I've also just realised that the 24th will also be one year since I brought him home =3 So I'll have to take his picture and maybe give him treats or something. I did actually buy him a new toy today, but haven't given it to him yet, so perhaps I should wait until Monday. I have also been considering buying him a little fleece cat bed, the ones that are half or whole covered so it seems like a burrow. With cold weather approaching, the floor of the laundry can get pretty cold, so I want a way for him to stay cozy. They had some white leopard print ones at kmart for $9 that seemed they would be worth trying. And at $9, I really don't think I'd mind if he never used it