Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Thank every one. I thought it was just me but Buddy really looks like a puppy to me.:wink:

I have more good news concerning Jeremy. Today is his test inmusic. Hopefully he does well. He has been chosen for a solo in theChristmas musical. He'll be playing Jolly Old St. Nicholas with hisrecorder.

He has also been chosen to do a radio broadcast. He will be onthe Air on May 17th. He is so excited and I am so proud of him.

Lyndsy, he wants to know what song you want him to play for you?

Oh thanks SOOO much forposting new pics of Buddy Tina. "Buddy" as a name is going totake awhile for me to get used to... it's cute... but somehow I reallygot used tocallinghim"OOOOOhhhhEEEEEEEE". Gosh he looks like he'sgrown already since he left... which I'm not surprised. I canjust imagine that he is getting into absolutely everything... he hasthose fresh baby eyes... everything must look soo new and interestingto him.

But isn't he just a doll? Whenever Ipetted him he went straight into "ham-mode" and sat perfectly to takein all that attention. I really miss the little man... but Icouldn't be happier that Dale just loves him!!

Please give him a big squeeeeeze and kiss for me!!


That news is AWESOME!!!!!! Although it really doesn't suprise me.....

Christmas is my favourite time of the year, so tell him ANY christmassong will do! You know what would be neat, if the busy little bee canfind some time, if he would make a tape of music for the baby! I'mgoing to be playing some music for him/her when he/she can start tohear things. and what better than some wonderful music fromhis/her cousin Jeremy! BUT only if he has the time, you tellhim to let me know what he thinks about the idea.....

all my love to you all,:heart:

Buddy!- what a perfect name. He looks like a buddy. Oh, just look at this precious face!


He could get away with murder at my house looking so sweet andi bet he does at yours too, Tina. I'm so glad you'reback.
Aww! I like the name Buddyfor him; it suits him. :) He does look like a puppy, a lilbasset hound, hehee.

Congrats to Jeremy! Sounds like he's quite the performer. :)

Jeremy's test has been postponed until Friday. :(

Lyndsy, I read Jeremy what you wrote. He said he would love tomake you a tape for his cousin to listen to. I did the same thing whenI was pregnant with Jer.;)He is practicing already.

Sandra, I still call him my Otie. It's hard getting used toBuddy. I gave him hugs and kisses from you. He just puddled of courselol.

Samand shawn, thank you.

Jenni, He is so pampered. Dale has some antique encyclopedies.Well Buddy didn't think they were antiquey enough and chewed all thebottom corners off. Does Dale get mad, nope Buddy you can't do that.:faint:

If Koda or Normn did it he would have been hopping mad. I would have gotten the I need to watch them more.

Jen, thank you. He is so much fun and it's great having himhome. I have more pics Of Wollo man I just haven't had to time toresize them yet.


Tina, all the pictures are wonderful. I just love that first one of Apollo.

Buddy is just adorable. I think it's great how Dale has fallen for him - Daddy's boy can do no wrong, huh?

Tell Jer I think he is amazing - such a talent, and to be able toperform after all the recent trauma. You have every right to be proud:)!

slavetoabunny wrote:
Wow - Buddy is sure a BIG boy!! 22" ears - that isas long a a newborn baby. What I'd give to pet thoseears. I wonder how big he's going to be full grown.
Gosh its hard to imagine what it would be like having ears that size, he is so beautiful, sorry handsome
Things have been a bit unsettling herelately. More problem poachers has finally got the police andGame warden taking action to put it a stop to this mess.

In light of these events I have decided to actively look for alarge dog. I am using all the resources available to me. The localpapers, internet and word of mouth. I am not looking for any one breed.Just an all around good family dog, good with small children and smallanimals.

So far I have writen in regards to a female pair ofBloodhounds, another female Bloodhound, a Bull Mastiff, a pair of GreatDane puppies and an Irish Wolfhound mix. So hopefully one of these dogswill get to live here. If not well I'll keep looking.

Every bunny is doing great. They are definitely keeping me onmy toes that's for sure. Koda scared me with tiny poops yesterday butsome pumkin and Nutrical fixed her right up.

Buddy has this thing about trying to chew my finger nails.:dunno:

I'm not sure what that's about lmbo.

Norman is becoming the Thump Master. I sweaar this guy thumpsjust to see me jump up and see what's wrong. Of course it's nothing. Hewaits until I sit down again to do it again. Kinda like a bunny runningjoke.

Christa has really blossomed. She looks amazing. I'll have topost pics of her. What a real little lady she is. She has taken toshowing me her back end whenever I break out the camera.

Hopi is the clown of the family. He gets himself caught in someof the funniest situations. He jumped into the garbage can the otherday and couldn't figure out how to get out again. I walk in the kitchenand all I see is a tiny bit of nose and some whiskers poking out of thetop of the garbage can. What a goof.


LOL, so Buddy has decided he's the newmanicurist, huh? Such a funny bunny, he is.:) I hope you end up with just the right dog for you and yourfamily. I guess your lil basset hound pup is just not quitebig enough, hehee.

Hopi sounds like a funny bunny too. I could see him peepingout of the trash can, lol. Sounds like your bunnycrew does keep you on your toes. You must be a busy mom.:) I hope Koda is okay.

I'm glad all you new buns are adjusting well.

I've always had bunnies chew on my nails, maybe it's because I havereally long nails. They also like to chew on my rings:?,especially baby bunnies.

I've also had bunnies end up in the garbage too, and in my hamper.

Buddy is gorgeous! I'm glad to hear your bunniesare doing well. I know you said you weren't looking for a particularbreed but when i was little we had German shepherds that were verygentle with us, although they looked scary. I'm not sure how they wouldbe with rabbits but they were fine with our cats.
Photobuucket is being tempermental so I will just do it this for now.

I resized some more of Apollo's pictures. I am so lucky I haveso many of him. I took some weird shots but they turned out pretty goodI think.

I also have a few of Christa, Hopi, Stormy and evenBuddy. Seems as though the kids are either right in my face, giving medirty looks or giving me the butt.:disgust:

Weather permitting I'm hoping for some outside play time and photo shot for everybunn.


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