Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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I'll have to check my stash of old computer parts tonight and see if i can locate a few spares for her.
6unnylov3r wrote:
I'll have to check my stash of old computer parts tonightand see if i can locate a few spares for her.

Nice thought, 6unnylov3r.

She said she's going to try to get Dale to pick up another modem tonight.

What a week.

Not only did another modem get fried, my internet carrierclosed shop and never said a word to anyone. Leaving me and thousandsof others with no internet access. Another company picked us all up andhas taken over our accounts,thank God. Also didn't have a workingmouse. A certain long eared some one chewed through the cord.

Otis now has a new name. Dale has named him Buddy. He's alwayscalling him his Little Buddy and it just kind of stuck. I really forgothow nerve wracking big baby bunnies can be. He puts everything in hismouth, is into everything, and too smart for his and my own good.

Gender fairy visited my house too. :growl:She took mysweet baby girl Stormy and turned her into a hormonal little man. Justwhat I need another hormonal guy around the house. Us girls are outnumbered 2:1.

I have a bunch of pictures I will try and post this week of Apollo and the other bunns.

I want to thank you all for your support. I don't think I would still be sane if not for all of you.

Glad Your Back Tina , asfor fried Modems have youinside electric checked , something inyour house is frying the modems ,Im willing to bet on it .

what a jakars carrier you had , thatsucks when that happens , hey now canyou get DSL access? , wh\ouldnt that bewonderfulll .

\ glad your back cant wait for pictures.

:gun:Gender Fairy .
Carolyn, thanks Sweetie. It's nice to be back, I missed y'all.

Gypsy, I called the electric company today and they are sendingsomeone out. For some reason whenever it rains, or the wind blows welose power. Plus we get an awful lot of surges for no good reason andit all started when they put the new lines in. My neighbor is havingthe same problems.

No DSL :(.

That fairy is so lucky she came when I was sleeping. Wait tilyou see how big Christa and Hopi have gotten W:shock:W. I see them allthe time but I really looked at them last night and holey moley havethey gotten big.


Good to see you back!

It sounds like Buddy is certainly becoming a daddy's boy.It's going to take me a while to stop thinking about him as Otisthough. I'm looking forward to seeing more pics of thathandsome fella. I'm sure you can't wait until he outgrows hisbad baby habits.
Hi Tina!

Sounds like Buddy is settling in well. And as for Stormy,look on the bright side- if you want to get him fixed it's much easierto neuter than to spay!:D

Hopefully your electric and internet companies get their acttogether. I don't know what I would do without myRoadRunner. It must take forever to load all those pictures!
Tina, i'm soooooo glad to hear Jeremy is doingSO well with his music!!!!! You'll be sure and give him a hug for mewon't you?????

I'm sorry I haven't been around much, i'm finding that there just isn'tenough time in one day to do all i'd love to do.... Trying to preparefor the baby, run a business, keep a house, find food I WANT to eat,and keep up with all the Monkeys! is a LOT of work these days....

I do so hope you're feeling better,

all my love,

Patti, Hi. I'm having a hard timegetting used to calling him Buddy. He is definitely a handful lol. He'sgrowing like a weed. He looks like an awkard teenager. He's all ears,back feet and tail.

Naturestee, I was thinking the same thing about Stormy. It isOffical I have a replica of Tucker. Since Stormy has come into his newfound man hood-talk about attitude and being full of himself lol.

Jan, I missed you Sweetie. Buddy is definitely a little rascal.Of course Daddy won't tell him to stop it, he lets me look like theevil mom.

Ed, I think so too. They are sending someone out next Tuesday.

Lyndsy, Hi Sweetie. I understand completely. You make sure youtake care of yourself and the little Angel ok. All of here at the Acreslove the Jungle. Jeremy said to tell Lyndsy mom he loves you very veryvery much. Thank you for having mom give me a hug it was nice.


I hope it isn't too upsetting to everyone but I have like 100pictures I have yet to go through and post. Some may be pics I'veposted already others you may not have seen. I am going to be addingthem all here along with pics of everybunn.




Apollo when he was so small.

I can't get over how long his tail is.

It's as big as his back foot.

Not sure about the camera.

Stealth bunny.

Pics of him checking everything out.





He looks like a basset hound puppy. I get this look often lmbo.


This is what he does every morning.


A pic of him eating.

Look at those gorgeous ears.


He has some real airplane ears. They are so warm and soft.

I have to resize Christa's, Hopi's and Stormy's pics still.


Buddy is just a doll! Those ears are humungous!Thanks you for posting them - and as always - that handsome Apollo -who is smiling now - as you were told!
Those ears are to die for!! I find ithard to believe they don't get "worn out" where they drag on thefloor. I love Buddy's pics. I am definately goingto make an effort to meet an English Lop in person soon. Helooks like such a sweetie.
Apollo looks gorgeous as ever in those pictures.:tears2: I'm so glad you had taken such great shots of him, Tina. Hecertainly was a poser. :muscleman:

Buddy peaking through the handle of the board that's blocking his way down the hall: :happyrabbit:

What a Babe!


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