Well-Known Member
Great pics Tina !
I love the ones of Misty and Stormy. Can't wait to see some more piccys !
I love the ones of Misty and Stormy. Can't wait to see some more piccys !
That's what we had to do with Zoe. I had to keep the critterdoor closed at all times and when any were out, she had to beoutside. It was just better for everyone involved.However, she will keep those nasty opossums away!Jen, I hate doing it but Bunny gets chained upoutside when the bunnies have their run time. I just can't trust herwith any of my other animals. She even made a go at Nipper our snappingturtle.:shock:I have the kitchen blocked off at all times soshe can't get anywhere near the rabbits.
Aha....well...if Stormy is missing some day - it wasn't me...it was my 'tweebs wanting another friend!Oh and if that little Harlequin doe seemsto be missing from your house one day...it wasn't me, it wasStormy.
You are so funny lmbo.Yay, more pics! I absolutely loveNorman. And Apollo. And Hopi and hisbinkies. Okay, I love all of them!