Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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:laugh:poor Apollo must have thought you were going through some major shedding issues!

And isn't it amazing how animals can pick up on our emotions? He's such a treasure!
Apollo telling Jeremy," I wasworried about Mommy so I went to check on her and shewasallpink.:shock::shock: All her fur fell off. Itwas horrible. Why did you let me go in there? You are supposed to bewatching me.Look now she has fur again W:shock:w how did shedo that?"

Tina you are to friggin' funny lady...

It's good to see that humour back, I missed it!
dajeti2 wrote:
Apollo telling Jeremy," I was worried about Mommy soI went to check on her and shewasallpink.:shock::shock: All her fur fell off. Itwas horrible. Why did you let me go in there? You are supposed to bewatching me.Look now she has fur again W:shock:w how did shedo that?"

He's so perfect! I've missed his stories!

Apollo is soooo mad at me.:X:X I wentaway for two days and he didn't get to go. I have been getting the buttall day long.

Dale, My Awesome Wonderful husband, never ceases to amaze me. Ihad asked if we could go fishing or something for a few hours. To giveme time to regroup. Well he planned an awesome get away. He told us notto worry about packing he'd get us what we needed. He bought all of usa new outft, shoes everything. We got to the hotel about four hoursaway and later and just relaxed.

The next day he took us to Paramount's King's Dominion. Anawesome theme park. We had a blast. Jeremy has never ridden a rollercoaster before. He rode three and loved it.

It got hot so we went to the water park that is within thepark. We didn't have any bathing suits or anything so another shoppingspree later we were all set. Dale and Jere went tubing and had a greattime. Then we all hit the wave pool. It was close to going to the oceanas you can get without going to the beach. Down to salt added to thewater. It was incredible. We spent like 2 hours there.

We had so much fun. After crying for so long it felt good tolaugh and have fun. Dale was so romantic. He's never been real big onshowing affection in public but he was holding my hand or had his armaround me all day. I even got kisses.:shock::shock::shock:

We left the park late and got another motel room for the night.We ordered pizza and watched scary movies. We had a blast. We got homeearly this morning.

I went to give Wollo a hug and:shock::shock::shock:He ran and gave me the BUTT. OK so now Ifeel so bad so I am bribing him with all his favorites, nope, he'shaving none of it-until I walk out of the room. :(:(:(He hasjust now forgiven me and is letting me pet him. I have a whole lot ofsucking up to do.

Christa, Hopi, Stormy, Norman and Koda were all thrilled to see mom. I missed my babies and am glad to be home.

Dale is talking about going to Bush Gardens in a few weeks.Apollo is going to be mad at me all over again. :(:(:(Apollo just laiddown but just out of arm's reach looking at me. I need to go love on mybaby.

Ohhhhhhhh great i am so glad you were able toregroup and have fun. That is sooooooooo nice of you Dale to help yourwife out. Great to see ya back.
:highfive:good job Dale!!

My b/f has been freelancing for a comp in VA and while he was downthere for a business trip i came alone as well and wewent toKing's Dominion....sooo much fun....do they still have that rollercoster that shoots you straight up into the air? the anaconda was mysecond favorite. he now took job a job there so he's moving to richmondin about a month.. which means once im done with school infour months ill be soon to follow :?......any other goodspots in VA to visit?
There are two that shoot you straightup, The Volcano way cool but closed grr and and Hypersonic launches youat like 72 mph. Anoconda looked awesome but was closed too due tomechanical problems. Oh well there's always next time.

Bush Gardens is supposed to be even better than King'sDominion. The Natural Bridge is cool if you like rock formations. Thereare a lot of caves too if you like those. I could go on and on.

Freddysmom, are you moving to Virginia for a while? That's so cool.

God blessed me 5 years ago when he sent Dale into my life.

Apollo is really mad at me now:X:X:X:X. I cleaned his cage.He's throwing a genuine temper tantrum.:shock::shock::shock:

Somebunny needs a time out.


LMBO!! I'm getting the butt heretoo. They are mad because I was gone for so long. Iwas only suppose to leave last Sunday and come back Monday, which Idid, but I left again on Wednesday and didn't come home until yesterday.

What a wonderful guy, Dale is! He knew just what to do for you.

Thats great Tina...glad the getaway helped! Whata man you got there!! Kudos to him!!!! Too bad theOTHER man has to be so mad... LOL...When we went out of town end ofJune and Corky stayed with Dr Mark, he tried SO hard to be mad and giveme the butt when I got home...but he couldn't do it for long..LOL
Poor, Poor Apollo!! :tears2:




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