Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Jeepers Tina!

Apollo is almost as long as you are, I just bet if you stood him up onhis hind legs he is as big as your son lol. Thank goodnessthey have good temperments. I certainly would not want to becharged by a bunny that size.... LOL it is scary enough when it is a 2lb bunny lol


All yer critters are B E A utiful!
So Ok I cant picka favorite well I canbut I want to be fair ! . Everyoneis looking soooogood Tina .It looks like Apollo has growna foot since the last timeyou posted pictures of him. WOW!!

How much is Christa weighing inat now ? Her sibling Hershy isjust barely 4 pounds , heisnt ever going to make weight .I do beleve withthose Two the word MINI!is going to be litteral .

Look at Stormy what a little doll she is !!!!

Norman and Koda , what can I say they are looking Good!!!

Nipper is growing super fast WOW! must bethe weather , I havent seenone grow that fast up here . Questionwith Nipper , when he openshis mouth is there alittle fishing worm in there ? curious, wouldnt want you to havethe WRONG Snapping Turtle!

The Dog! wont go there , have already expressed feelings about that .

Great Pictures though !! I Love Them Keep them coming !!
Susan, :laugh:I am 5'1'' andApollo is 35'' stretched out. I thank God he is so loving and laidback. He could put me in the hospital if he wantedto.:shock::shock:Thank you.


Mambo, thank you very much. Sadly hte guinea pig can't comehere to stay. I was going to keep him in my room and with Bunny I justwouldn't trust her around him. I'm hoping I can get one once the rabbitroom is done.


Gypsy, I'm scared to see how much more Apollo is going to grow.I always wanted a big bunny and I got that and then some lmbo.

Christa weighs 3.3 pounds. She is still very little. She issuch a pampered princess. Now she won't eat her papaya or pineappleunless I hold it for her.

Hopi has gotten really good lately about not charging andbiting. Or it could be because we've wised up and don't put our feet onthe floor when he's out.:?:pEither way his behavior hasfinally seemed to straighten itself out...yeah!!

Norman and Koda are coming out of their shell more and more each day. I got nudges from both of them today.

Stormy, I can't get over how wonderful she looks. She's such a pretty baby but I think I may be biased;).

Nipper, nope no worm. He is still so good about being handled.He's yet to try and nip. I think this weather certainly isaplaying factor in his growth. Everything this year seemsbigger than on average.

Thanks. I miss pics of your crew, but totally understand.;)

dajeti2 wrote:
OH Peg, Stormy said the whole reason she wants your Harlequindoe kit is so she will have a friend to play with. She's packing mybunnynap kit as I type.;)

That's great - Tiny's setting out the bunnynapping trap since he knowsI really REALLY want Stormy. (He won't let me getApollo). We'll let you know when she gets here....

Should I be checking the Amtrak station for her train?


P.S. I do like all of your bunnies - but Stormy just catches my fancy....
Peg, please don't take this wrongplease. I never liked Lionheads. But I saw that picture of youHarlequin doe for your pet line and OMGosh is she ever pretty. You havesome really pretty rabbits. I love the kit too. I wish I wascloser because I would so have to have her or one like her. I loveHarlequins.


dajeti2 wrote:
Peg, please don't take this wrong please. I neverliked Lionheads. But I saw that picture of you Harlequin doe for yourpet line and OMGosh is she ever pretty. You have some really prettyrabbits. I love the kit too. I wish I was closer because Iwould so have to have her or one like her. I love Harlequins.



I understand - some folks just don't care for lionheads. MissBea is so hilarious though - no matter what I do to her cage - it seemslike she can get out. She then goes around and appears to letothers out - because now I can't get Beauty in her cage either....well- I'm learning to but I had to fix it so no one could open the door.

Miss Bea is truly a special rabbit. She is just too smart tostay in a cage like a lot of bunnies that breeders have...she gets sobored. When she is out of her cage - you can almost see asmile on her face...

Her kit (harlequin) is turning out to be much the same way - gettingout of the playpen somehow....and trying to open the cage that itsfriends are in. Meathead is her daughter and that little girlreally keeps me laughing...

Anyway - I do understand because there are some rabbits I just don't care for either....


P.S. I do really like Stormy....you're so blessed to haveher! Oh - and if you check out my thread (if you haven'talready) you'll see Miss Bea playing "statue" by the fireplace -hopingI won't see her.

Peg, Actually hte more I see yours the more I like them. Espcially Miss Bea and her kit.

Misty was our Houdini. No matter what type of gate or barricadewe put up she'd always be where she wasn't supposed to be. I sounderstand escape bunnies lmbo:p:p.

I like that picture of her in the fireplace.

Thank you so much. Stormy is so sweet. She is certainly apretty girl. I thank God every morning that she is still here with me.That all my rabbits are here with me and I pray for them each night inmy prayers.


Shuu, Apollo is 19 pounds now. It's funny about six months agoI was so bummed because he had quit growing. I wanted a monster bunny.About a month later he started growing again and W:shock:W I have mymonster bunny lmbo. I couldn't ask for a sweeter rabbit than Apollo.He's my heart rabbit.

"I am 5'1'' and Apollo is 35'' stretched out."

:shock:I am only 25" bigger than arabbit! He's HUGE!!! but whatta mushy baby he is! the binky picturesare great i love those "in action" photos! everybunny and chicken, andturtle and doggy...(lol am i forgetting any ..gettin hard to keep count:p)looks so happy, Tina ! :)
FreddysMom wrote:
"I am 5'1'' and Apollo is 35'' stretched out."

:shock:I am only 25" bigger than arabbit! He's HUGE!!! but whatta mushy baby he is! the binky picturesare great i love those "in action" photos! everybunny and chicken, andturtle and doggy...(lol am i forgetting any ..gettin hard to keep count:p)looks so happy, Tina ! :)

YupApollo is a horse lmbo. Don't feel bad there aredays I have trouble keeping count of them all. I am currently at 22critters. OK it just sounds wrong when I say it that way lmbo. PlusPrecious and Doran as soon as I can find a way to get themhere.

They all make my life and hands full.

Wow what cute rabbits! Apollo looks like a giantteddy! Give him a big hug for me please?:hug: The binky shot is great,how did you get that? I never have my camera when they do somethingfunny. Oh well.;) My hens are hybreeds but i think they must havesomeRhode island red in them somewhere, especially Ginger,she looks red when the sun shines of her feathers! lol.:henandchicks:

Great pics!! Apollo, SUCH a moose!! Now Keelydoesn't feel so alone in the "big bunny" department!! Its sofunny when she's out in the bunny room (tiled)...you here hop,THUMP...sounds like an elephant is loose in there....specially if yourdownstairs!! I'm sure Apollo is the same way!!

Love the mid-binky pics! Too cool!!! Everyone looks great!

Is that where Christa, um, marked him? Poor Wollo!I love that big boy. Give him a hug for me. I wanta bunny big enough to hug!


Bunnys_Rule, I happened to luck out. Ihad the camera ready for taking pictures to post when he started doingbinkies. I jst started taking pictures and W:shock:W I got those twoshots. These rabbits probably think the camera is permantly attached tomy face lmbo.

Apollo says Thank You. I gave him a big extra snuggle and anextra piece of dried pineapple fo you. He loves that stuff.


PGG, It is hilarious. We can hear Apollo runningaround from outside.:shock::shock::shock:I bet Keely is thesame way with this,lmbo, Apollo binkies and the dishes in the cabinetrattle. Everytime he binkies when he lands again he get's this look onhis face like" W:shock:W, I was able to do that again" It'shilarious.


Laura, yup, poor Wollo. I feel so bad for him. Not only doesChrista pee on him then he had to have a bath. Never a dull moment herelmbo.


The new pics are just GREAT !!!!!

I knew Apollo was big, but BLIMEY !!!!! he's HUGE !!!

The first pic of Stormy, reminds me so much of Poppy.

All your buns are on my napping list !!!!!

Thanks Tina.I tried to give Ruby a hugtoday and she ran off, she was way to intrested in her box so I gaveher and Millie some raisins ( after some begging, lol)and theypractically ate my hand off! :DBad little bunnies!:bunnydance:
Zara, It's hard to get an idea of howbig he really is until an adult is holding him and you have somereference. He's my big baby.

I was going to ask you about Poppy. Do you know what breed Poppy is? I'm just curious.

Thank you very much. I'm hoping to get some good pictures today or tomorrow.

NO NO NOBunnynapping. Theyare my babies and they are staying here. You are too funny. I havemissed you.

He is a BIG BOY !!!!

I have no idea what breed Poppy is. All I know is that she's black is about 1yr old, and is smaller than Loo.

Missed you too Hon !!!

Be thankful that I'm here, and your there !!!! I would be knocking on your door by now !!! LOL


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