Well-Known Member
Enough with the flash Lady, I'm out of here.
That's great - Tiny's setting out the bunnynapping trap since he knowsI really REALLY want Stormy. (He won't let me getApollo). We'll let you know when she gets here....OH Peg, Stormy said the whole reason she wants your Harlequindoe kit is so she will have a friend to play with. She's packing mybunnynap kit as I type.
Tina,Peg, please don't take this wrong please. I neverliked Lionheads. But I saw that picture of you Harlequin doe for yourpet line and OMGosh is she ever pretty. You have some really prettyrabbits. I love the kit too. I wish I was closer because Iwould so have to have her or one like her. I love Harlequins.
"I am 5'1'' and Apollo is 35'' stretched out."
:shock:I am only 25" bigger than arabbit! He's HUGE!!! but whatta mushy baby he is! the binky picturesare great i love those "in action" photos! everybunny and chicken, andturtle and doggy...(lol am i forgetting any ..gettin hard to keep count)looks so happy, Tina !