Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Oh picture time again at Apollo Acres! :clap:

Tina, I hope things calm down at your place at least for alittle while. Have you tried using that liquid bandage stuffon the cuts onyour hand? Hmm..maybe you shouldn'tuse it on second thought because you can use the cuts to get out ofdoing dishes lol. *cough Jeremy Dale coughcough*

I can't believe how much misty and stormy have grown!They look so healthy and happy running around. Do they likethe cat condo to hide out in a lot?

Apollo looks like he about to fall asleep in front of thefire. He is such a handsome buck, I can't wait to see whathis kids will look like when he gets a girlfriend.

Oh Hopi and Christa are starting to look more alike eachday. Well, Christa has a more angelic face and that Hopilooks like a little trouble bubble. I bet he keeps you onyour toes that one.

Norman is a good name for Tinsel - fits him so well and I likethe pic of him standing up begging for a treat. What color isMitzy again? I love her color accents! Sobeautiful, especially behind her ears!

Whew! Did I miss anybody? LOL Oh and tellDale that the "doggie/pig" just likes to eat grass along with otherfoods and is barkless. :wink:
Such cutepictures! Everyone is growing so fast!Apollo issuch a good sport to be so surrounded with "competition". Leave it toWollo to see them as buddies and not competition for affection. I'mglad everyone seems happy. I don't know how you manage to have everyoneget so much time out to play though. Sebastian doesn't get as much timeout as he'd like because we are always chasing him away from somethinghe's not supposed to be into...:XSLG get frustrated with himand then puts him into the babydollstroller!:shock:

What Babies!!!

Love this picture! I'm in love with Norman!


How precious!! :inlove:

They're all adorable, Tina.

Hey Apollo,

I got a quelstion for ya. I am getting a little flemish girl today andI bet you will plan a bunny nap so you can have a girlfriend. lol. Iwanted to know what size harnest should I buy for my little girl. I wasthinking of buying one sometime next month when she can use it up tofull grown.

Thank you Apollo


PS. You are handsome and you would make the best wife for our daughter. lol
Tina wouldn't even know Apollo was gone with allthe rabbits she has now. I'm sure a bunnynapping of him wouldprove successful.

Jenni, I really haven't been able to dodishes yet. I should have went and gotten stitches but was stubborn. Ican't even bend that silly finger yet lmbo. Great excuse for now.Hmmm...wonder how long I can use this lmbo.

Thaank you. They are all getting so big. Nothing phases Apollo.He actually did fall asleep in front of the camp fire.

Mitzy is an Opal. I had never seen that color before. She is sopretty in the sunlight. I'll have to get pictures of her outside foryou.


Raspberry, it's not easy. As soon as we get up it's bunnybreakfast and then Wollo runs the house for 2 hours. Then it'sChrista's turn, then Hopi's, then the Punkins and lastly the gate goesup and the Nibblers aka Misty and Stormy get there run time. Then westart all over again. Needless to say the house never stays clean forlong lmbo. There are always toys, hay and cocoa puffs to pick up.

I think SLG just looks for a reason to put Sebbie in the stroller, after all he looks adorable in there.:p


PGG, thanks. They are a fun handful.


Angel, Apollo said his mom bought him a medium cat harness andit lasted him a real long time. But he got so big his momma had to gobuy him a new one a few months ago. Now he has a cool large blackone.

If you can find it try and get the Roman style harness. Withthis type there is absolutely no presure on his neck at all, it'sdistributed across his body.


Carolyn, :nonono: There will be NO BunnynappingWollo. Have you forgot I have Chickens and I'm not afraid to use them.:growl:

No giving anyone funny ideas.

Thank you Apollo, My new mommie will buy me apretty color one when she gets more money. She spent it all on me. Ihope my mommie will buy be a pretty purple colour or maybe pink tomatch my new friend that I just met a few minutes ago. I really likeher but I am abit afraid of her because she is much bigger than me agiagantic size called dog. I think her name is Samantha but I might bewrong. I will let you know what is the right name.

Thank you Apollo I am gonna go and play in my new pen.
Where have you been, I was worried sick lol. Ok I was really worried about y'all. Congrats on the new baby.

Can we expect pictures tomorrow...please.

Well things are ever changing here at the Acres.

We have added a snapping turtle named Nipper to the family. He's a sweet baby he really is.

We have also changed playtime. We are experimenting to see whatworks best for the rabbits and us. We have tried sectioning the houseand having numerous play times. We just can't give them the one on onewe want that way though.

We know let Apollo out for two hours. He has complete run ofthe house. Next is Christa for two hours, then Hopi, then Mitzy andTinsel and lastly the gate goes up and Misty and Stormy haveplay time. We then start all over again unitl we go to bed.

They love it. They do bunny 500's and Binkies up and down thehall. They are more happier and we are getting the one and one that wewant.

I am going through some health issues right now and helping afriend who going through soooo many problems both physical andemotional. So I may not be on as much as I'd like the next few days.I'll be on as much as possible.

Tina & Zoo Crew

This is for you sweetie -:hug:. You are so giving and caring, Tina. Justremember to take time to take care of yourself too. Vash andI sendour love.
Thank you everyone. You really are the greatest.

Carolyn wrote
Still waiting for news or pictures of APOLLO!!!!!

:shock::shock::shock:Woman you have room to talk.It's been ages since I've heard any new Cali, fauna and Tuckerstories.:p:p:p

Apollo has been an amazing comfort. He always know when I needhim. He knows Mom is upset so he follows me everywhere. I have to watchstopping to fast or I get *thump* that's him running into the back ofmy leg.

I took a long hot bubble to relax. Well Apollo is big enoughnow that if he wants in he's coming in. Especially since Mommy didn'tmake sure the dor is shut all the way.

I have my head underwater so never hear him coming in. I sit upbecause I feel a draft. All I see are two white paws on my side of thetub and Apollo staring at me from under the shower curtain.

I cover up and tell him get out of here you goof. He high tailsit to Jeremy and lays under the desk. I walk out and Apollo is juststaring at Jeremy. Now I'm no mind reader but you could just see Apollotelling Jeremy," I was worried about Mommy so I went to check on herand she wasallpink.:shock::shock: All her fur felloff. It was horrible. Why did you let me go in there? You are supposedto be watching me.Look now she has fur again W:shock:w howdid she do that?"

Ahhh yet another day here at the Acres.


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