And then there were Four

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New pics of Deuce:





I'm back from the store after buying vinegar and paper towels. Ofcourse, while I was out, I made a detour over to Petsmart and picked upa play house for the boy. He loves it! I decided to move him back tothe living room so he and the girls can get used to seeing each otherand because I wanted to reclaim my end table...hehe.

I think he'll be much more comfortable having a hiding place until I can get up the funds to move him into a bigger cage.

Meanwhile, Speedy and Smokey are out having play time and each has taken her turn at welcoming the boy. :)

I'll work on getting some new pics of all my babies soon. :)


Spring wrote:
Oh my! What a sweetie!

Lop babies are just the cutest, aren't they?

What a little cutie pie! :)
A bonus Pic of my boy, Deuce:


Yeah, they sure are. I was leery of getting a male because of thepotential for "accidents" and their tendency to spray when in theirteens but Speedy's already showed me that a bunny will spray no matterwhat gender....hehe.

Deuce made me so proud earlier when I saw him jump up on top of hishouse. I thought he was too small to do it but happily, I was provenwrong.

I've been spending a good portion of the day reassuring Speedy that sheis still loved. She's been more insistent than usual about beingpetted. Smokey hasn't shown any feelings one way or another. When shecomes out, she just wants to show me how happy she is to have playtime....hehe.


Hi Blyre,

Your newest addition is adorable. Love his name Deuce, does it have a special meaning.

You better watch out when you go to those pet shops. We hadButtercup for 5 years, we went to a pet shop one day 3 years ago andcame back with 2 more bunnies a year ago we went to anotherpet shop and came back with Daisy Mae. My husband has band mefrom going to pet stores. LOL.

I'm looking forward to many more pictures of all your Bunnies.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Blyre,

Your newest addition is adorable. Love his name Deuce, does it have a special meaning.

You better watch out when you go to those pet shops. We hadButtercup for 5 years, we went to a pet shop one day 3 years ago andcame back with 2 more bunnies a year ago we went to anotherpet shop and came back with Daisy Mae. My husband has band mefrom going to pet stores. LOL.

I'm looking forward to many more pictures of all your Bunnies.

Thanks, he's just wonderful. I can't say that Deuce's name has any realspecial meaning; it just seemed to fit him when I was holding him atthe shop. He's also quite the explorer. When I let him out today forhis first real play time, he went off the carpet and all over theplace. I hadn't had a bunny that would do that since Munchkin (RIP).

I made a personal promise to not get any more bunnies until after I buya house. Deuce is so fluffy that it's hard not to pick him up for acuddle.


Hehe, I know! Pebbles was always amazing me whenshe was just a little one with how high she could jump! When she was abit younger than 12 weeks, she could already jump up on my bed withouta problem! They grow fast, so take LOTS of pictures when they aresmall. They grow up too fast, actually!

I couldn't even imagine a better home for little Deuce to goto than with you :D.

I'm already head over heals in love with him, such a little fuzzy baby boy!

:stork:I love the orange (or is it more brown?) markings on his back!
Spring wrote:
Hehe, I know! Pebbles was always amazing me when she wasjust a little one with how high she could jump! When she was a bityounger than 12 weeks, she could already jump up on my bed without aproblem! They grow fast, so take LOTS of pictures when they are small.They grow up too fast, actually!

I couldn't even imagine a better home for little Deuce to goto than with you :D.

I'm already head over heals in love with him, such a little fuzzy baby boy!

:stork:I love the orange (or is it more brown?) markings on his back!
He has a lighter shade of brown on his back with a few flecks of darker brown near his rump and around his face.

I'm holding him right now as I type this and he told me to thank you for the compliment. :)


Everybody was out and sitting on their houseswaiting for me when I came out to the living room. It was so cute, likethey were greeting me. I took out Deuce for a cuddle and he had alittle poopy butt so of course I had to give him a little butt bath. Hewas so good, putting up with Daddy fussing over him. He even took acraisin when it was over.

Of course, as soon as I took him out, the girls all wanted attention soafter I put the boy back in, I had to stop and fuss over the girls aswell. Speedy was especially jealous so I'll have to give her a cuddlesoon. She's such a big girl now. :)


Aww! Do you have a different kind of food thanwhat he was being fed at the petstore? Sometimes the changes in dietcan lead to a bit of poopy butt.

Hehe, I know! When I had Pepsi and Pebbles in the same room, I wouldpet Pepsi with my hands and when Pebbles was running around, pet herwith my foot! Both loved to have lots of attention! Sort of a bunnybalancing act ;)

Spring wrote:
Aww! Do you have a different kind of food than what he wasbeing fed at the petstore? Sometimes the changes in diet can lead to abit of poopy butt.

Hehe, I know! When I had Pepsi and Pebbles in the same room, I wouldpet Pepsi with my hands and when Pebbles was running around, pet herwith my foot! Both loved to have lots of attention! Sort of a bunnybalancing act ;)

Yeah, they were feeding some kind of candy bar diet to them (alfalfapellets with bits of corn, seedsand otherdriedveggies in it)over there and I use KayteeTimothy Complete over here. It was mostly the poops were stuck to hisfur which I went and gently pulled off. Deuce was so laid back aboutthe whole thing.

He's been sleeping most of the day so I figure he's still settling in. Serious sleeping with eyes completely closed.

Thanks to everyone who recommended using Vinegar in the cages. It worksgreat at eliminating odors and assisting in sanitizing the litterbox.


Speedy got a bit of a shock earlier. I had herout running around and when she jumped back inside her cage, I closedthe door. Unfortunately, she picked that moment to try and jump backout and jumped right into the door. Thankfully, she's all right but Iwas a little concerned for her.


What to say, what to say....

Speedy is getting more and more free with her spraying so getting herspay out of the way will be a near-top priority soon. Otherwise, she'swanting out more and demanding lots of pets. She seems to love circlingme and sitting close by. If I'm on the computer while she's out, shewill sit at the edge of the carpet until I come down to the floor. Shealso is wanting to be picked up more and more these days and loves tosit on my chest being petted.

Smokey is starting to get some of her old attitude back since beingseperated from Speedy. She runs and binkies more as well as coming overand sniffing me more when she's out. She's still affectionate, but onlyafter I've picked her up for a cuddle. Otherwise she keeps a discreetdistance from me on the floor.

Deuce is the sweetest of the trio. When I pick him up, he just spreadsout on my chest while I pet him and goes to sleep. When he's out on thefloor, he turns into a furry ball of energy running to and fro andbinkying like crazy. I get such a kick out of watching his little legsmoving around. I can tell he appreciates being allowed out for playtime. I just wish I could let him play with the girls but that willhave to wait for a long while. He's still mastering drinking from thewater bottle but he's picking it up steadily.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Hey Blyre we need more pictures of your 3littlebeauties.:jumpforjoy::tantrum:

Soon, I promise. I'm starting to get busy with the holidays and somework overtime that's coming up. I'm going to try some posed shots ofthe babies soon.


My first attempt at making posed shots:










These are the best of the lot in my opinion and they took a long timeto get reasonably good. The babies wanted to move around and thelighting wasn't as bright as I wanted so I had to circle around them toget several shots. They're all growing so fast and I'm loving everyminute of it.

They got lots and lots of cuddles and pets afterward. :)

Tonight was not one of the babies' (or my)better nights. It started out well enough when I let Deuce out to play.He ran, he sat, he binkied and played. All in all, he had a great timeuntil he went back in to bed.

Then I let Smokey out.

She was doing fine until I decided to let Speedy out to play with her.Then it all went downhill. First, Smokey started peeing on the carpetand thumping in between being chased by Speedy. Meanwhile I'm followingthem around with paper towels and vinegar trying to get all the messesup. The chasing and thumping got to be so much that I had to seperatethe girls. Finally, I caught Smokey and got her off the ground and shestarted screaming while Speedy is circling waiting for me to put Smokeydown. After getting Speedy in her own cage, I managed to put Smokey inthe cage. I went ahead and seperated the cages for a while so thateveryone gets some space to cool down.

Things are calm again right now but I need about a ton of aspirin tofight off the headache that's forming. I made a huge mistake inbringing the two out again together and now I have a very upset bunnyon my hands. Man, what the heck was I thinking?

The babies' play time was suspended todaybecause I had Thanksgiving committments to attend so when I got home,they all were rattling their cages and making their disapproval known.

Not much else to say except to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Iknow I am thankful for the love and companionship that my bunnies giveto me every day. :)


Today, I'm trying to give the babies more playtime since I'm off today from work anyway and they've been good. Nowfor the news:

Speedy: Hormonal as anything and very boisterous about coming out,being petted, and being cuddled. Poor thing hit puberty at a rapid clipand I think it confuses her. Either that or she's one possessive bunnyover

Smokey: Quiet today but not as skittish as in the past. When I reachedin to feed her, she didn't flinch as much. It's tough being the middlebunny.

Deuce: Sweet as always and a bundle of energy when he comes out. He'splaying right now with all the toys I took from the cages. Okay, hemostly chinning them but it's still cute to watch. I think he knowshe's the baby and trying to milk it for all it's worth...hehe.

I came to the decision last night that using bin feeders isn't the wayto go because all the buns are starting to dig in them and spillingfood all over the bottom of their cages. Plus, they don't seem to beeating their hay as much. So, it's back to food bowls and 1/3 cup ofpellets per day. Other than that, they are a trio of happy and healthybunnies which makes Daddy an extremely happy camper. :)


:wave: Blyre

Deuce is AbsolutelyAdorable:inlove:,I'm hoping thatthe next DoeI get (in couple More Weeks)will haveHis Beautiful Colors.

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
