And then there were Four

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I tried again to let them out together and theresult was a bunny furball. Lots of running, jumping at each other, andassorted biting. I'm not giving up on them becoming friends, justresigned to a very long process.

It's ironic that they are having trouble getting along when I broughthome Smokey to be company for Speedy while I'm at work during the day.At first I thought that Smokey was the more aggressive bun but afterwitnessing the last fight, I'm looking more and more in Speedy'sdirection. Maybe she has a Napoleon Complex or something being thesmaller bunny but she seems to instigate more of the fights.

Things are quiet at the moment with them separated and in their cages,but I hope that eventually they will find some middle ground and learnto live with each other. They'll never live in the same cage but I'msure that one day they can have their play time together.


If I were you, I would probably just wait untilafter both are spayed. I think your chances of bonding them postsurgery are higher. Also, if Smokey has only been with you for a week,its better to let her settle in and gain some trust before you attemptbonding. If you can hold off, I would recommend it. Bunnies have goodmemories when it comes to one another. If theyre fighting a lot now,chances are they will remember that and associate bad thoughts with oneanother.

If you do still want to go ahead with bonding, I would suggest a moreextreme approach than just neutral territory. Some bunnies need to be alittle scared to be non-aggresive towards eachother. Are car rides apossibility? When I bonded my two males I took them on 10 minute carrides a few times a week. They would be so scared during the ride thatthey would snuggle. Then I would bring them home and do the nuetralterritory. A dining room table also works instead of a car ride.

Anyway, just some suggestions. I know how stressful bonding can be. I bonded two males and Im working on bringing in a third.

Best wishes!

That's a great idea, Haley, and thanks. Ialready have the girls on separate schedules for play time and whatnotso waiting for their spays shouldn't be a problem. For now, their cagesare next to each other so they get used to seeing and scenting eachother.

I'm moving Smokey into a larger and more comfortable cage next Fridayanyway so she should be much happier. I feel bad that the cage she's innow doesn't have the space for a play house and more hopping room.Right now, she has the basics needed to live but since I love to spoilmy buns the current cage isn't acceptable to me. Personally, I thinkSmokey is a little jealous of Speedy's more spacious digs...hehe.

All I care about right now is making sure the girls are as happy andhealthy as I can possibly make them. Their welfare is top priority withme.


A pretty quiet Saturday over here. The girls arein their cages after having most of the afternoon out playing on thecarpet. Smokey is still used to being a town bunny as every soundoutside causes her to periscope up to see what's going on. Speedy islying down in her cage ignoring the sounds and probably silentlylaughing at Smokey.

The girls are being very well behaved today and not trying to attackeach other through the cage bars. Of course, recent events have proventhat even though they will be relatively polite to each other for awhile, something will happen and the lunging and biting attempts willbegin again. But for now things are quiet and I'm happy for that.

I'm not going to push them to get along right now because it won't doanything useful except make them fight. They both need lots of time tocontinue settling in and get used to everything around them. Oncethey've both been spayed, I'll try bonding them again.


The girls were a little agitated today becausethey wanted out in the worst way. When they see me, they start bitingon the cage bars and getting excited to come out and play. Even Speedyhas taken to biting her cage bars! I think she's picking up some newhabits from Smokey....hehe.

I took them out separately today for handling and pets and that seemedto satisfy them for the time being. Fall is in the air and it'sstarting to get a little chilly in the apartment so I start to worry ifthe girls are warm enough. I know they have warm fur coats on andthey're inside but Daddy is a worrier.

Right now, Speedy is sleeping in her litter box and Smokey is busy grooming and practicing flopping out in her cage.


naturestee wrote:
What gorgeous buns! And I'm glad you're back andblogging in full force. :popcorn2

Thanks for the welcome back and the compliments on my girls. :)

I'm debating moving the girls back into my bedroom but I'm not sure howmuch stress it might cause them. I worry about them getting cold.

Again, I'm probably worrying over nothing but I don't want to take any chances with the girls' comfort.


Tonight, I switched Speedy from a food bowl to abin feeder and she took to it as if she'd always had one.Igot tired of food bowl spills that happen when one bunny isout and the other is in. Speedy has a pretty sweet setup right now andonce I can get some decent light in my living room to get a goodpicture, I'll post a pic of her home.

I pick up the stuff for Smokey's new home on Friday and she will have asimilar setup to Speedy's. Boy, I sure spoil my girls...hehe.

I also picked up a new grooming brush from the pet store tonight. It'sactually a dog and cat brush, but they showed me how to properly brushthe buns. I just got done brushing Smokey and the first thing she didwhen I put her down was to spend a couple minutes giving herself acomplete grooming. I thought it was kind of funny that she would do allthat after I spent minutes brushing her down...hehe.


I managed to get a bunch of new pictures ofSmokey tonight. Speedy was giving the world the butt and wasn'tinterested in having her pic taken tonight.




She's actually a pretty good model once I can get her to stop running around...hehe


Speedy is out running around tonight and seemsto enjoy parking herself right by Smokey's cage to see what she'sdoing. The biting through the cage bars seems to have died down at themoment and I'm hoping that means that they are getting used to eachother.

I'm so happy that there's only one more day before Smokey gets her new cage. :)


Smokey got her new cage tonight and has been abrat ever since. It all started when I opened the new cage and waitedfor her to go in. I realize that being new, she would be a littlehesitant, but she was avoiding it and looking for her old cage. To makematters worse, when I reached for her she started running and when Igrabbed at her in desperation she started thumping at me.

Finally after several minutes of chasing her, which I will NEVER doagain, I finally caught her. Of course, she started screaming up astorm which led me to put her in the pet carrier for a minutes so shewould calm down. After that, I gathered her up and while petting hersoftly I was able to put her in the new cage.

She managed to give me quite a scratch on my left arm in the processbut now she's started to chin her things in the new cage and relaxing.

Never a dull moment around here...hehe.


Tonight with the girls went better than I couldhave hoped for. I introduced Speedy to Craisins and she loves them. Inaddition, Smokey has started giving me kisses both when I'm holding herand from time to time when she is running around the carpet. Also,Smokey loves her new cage now and I frequently find her flopped outnear her playhouse which she also loves.

I've recently learned a valuable lesson in what happens when you fusswith the buns too much. They can get rather ornery when disturbed, evenwhen it's with the best of intentions.

I'm just glad that things are back to normal. :)


Today, I finally managed to get Smokey a binfeeder and a new litterbox with a screen in it so she doesn't have tosit directly in the litter. I also picked up some treats for Speedy soshe wouldn't feel left out. The girls are in their cages at the momentrelaxing so it's a very quiet afternoon here. They both have the sameexact setup now which will make tending to their needs a loteasier. I also managed to get a proper nail clipper for theirnails which again will make tending to that little chore much easier onme and them.

Smokey is enjoying her new things right now and Speedy is sitting on top of her house giving the World the Butt....hehe.

My girls are getting so spoiled it's not even funny, but they're worth ever effort to me. :D

I'd sum up this evening by saying that girls hada great time during play time. They come out at separate times but theyhad a lot of fun running around and showing me how high they can binky.

Speedy is developing a new skill at putting holes in my T-Shirts, the little bugger....hehe.


Your girls are very lucky spoiled bunnies! :):):):):):)

Glad Speedy gets to have some yummy Craisins. Those things are likecrack for bunnies. My boys go absolutely nuts over them!:bunnydance:

I have a clothingcheweras well. My beautiful downcomforter is now covered in little bunny sized bites everywhere! Ivelearned to leave nothing where those little mouths can get at them!

The girls' play times got slightly interruptedtonight because Daddy had to go vote for the next PA Governor andwhatnot, but I made up for it by giving them lots of running aroundtime and plenty of pets.

Smokey let me pet her for a long time before giving me kisses andgetting restless. When she gets going, she is a binky machine! It's socute to watch her being so happy.

For the first time, Speedy came up to me on the floor and asked forpetting. When I pet her, she just settled down on the carpet and closedher eyes. Later, when I picked her up and sat her down with me to watchTV, she decided to turn around on my chest and put her rump in my face.Hmm, I wonder why they do that. The behavior reminds me of cats...hehe.After a few minutes, she turned back around to face me and fell asleepwhile I was petting her little head.

I love sharing my life with my buns. :)

