And then there were Four

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Your two girls sound just so adorable!!

I think they know that daddy loves them too!!

I know,isn't it fun to live with bunnies,they bring so much joy to the home :)

Smokey girl is so pretty,i love her colouring! :)


pretty as a picture :inlove:

cheryl13 wrote:
Your two girls sound just so adorable!!

I think they know that daddy loves them too!!

I know,isn't it fun to live with bunnies,they bring so much joy to the home :)

Smokey girl is so pretty,i love her colouring! :)


pretty as a picture :inlove:

My girls are definitely adorable and of course as different as night and day. :D

Speedy is more reserved with her affection but loves her craisins andenjoys sitting with me when I'm down on the floor with her. I've beenworking closer with Smokey to help her settle in and she's come a longway. She doesn't run away from me as much and is becoming quite theaffectionate bun, giving me kisses when I hold her and when I'm down onthe floor.

I would never say that gaining a rabbit's trust is easy, but in thelong run, the effort is well worth it. I took a short nap on the floorwhen Smokey was out earlier and I could feel when she would come overand give me a kiss.


I took turns tonight handling Speedy and Smokeyand they enjoyed watching TV stretched out on my chest while beingpetted. For the first time, Speedy actually gave me kisses while Irubbed the base of her ears right behind her eyes.

Smokey is interesting in that she will move away from me but once I'mholding her, she snuggles in and starts showing affection. Heh, it'salmost like she makes me work for the privilege of handling her.


Blyre! Hey! Haven't seen you in such a long time!

I just skimmed through this thread because I was wanting to say welcome back! The girls are adorable! What little cuties!

Glad you're back!
Spring wrote:
Blyre! Hey! Haven't seen you in such a long time!

I just skimmed through this thread because I was wanting to say welcome back! The girls are adorable! What little cuties!

Glad you're back!
Thanks, Spring, I'm glad to be back. :)

Now to tonight's entry:

Today was a day off so I spent it at home relaxing. The girls got lotsof petting and playtime fun. They were having so much fun that Ithought I would try introducing them again.

Hmm, not sure what to make of what happened next.....

As soon as they were both out, Speedy made a beeline for Smokey andbegan chasing her around the carpet. Smokey bid a hasty retreat intoher cage and went into her house to hide. Speedy wasn't deterred bythis and followed Smokey inside, chasing her round and round beforefinally cornering her and mounting her.

It was so odd seeing the smaller Speedy on top of the larger Smokey butthere she was going at it while Smokey sat there motionless. At onepoint, I reached in and resexed Speedy to make sure that she was indeeda female. Thankfully, she was and still is and since Smokey didn'tsqueal or fight back, I kept my distance.

I've read that mounting is a positive sign of two rabbits starting toget along but it still disturbed me slightly. After a while, Speedystarted chasing Smokey around the cage again and I decided to end theencounter at that point.

Hi Blyre,

How's the girls this AM?I love reading your posts about your babies.

By-the-way we need more pictures.:bunnydance:

Hi Blyre! It is wierd to see girl bunsmounting each other, isn't it? Hopefully it will end oncethey've worked out their dominance. Sounds like little Speedyis going to be the girl in charge.;)
naturestee wrote:
Hi Blyre! It is wierd to see girl buns mountingeach other, isn't it? Hopefully it will end once they'veworked out their dominance. Sounds like little Speedy isgoing to be the girl in charge.;)
Yeah, it sure looks that way and I misjudged my original assessment ofSmokey. In the beginning, I thought she was of an assertive borderingon aggressive personality. Recent events have shown me that she's moreof a sweet and sensitive nature that gets stressed more easily than Ithought before.

I tried to let the girls play together today and while they aren'tnecessarily fighting anymore, Speedy has been riding roughshod overSmokey. I mean, Speedy literally tried taking over Smokey's cage todayto the point of playing with Smokey's toys, eating her food, and evenusing her litterbox. Poor Smokey just huddled in a corner and watchedall this going on. As soon as I noticed this behavior I just had to puta stop to it. Speedy is back in her own cage and Smokey is getting alittle extra play time tonight. Yes, I'm overprotective of my girls.

Speedy in a playbox:


Smokey sitting pretty:




New photos of the girls!





Nothing much going on today. Once again, I've decided to keep the girlsseparate until after both canbe spayed so as to cut down onthe shenanigans. Once I'm sure that there's no risk of serious injuriesand the hormones have died down, I'll start trying to have them bothout at playtime.

It's very cute when something scares the girls, they immediately run tome for protection. Otherwise, they are quite happy to do their ownthing. I learn something new about them every day.


Tonight I worked on teaching Speedy to stand upfor her craisin and she in turn taught me how much fun it can be toplay chase with a rabbit that doesn't want to go in yet.

I'm slowly following her around the carpet saying "Night night" andwhen I get close to her, she starts binkying away and doing side kicks.It took me a few minutes to get her to go in her cage but when she did,she went into her house. After a few seconds, she peeked out to see ifI was watching and then grabbed her carrot toy and pulled it in withher.

I wish I'd have thought to take a video of it because the whole scenewas just too funny to me. It's really hard to sound serious when youare chuckling at their antics.

Another reward of having bunnies :)


One last observation before I shuffle off tobed. I was having some quiet time with Speedy, petting her while shewas stretched out on my chest in my favorite recliner. Well, it wasgetting near my bedtime and here I am with this sleeping rabbit drapedacross me and I had to wake her up.

I felt so bad when I roused her because she woke with a start and beganlooking around with wide eyes at the interruption to must have been avery deep sleep. I can put both of the girls asleep when holding thembut I feel like a total heel when I have to wake them up to go back intheir cages.


Play time started a little late tonight becauseDaddy was out buying a new car (yay!). But anyway, Smokey is out andrunning around. She still avoids me when she's out but once I get herinto my arms, she is Bunny Kiss Central.

Speedy is still in her cage and as I can see, looks irritated that shecan't come out when Smokey is out. Of course, I know full well thatwhen she's out, she has to play Top Bun and boss Smokey around.

All in all, the girls are having a good night though I heard Smokeysneeze earlier. I didn't like the sound but I don't think it'sindicative of anything serious. She probably picked some dust in theole Hoover.


Oh, i love your girls and reading aboutthem.your writing isvery soothing to readand they are just soooooo darncute... without avedio, i can somehow still picture them in my mind...
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Blyre, what kind of car did you buy?

How are the babies today?

I traded in my faded blue '91 Ford Taurus for a silver 2003 Ford FocusSE. It's a great car that handles very well, looks terrific, and I gota great deal on it.

The babies are quiet tonight. Speedy was out earlier and I did a littletraining with her that she had a lot of fun doing. After that, I lether run free around the carpet and she went into binky and side kickoverload.

Smokey is out at the moment and while I have the urge to pick her upfor a long cuddle, I know that she needs more time to get used to hersurroundings. She gets a little shy sometimes. :)


Tonight, the girls had their first real sharedplay time and they were great. No fighting whatsoever though Speedyappeared to have fun chasing Smokey around the carpet. I missed a greatmoment with them sitting together. It appears that their dominanceissues have been worked out because every time that Speedy goes nearSmokey, Smokey flattens down and tries to get groomed. Smokey, on theother hand, tried grooming Speedy earlier and Speedy allowed it.

When they weren't playing, the two were nosing around me looking for either treats or pets which was very very cute.

Speedy is starting to mark territory so the spaying can't come too soon. As if I don't clean up enough around here....heh.


Here is the newest edition to my little bunny family:




This is Deuce, a 6 week old Holland Lop Male, that I picked up earlierfrom the pet store that I got Speedy and Smokey from. He is an adorablelittle ball of fluff who struggled not to be held by me until I startedrubbing the base of his ears. Funny thing is that I originally stoppedin over at the pet store to compare nutritional requirements betweenOxbow Timothy Hay and Kaytee Timothy Hay. When the staff put him in myarms, I just knew that I had to take him home with me.

Since Deuce is intact, he will have to be separated from the girlsuntil I can have him fixed. I think I've become a bunny addict...hehe.

Note to Mods or Admins: If you would please change the title of my blogto Speedy, Smokey, and Deuce, I would really appreciate it.


Speedy has been a very naughty bunny tonight.She's been going crazy wanting out of her cage. This is a late nightfor me so I figured that it wouldn't hurt anything so I let her out.She began circling me, begging for pets, and then proceeded to spraythe carpet in front of Deuce's cage.

To be honest this surprised the heck out of me! She's always been verygood with her litterbox but I think her actions are a result ofjealousy over the new bunny. What could I do but put her backinher cage and then find something to mop up the carpet? Iknew that she was reaching that age but I didn't think she wouldannounce it in such a dramatic fashion.

My little Speedy is becoming an adult.


Changed it!:)

Congrats on Deuce! He's adorable! And littleSpeedy's all grown up and marking territory.*sniff* So... how long till the spay?:D

Vinegar is now your very best buddy ever.:D
naturestee wrote:
Changed it!:)

Congrats on Deuce! He's adorable! And littleSpeedy's all grown up and marking territory.*sniff* So... how long till the spay?:D

Vinegar is now your very best buddy ever.:D
I'm going to pick up some vinegar from the store as soon as I get my rear in gear. It is Saturday after all...hehe.

Speedy can get spayed anytime after the 4th of December. I'm probablygoing to schedule her for sometime around the end of that month. Fornow, I have Deuce in the bedroom with me so he can have time to settlein. I picked up the little darling this morning and he peed all overme, the little bugger...hehe. I guess he's well on the way to beingsettled

It's starting to get interesting around here....hehehe.

