And then there were Four

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Hi all,

I finally got my Internet issues straightened out and am back on a highspeed cable line again. I know I have some catching up to do so bearwith me over the next few days. Okay, some updates:

Speedy had her spay a while back and she recovered without a problem.She's back to her normal lively self and is doing all her regularrabbit stuff as she used to. The biggest change that I've seen is thatshe's no longer spraying everything in sight and seems less prone tospooking. She demands more petting these days and goes nuts when shehears the Craisin bag being opened.

Smokey is fast becoming the proverbial grumpy bun and while she doesn'tfight with Speedy, she runs away when Speedy tries to get her to play.She's still as affectionate as ever but seems to prefer the relativesecurity of her cage over coming out and play on the carpet. I finallyconvinced her that Craisins are good things and now she can't getenough of them. She goes in for her spay in February.

Both bunnies are shedding like crazy which makes me spend more timeusing the brush with them. The shedding tends to get worse when theyget nervous and of course, Daddy ends up covered in rabbit hair...hehe.

Otherwise, the babies are doing just fine and I'm going to start working on getting some new pics of them at play and whatnot.


The babies are doing well and slowly becoming agreeable toward each other.They are currently working out a few playtime issues at the moment.

A few notes:

Speedy: Lively and occaisionally feisty. As ever, she loves to run around the living room and get into mischief as well as be the center of attention. She's the Queen of the Apartment and I think she truly knows it. I can't believe that she will be a year old in about four months. Wow, where does the time go?

Smokey: A bit schizo due to her hormones, but I'm hoping that her upcoming spay will sort her out. In the meantime, I'm handling her with kid gloves. Poor thing is loving and affectionate one minute and grumpy and running away the next. Doesn't know whether she's coming or going most days. Despite that, I love her to pieces.

Once all the spays are done, I am going to start looking for a breeder that handles Flemish Giants. I see one in my future...hehe.

I know you all expect new pictures but my camera isn't working quite right right now and so I have to buy a new one. Once I get that solved, new pics will definitely be on the way. :)


I agree with Jordiwes, you must take a look at that beauty, and it's in your state too. I think you should phone about her.

I just read the ARF requirements for adoption and they require written permission from my landlord to have her in the apartment. Since I had to really fight to have the girls here, I don't think she will allow a third bunny...darn it.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to work on her again...hehe.

Anyway, here's an update on the girls:

Speedy's still chasing Smokey around at play time, but no fighting. On the other hand, Smokey thumps like crazy during these moments and I'm getting worried that these two may never become friends. Speedy bullies Smokey to no end and I have to consider her well being. It took an hour of holding and petting to calm her down after the latest encounter. She's scheduled for her spay on March 23 and I wonder if I should keep them separated until after the surgery and post-op recovery.


Hi Blyre,

I would definitely keep them separated until after the spay. You don't want either of them to get traumatized/stressed outfrom these encounters. It will make the bonding so much harder later.

I know from experience that it's so hard to wait but it's definitely best for everyone involved.
jordiwes wrote:
Hi Blyre,

I would definitely keep them separated until after the spay. You don't want either of them to get traumatized/stressed outfrom these encounters. It will make the bonding so much harder later.

I know from experience that it's so hard to wait but it's definitely best for everyone involved.
You're absolutely right, Jordi, and I've decided to do just that because it doesn't feel right to have Smokey thumping so much every time she and Speedy are out. When Smokey is upset, everyone in range gets a thump. What a temper.

I just got done cleaning the girls' cages and putting them to bed so the earlier excitement has died down. When they settle down in their cages, they are the most adorable things to watch. I never get tired of being around my babies. :D


Im not sure how I missed you blog. ND's are the best! I am so sorry about Deuce.

Alicia, the rabbits Ringo, Samantha,Connor,Teresa,Dallas<WBR>,and Elvis. Foster bun SweetPea and the rest of the Zoo Crew!
JadeIcing wrote:
Im not sure how I missed you blog. ND&#39;s are the best! I am so sorry about Deuce.

Alicia, the rabbits Ringo, Samantha,Connor,Teresa,Dallas<WBR>,and Elvis. Foster bun SweetPea and the rest of the Zoo Crew!
Between my Internet woes and my sporatic blogging due to some serious demands on my time, I&#39;m not surprised that I&#39;ve dropped from the front page a few times...hehe. Wow, that&#39;s quite a cast of characters you listed there. Give all of em a kiss on the nose for me and the girls. :)

The babies are quiet and restful today because I&#39;ve been busy getting some writing time in on the computer and haven&#39;t let them out for their usual play time. Of course, they have very large cages and I gave them lots of Craisin treats so as to cut down on the grumpiness, but I had to make a decision to either work on my personal pursuits or put everything on hold so that they can come out and run around for a while. Striking a balance is hard for me because I feel like I should give them my undivided attention at play time. Unfortunately, all that time watching them leaves me with none for myself.

I still feel guilty about it though.


I found out today that my mom had to be admittedto the hospital due to some fluid around her lungs and though thedoctors report she's stable and lucid, the family is freaking out andeveryone's scrambling to make emergency plans to run to South Carolina.

I just got off the phone with Petsmart after asking about theirPort-a-Crate P2 Indoor/Outdoor Pet Home that I will pick up on FridayMorning to use as a travel cage for Speedy and Smokey. It has the rightdimensions to hold them, a litter box and other necessities for thetrip. It measures 36"L X 24"W X 27" H and should do the trick. I justwish I had more time to prepare the babies for an 11 hour car ride.

I have to take the babies with me. I don't want them with strangersbecause I feel that no one can take better care or love them as much asI do. I was watching them earlier playing in their cages and I foundmyself envying them their uncomplicated lives. All they worry about iswhere the next Craisin is coming from while Daddy is going apespittrying to pull together a long distance road trip at essentially thelast minute.

Please excuse my venting.


JadeIcing wrote:
No vent all you need. Hope your mom feels better.

She was admitted last year around this time for a similar, though muchmore serious, thing and we worried back then. The frustrating thing forme is that I can't get away from my responsibilities here until nextFriday and I'll have this situation going through my mind from nowuntil then.

Thanks for understanding, Jade, I really appreciate it.


See you mom is tough.

Elvis sends your mom a kiss.


Alicia and Elvis
My mom would love that, thanks. I turned awayfrom the computer for a second and when I came back I saw both thegirls standing up and staring at Elvis on the screen....hehe.

He's got their seal of approval. :)


I'm sorry to hear about your mother Wallace. Ihope she gets better real soon. I bet if you can sneek yourbabies into see her they woud really cheer her up. All I haveto do when I'm not feeling well is just look/hold one of our babies.

cheryl13 wrote:
Oh no! i'm sorry to hear about your mum,Wallace!

Sending lots of good thoughts!


Thanks, Dear, that means so much to me. It's going to be chaos aroundhere for the next week while I make decisions to get ready to roll. DoI board the babies with my Vet? Do I take them with me? Am I making theright choice that won't cause them any unnecessary stress? Can I pulleverything together before my head explodes?




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