Erika made my avatar

...I LOVE it and I'm glad she was able to make it!
So, I am home now! I got all the bunny litter boxes cleaned and their areas vacuumed up, as well as the animal room. I also cleaned the piggie's cage! I got her a new larger litter box, too

Speaking of the friend who watched my pets while we were in Kansas REALLY wants to have her, but I am personally very nervous about it. I mean, I know she loves all animals...but she has 2 large Pit Bulls who would eat her in 2 seconds if they got to her. She'd be able to get her a friend and I know she'd take care of them well, but I'm still just nervous. I guess I'm set back because when I got home today I noticed the piggie's cage was a bit dirty, like she hadn't spot cleaned it in 2 days....but I can't remember how much pigs potty, buuuut it was pretty poopy in there.
I suppose I am also just getting attached to the pig already...she's the most friendly pig I have ever met and loves to be held/cuddled/pet. She's currently sitting on my lap and has been licking my fingers

. I know I should not be getting attached, as Ryan and I have decided we are making it our goal to move to PA in October 2011....we NEED to get out of Arizona and want to do it sooner or later, even if it means "risking it" by moving sooner. We think we can save $9k, then $2k in moving buy us a newer car by the end of this July. We will still have a couple k's in credit card debt, but we don't care at this point....AZ sucks and we want to leave.
So, that means (providing everyone is still alive) we will be moving 1 small dog, 3 kitties, and 5 bunnies across the country. Now, I know that my rats will not be alive by then, but I'm not sure about my mouse...he'd be around 1.5 years old then. If he is, then of course he'd still come with us...he won't take up too much room in his 10 gal., LOL! Soooo...if we don't get a 2nd dog (which I am trying soo hard not to now) and if I keep the piggie (and get her a friend) we'd be moving 1 small dog, 3 kitties, 5 bunnies, and 2 piggies (& the mouse if he's still kickin'). Luckily the pigs can be in a carrier together as well as Molly/Morgan in one carrier, Ruby/Marlin in another, then Brody alone. I think we can get the kitties in 1 very larger carrier together too.
We are definitely going to be looking into buying a wagon (like a Subaru), SUV (Trail Blazer size), or mini van (which I willl be picky about because thats not a car I really want at all). Ugh..but about the mini van, at least it will be large enough to comfortably transport us all and I won't have to keep it forever, LOL!! We are wanting to spend under $10k and get under 70k miles, so we will have some searching to do!
ETA: Anyone have name suggestions for the piggie? "Suzy" sucks and I am lost on names (as usual). I want a human name, too. I was thinking "Anna-Belle", but I'm not sure on that one as it seems really common.