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Oh me gee those flemmies are driving me up the wall!!!! I got them a perfectly humongous litter box filled with feline pine and hay. It's one of those storage containers that are for under the bed, so it's long width and length wise but short height wise. I stuck the container where they usually go to the bathroom and guess what they do? Go everywhere but the container!!! And of course their favorite places to pee are right on Lumi and Princess' cages. >.< I think I've been spoiling Chubbs too much. He expects to be waited on hand and foot here! Little dorks.

Once we move, we decided we'll have Lumi and Princess as our bedroom buns. Lumi does have the best litterbox habits and a couple nights ago was the first time in her life that Princess even had a litterbox and she's doing fantastically so far. Chubbs and Lilith will be our computer room buns until they could prove that they wont go outside the litterbox (which will obviously have to wait till after they go through puberty and be altered.)

I feel like I'm in limbo here. I can't get a job because by the time they have me go through all the hoops and paperwork, I'll have to turn in my 2 weeks notice. So I'm sitting in my room, in front of my computer, day in and day out being bored out of my mind. I tried volunteering at a cat rescue, they still haven't contacted me even though their sign said volunteers needed and I have open availability with unlimited hours. Bah! I wanna move already but we're both broke until we get our tax return. I have enough for bills and rent till we move but that's about it.
Ugh...I can understand the "wanting to move, but can't" scenerio...been stuck in this limbo for almost three (yep, count 'em, three) years now...ugh!! I feel for ya...

Can't wait to see pics (and yes, I will DEMAND pics from you, hehe) of your new place and the setup for everyone! :)

Just keep patience, and remember that time flies...may be try calling back that kitty place you volunteered at?


Well starting tomorrow I am officially a volunteer at Second Chance Pet Adoptions located inside Petsmart :p I guess to clean kitty cages whoopie!

Sweeney Todd is a great movie. I disliked the original broadway musical so it says a lot for Tim Burton's abilities.

Disclaimer : Much venting done. Might not be suitable for all audiences.

I make a mess in the kitchen, I clean it up. I got it. Fair is fair. But the only reason I didn't clean my mess up is because you didn't clean yours. I had no where to put clean stuff with your things everywhere. So I was waiting for you to get home and clean your share first. You text me to tell me to clean my messes up from now on. I be the bigger person and peacefully say ok, sorry, I'll clean it when I get home. I come already cleaned it while complaining to your boyfriend on how you have to clean after me. jdhkjdshfjdbsjcdbsjcbdsckjdbskjcbdskjcbdskjcds

1. If you want me to clean my share, please do not clutter cleaning areas.
2. Do not tell me to clean my share then clean it yourself.
3. Cleaning it yourself after I told you I'll clean it does not constitute your right to complain about me. Especially since I was not home. I could not do it right away. I told you I'll do it the minute I got home.
4. I left a mess most 4 hours. Your mess has been there for 2 days.
5. Just shut your trap woman

I hate roommates. That's only 1 out of 5 of them.

</end rant>
Oh man, nothing more frustrating than roommates that just aren't cool with how they act when chores are concerned (or rather, keeping your things the way THEY want them, haha).

I've not had many roommates, and mostly because I tend to be difficult to live with (just ask Danny...although thankfully, I'll say that most of my quirks that have bothered others are ones that he shares with me, haha)! I try really hard not to be difficult, but it just wound up happening anyway, lol!

It's so difficult to get a mash of people together in one I certainly sympathize.

Hugs to you, Hun...and many loads of patience for the next, what, month and a half?

Lol thanks for your comment guys. Well Zin..I have 42 more days to go. I have a countdown on my Facebook :p

Well Petsmart is 1.6 miles away from my house. I decided not to renew my bus pass and walk back and forth whenever I'm needed. That's 3.2 miles of walking I will not make myself do on my own but if I have somewhere to go anyway, hey it's free exercise. And saves me some money. Chubbs' hormones are starting to show. He's picking fights with Lilith and yesterday he started picking fights with Sassy. I don't know how we're gonna separate everyone in this room but we'll figure something out. It's only for 42 more days!
Hehe...that's so funny that you have a countdown on your site...I don't blame ya! :D

And that's a great idea, to walk to and from work! You're gonna be in great shape for the move, hehe! :D

Well I went to Petsmart tonight to meet one of the people and be shown what all my duties are. She was really nice and all the cats are so cute. She says if I'm ever bored, I'm allowed to come in and let all the cats out of their cages and just hang out. I might be doing just that :p And we're allowed to come just hang out on adoption days too. I'm going in tomorrow morning to meet the supervisor lady and be shown more in detail of what my chores are going to bed. I'm so much in love right now. If Tucker goes missing, it wasn't me I promise! All of them are the sweetest little things. I have to remember that I can't add onto my family just yet. Boo to money.
maherwoman wrote:
Aww...that sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!! Can I come have kitty cat fun, too???

Lol actually you can. She says if I wanna bring Errik or a friend with me they're more than welcome to come. She'll be happy if the cats could get as much socializing as they can.
Well right now I'm just waiting. We have a place already and Errik could just transfer. I can't get a job till we move and most places are unwilling to even consider interviewing someone that doesn't live there yet. Just waiting for our darn W-2's so we could file our taxes...darn returns...come already!!! My friend already got hers.

We're kinda going back and forth on putting Lumi and P in a hutch/run outside or in an empty room inside. Errik wants to build the hutch so if we go that route, it'll be so big and grand. Who knows right now. He built Lilith and Chubbs small NIC cages and he's fantastic. He's great at building things.

Well I'm in this dog forum for Japanese breeds and they introduced me to this wonderful Shiba breeder. I've talked to her for a while and if all goes according to plan, I will be adding a Shiba into my life late fall/early winter of this year. I'm so excited. With our rent being so low, I could easily catch up on everything financially by then. And if I'm not..I'm patient enough to wait till next year's litters.
okiron wrote:
Oh me gee those flemmies are driving me up the wall!!!! I got them a perfectly humongous litter box filled with feline pine and hay. It's one of those storage containers that are for under the bed, so it's long width and length wise but short height wise. I stuck the container where they usually go to the bathroom and guess what they do? Go everywhere but the container!!! And of course their favorite places to pee are right on Lumi and Princess' cages. >.< I think I've been spoiling Chubbs too much. He expects to be waited on hand and foot here! Little dorks.
I bought one of those for Tiny and he HATES it. First of all, it is pretty slick inside - so when he went to hop in the first time - he slid. That scared him and he would never get it in it again.

What works best for Tiny is a black rubberish sort of bowl that they use to feed horses - we bought it at Walmart for about $10 maybe?

TinysMom wrote:
okiron wrote:
Oh me gee those flemmies are driving me up the wall!!!! I got them a perfectly humongous litter box filled with feline pine and hay. It's one of those storage containers that are for under the bed, so it's long width and length wise but short height wise. I stuck the container where they usually go to the bathroom and guess what they do? Go everywhere but the container!!! And of course their favorite places to pee are right on Lumi and Princess' cages. >.< I think I've been spoiling Chubbs too much. He expects to be waited on hand and foot here! Little dorks.
I bought one of those for Tiny and he HATES it. First of all, it is pretty slick inside - so when he went to hop in the first time - he slid. That scared him and he would never get it in it again.

What works best for Tiny is a black rubberish sort of bowl that they use to feed horses - we bought it at Walmart for about $10 maybe?

Peg you just made me think of something...I could put pegboard in it to see if they don't like the slip factor? They have so much feline pine and hay in there they rarely touch the actual bottom but it might be. And if that doesn't work I'll look into a rubberish bottom.
Well apparently trouble comes in 5's...unless life isn't quite done throwing hardballs at me yet. I have 2.5 hours till we leave for Lilith's surgery and I can't sleep. I'm prone to insomnia and things like this don't help. I need someone to knock me out with a whiffle ball bat.

Now for your viewing pleasures, some pictures from this past week taken at random intervals.

Lilith sleeping under our tv stand

Sassy letting us know the water bowl is empty

Brotherly love of Dahmer and Kayden

Lumi got a new cage. So did Lilith and Chubbs but we ran out of grids so no pictures of them yet :p





Well, I've stayed away from RO because honestly, it was depressing me. All the childish drama, the cliques, the whole back in high school feeling. That's why I ended up dropping out of school..too much drama, I wasn't gonna go through it willingly.

A friend of mine suggested I give it another try.

I guess I might.

What's been going on in the last month?

The bunnies : I missed Lilith's appointment yesterday to take her stitches out so I don't know if her ear has healed together or not. It looks like it has but I'm not holding my breath until the stitches come out, which will be sometime in the next couple days. Chubbs is the same as always, hormones driving him wild. Lumi is being taken care of like a princess. We lost Princess about 2 weeks ago unexpectantly.

The cats : Kayden and Sassy got speutered. Sassy's stitches were also supposed to be pulled out yesterday but besides that all is well. Kayden had complications which resulted in an emergency room visit. He probably needs to go through surgery. He's also been suffering from either a bad hairball or asthma for the past week. I've tried every natural, otc, any remedy for hairballs everyday and none of which is working, so I'm thinking asthma more. It doesn't sound like hairballs either. Dahmer is fine if not better since Kayden got neutered. I think he was just jealous this entire time.

The rats : We lost Bobby and Frankie about a month ago. The rest of the rats have really bad upper respiratory infections and right now I'm just trying to keep them comfortable.

The humans : We decided to stay in Huntington Beach. Errik is going to start his assistant manager's position within the month. He'll be working graveyard shifts 7 days of work, 7 days off work. I'd be nice being able to schedule things around his work schedule but I wont see him much during his on week. I applied at a couple places and hopefully someone calls me back. I've been extremely depressed for the past month-ish and no matter what friends told me, felt completely alone. Hopefully this is a silver lining. As a promotion present, I'm going to be treating Errik to a week vacation in Hawaii in September so that's something to look forward to. Nothing much else to say right now. Just...thanks Rosie and Tracy for being my friend :)
I am glad to see you.. I missed you...

And your resume bounced back to me from your email addy twice.. so I assumed I was on the *list*.. yanno the *poopy list*

I really missed you..
GoinBackToCali wrote:
I am glad to see you.. I missed you...

And your resume bounced back to me from your email addy twice.. so I assumed I was on the *list*.. yanno the *poopy list*

I really missed you..
Lol Zin you have no idea how happy I am to hear that. Ask Rosie..I thought you hated me. I don't know why it bounced back, you're not and never have been on any poopy list. It actually made me quite depressed when we weren't talking. Try [email protected] if [email protected] didn't work.

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