Wow, Sweetie...
So glad you're back...
And I can understand how you were awful and miserable and in a cloud, but not wanting to talk to anyone about it because you don't want to upset them, too.
I hope you're feeling better. My favorite remedy? Taking some time to look at the pics in the Photo Philes section. Always cheers me up. Here are some other sites I love:
Cute Overload site
I Can Has Cheezburger site
Also, check out what people think to do for the
Stuff on My Cat site
And take some time to giggle at some SERIOUSLY
Disapproving Rabbits
USA Today site has lots of good word puzzles (new ones daily...I do them often) and they even have Sudoku, if you're more into number puzzles.
:biggrin2: Can you tell I have a whole set of things I do? It helps to sit around, viewing silly animal pictures. Or even venturing away from the animal theme and going to do work games and stuff.
I hope all that helps somewhat...
Are you feeling better yet? I hate that one of my bestest buddies has had so much loss and heartache lately. I'm sorry if I've not been there for you very much...
But please know that I care about you SO MUCH and love you to bits!