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It's my 21st birthday!!!!!:p *parties* party, must go to bed now, work in the morning :biggrin2:
Well my birthday was a hoot! I was an 1.5 hours late for work because I didn't wake up to my alarm clock. I got hot chocolate and chocolates from 2 of my coworkers. My store manager bought me a king size rice crispie treat, put candles in it and all the managers sang happy birthday to me. Sadly my work day ended me with losing $40 (it fell out of my pocket)

After work I went to my brothers' house and got bombarded with presents. Got $50 gift card to Albertsons (grocery store), $5 to Starbucks, $30-60 (not sure) to Disneyland (which I'm going on Friday and Tuesday), and a movie ticket (which I'm using tonight).

After I left their house I went to the Block of Orange and got to see ROSIE AND DANNY!!!!! Rosie is so beautiful which I knew but her pictures do NOT do her justice. They're both so wonderful people!!! They got me chocolates and a 25 gallon tub of HAY!!!!!! *does a jig* Ohhh fresh, wonderful hay....:biggrin2: We went to TGIFridays and saw Dan in Real Life. I had a fantastic time Rosie, thank you so much and thank Danny again for me. My birthday was fantastic thanks to you guys. Can't wait to see you again on the 18th! *pictures whenever Rosie gets around to them* :p

So tonight my friends from work are taking me to Dave and Buster's to get drunk, Errik's taking me to see The Golden Compass afterwards, tomorrow me and Errik are going to Disneyland and on Saturday my brothers' are taking me out for dinner. And I don't have work till Monday :p

Oh the best part? My store manager woke me up an hour ago saying they found my $40 :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

Quick little note about Okiron's presents...not only was yesterday her 21st birthday, but it was also Repeal Day, which is when the lifing of Prohibition is celebrated, so I thought it was MORE than necessary to give her some alcohol-filled chocolates, hehe!


And our touristy photo, hehe!


Okiron's birthday gifts from us...



SOMEbody graffitti'd our car...hmm...wonder who THAT could've!!


I can't choose between these two, so I'll post both...hehe!



And here's okiron's love, Errik...:D


We had SOOO much fun, too...and don't do your beauty justice either, Sweetie. It was such a joy meeting you guys, and seeing your love for each other...and to spend so much time with you guys...what a treat!

Love to you both!

Hey Okiron! Your babies are beutiful! I go to a really great feed store in newport beach! We get huge things of carefresh, pellets, and hay. PM me if you would like more info!


Roxie pming you now

Aww thanks Emily! I think you're a cute gal yourself ;)

Now leaving to hopefully not get too drunk so I could enjoy the movie tonight hehe.
Well..sorry bout the lack of pictures lately. Been uber busy with things. I'm helping with the setup of a new Walgreens and I'm working my butt off. 6 day work weeks for the win! Will have TONS by the end of this week. Mostly my new flemmies and ratties...but my loveable crew as well :biggrin2:

Let's see....Lilith and Chubbs comes home on Tuesday!!!! <3 Can't wait. I work in the morning, and right after work Errik and I are driving straight up to Glendale to Laura's rabbitry and meeting up with Rosie, Danny and Emily. Then to the Maher's for some salmon and green bean casserole! Also..I get to meet the rest of her crew :p

I still have to buy a dog crate (the 48x35x30 one) for the flemmies. And Lumi is getting a new hutch. I'm having ratties that are coming home sometime this week that I need to buy a cage (the R-695) for still. one's getting Christmas gifts!!! ...wait yes they are :shock:I'm going shopping in about 2 hours. Eep!

Laura put another updated YouTube [ame=]clip[/ame] of our litter on her site. I emailed her asking for the files just incase she felt like taking them off someday so I could continue loving my babies before they got home.
Lilith and Chubbs came home tonight!!!!! More later...tired as heck. One thing for sure, Lilith is a daddy's girl and Errik is officially a bun-lover. put everyone on the same page, Chubbs seems to be the runt of his litter. He is half the size of Lilith and Teeny, and is too bony for anyone's taste. He is currently on a diet of unlimited oats and timothy hay because some circumstances made it so I don't have any pellets for him at the moment. He has a bite mark on his butt that is scabbed but is healing nicely and not infected. He also has a small scab on his ear but is so minuscule that it shouldn't even count. He is seeming to favor walking/crawling to hopping and sits on the balls of his feet rather than on his feet. Pictures will come later but it does not seem to be sore hocks. Besides all this he is one friendly bun who just loves to lick! He's licking Lilith, Rosie's Velveteen, Cuddles and Teeny, my cats, Errik, anything and anyone who will sit still long enough for him to throw his tongue at. He's eating and drinking nicely. I emailed Laura (the breeder) about his feet and will schedule a vet appointment as soon as I get a reply.

It has been strongly suggested to me but I will not switch him out or return him. He his my baby regardless of the outcome.

Lilith I've said before..daddy's little girl. Errik dots on her like no other. She is also friendly as well and obviously the dominant one. They are both making Lumi go nuts! She's so big! Bigger than Teeny and has such long ears.

Edit : I'm so busy this week! Tomorrow my ratties I mentioned before will be coming home >.<

Here's bird's eye view of them in the carrier. As you can tell Lilith is double the size of Chubbs.

Chubbs on the carrier

Lilith lazing around

How are the cuties doing? They are just sooo precious and have gotten sooo big...Ok, Lilith has gotten so big! :biggrin2:but Chubbs is freakin' adorable!
Both are doing fine. Eating and drinking like they should. I made an appointment at All Creatures Care Cottage Veterinary Hospital in Costa Mesa for Chubbs on Saturday at 9:20am. Laura says it should be fine but I rather not take the chance and reassure myself via a vet. It'll be my first time there so wish me luck.

Well looks like I'll be getting my ratties on Saturday instead. My boss was nice enough to give me a day off finally so I shall spend the whole day at home with my animals. My last day off was the 11th of December when I went to Disneyland :p
They're gorgeous! Looks like he's just little. You need to get him a good alfalfa based pellet. Feed him unlimited on that and some hay. Careful with the oats - could give him sticky poos.

I had a bad experience at the vet today which I'm ranting about here. This is the first time a vet has manage to not only displease me, get to a point of yelling obscenities. I dislike VCA as a company but I much rather go to them than go back to today's vet. Chubbs was 2lbs and Lilith was 3lbs. Poor babies, Lilith wont come out of the carrier and Chubbs is hiding behind the litter box.

With the if one has it, they all have it mentality, they're checking the poop samples that was in the carrier for parasites. The poops are Lilith's, Chubbs' and Teeny's so at least there's no real contamination. They all lived together till 5 days ago and came from the same litter.

Some positive thing happening today....some plans changed and...I'm bringing home 5 ratties! And I just ordered the Martin R-695 for them! They'll be living in a large Coast cage till it comes in.

I'm loving my day off...and then starting tomorrow another 6 day work week :) So tired but the paycheck is nice.
OMG my ratties are home!!!! So cute!!!! No names as of yet.

Now my love count is one boyfriend, 2 cats, 4 buns and 5 ratties. Errik says no more till after the move in a couple months. Then we gonna get at least 2 dogs, 1 more cats and who knows on the buns and ratties >.< Pictures later!

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