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Oh my gosh! I didn't realize you had two kitties!! Ok...when we come over Monday, I'm going to have to DEMAND to see your!

Can't wait to see rattie pics!

Hugs to you guys!

Rosie & the Zoo*
maherwoman wrote:
Oh my gosh! I didn't realize you had two kitties!! Ok...when we come over Monday, I'm going to have to DEMAND to see your!

Can't wait to see rattie pics!

Hugs to you guys!

Rosie & the Zoo*
xD Rosie! Silly billy! I have my heart kitty Dahmer and I have my Kayden who looks like Hobbes to me :p

Oh noes! That means we need to clean my room in 2 days! I showed Danny a glimps of my room and he can tell ya, it's a disaster. I'm glad I started cleaning today then :biggrin2:
HEHE!! Well, I don't mean to stress ya, Hun! If you're not comfortable with it, it's totally fine, Sweetie! :D

For some weird reason (and maybe because I've been so mindless lately), I thought Dahmer and Kayden were BUNNIES!! What a complete doof...I don't know how I thought that!! I feel like a completely unobservant meanie!

I wouldn't mind seeing pictures, if that'd be better. I don't want to stress ya...last thing on my agenda, Hun.



*runs off to finish building bunny palaces*
Haha it's fine. Errik was planning on cleaning anyway and he'll be glad to have an organized, clean room for once. What are you bringing me down again? I really don't think we'll need more calf manna for a while.
maherwoman wrote:
We've still got left the hay to give ya. ;)
I can't find the rubbermaid container you gave us anywhere. I figured we could get 2 of the same and stack them but blah! where did you get yours?
Oh no's! How on earth did you guys lose it? That gave me a giggle, by the way...hehe!

We got them from Target...but you could also probably find them at Walmart, KMart, or the likes. :)

Let me know if you would rather plans on Monday to change. Also, when would you be available? (We can also move this to PM's, if ya like.)


maherwoman wrote:
Oh no's! How on earth did you guys lose it? That gave me a giggle, by the way...hehe!

We got them from Target...but you could also probably find them at Walmart, KMart, or the likes. :)

Let me know if you would rather plans on Monday to change. Also, when would you be available? (We can also move this to PM's, if ya like.)


Noo....not lose it, we wanted to get another one! But we can't find another one on sale for us to buy! Silly :p I shall pm you about tomorrow.
Can't wait to see the little ratties!

How are the bunnies adjusting? does the little one seem better? is he picking up weight?
okiron wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Oh no's! How on earth did you guys lose it? That gave me a giggle, by the way...hehe!

We got them from Target...but you could also probably find them at Walmart, KMart, or the likes. :)

Let me know if you would rather plans on Monday to change. Also, when would you be available? (We can also move this to PM's, if ya like.)


Noo....not lose it, we wanted to get another one! But we can't find another one on sale for us to buy! Silly :p I shall pm you about tomorrow.
OH! LOL!! I couldn't figure out how on EARTH you guys could lose something that big, HEHE!!

We also found them at Lowe's last night. :)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Can't wait to see the little ratties!

How are the bunnies adjusting? does the little one seem better? is he picking up weight?
Well you'll have to wait a bit longer, my computer is acting stupid and windows freezes up when I try sticking a memory card in :( I'm computer shopping right now and will probably get one in a week or so.

The buns are doing great. I was feeling Chubbs today and he's not as skeletal as he was and gaining weight very steadily. Lilith does have a tendency to pick on him but nothing serious, just pushes him out of the way if she wants something he's got. He had the runs the other day but pedialyte fixed it right up.

Rosie - I'll check Lowes and Target then, thanks again for all the hay!

Well I decided to keep the ratties' old names's been 4 days and we just can't think of anything for them and I already associate them with their old names. So it's Vinci, Booda, Bobby, Bruce and Frankie.

It's Christmas and all my plans got cancelled :( I was originally planned to work 12-8:30 today..but this morning I got told I'm working at another store from 2:30-11. Sure, the other store is down the street from my house while my store is 10 miles away...but I'll be spending Christmas with a bunch of strangers instead of my coworkers and friends. We already had a potluck planned for us Christmas workers and go to my brother's house after work. But now I wont get out of work till 11pm and Errik has to work at 6am tomorrow so he'll already be asleep when I get home. He's out right now watching Alien vs Predator with his brothers so I'm spending Christmas alone...I feel like crap. Even more so because my boss told my assistant manager (who happens to be my roommate) to tell me about the schedule change on SATURDAY and I just found out this morning at 9:30 when my boss texted me to make sure I'll be there.
Oh Sweetie...I'm so sorry you'll be alone. If we were up to it, we'd come down and hang out with ya, but we spent EVERY last ounce of energy yesterday...

I'm so sorry you have to spend today alone, though...:( That's awful...:(

Anything I can do to help??
maherwoman wrote:
Oh Sweetie...I'm so sorry you'll be alone. If we were up to it, we'd come down and hang out with ya, but we spent EVERY last ounce of energy yesterday...

I'm so sorry you have to spend today alone, though...:( That's awful...:(

Anything I can do to help??
Thanks Rosie, the thought itself makes me feel a bit better :)

It's given me more of a chance to really think about what I want to do in life though. It's been like this for the past 6 months and more visible in the last month but...being in retail is making me physically sick. Just being in a retail setting gives me intense migraines, major nausea and upset stomachs. I think it'll be better for me in the long run to get out of it all. But the question is..what do I do then? Being in photo is the only thing I know how to do. Everyone asks me...well what interests me? Becoming a paralegal and/or accountant were some of my interests...but the more I think about it, the less I want to go through with it. I rather deal with less human interaction.

I love animals...everyone knows that. But do I have what it takes to work in that environment? I'm not sure. I could deal with the animals. I could deal with the stress. But can I deal with the people? I don't know. I might make a thread just for this...I'll talk about it to Errik first. But at the same one here really knows me enough to be able to tell me if I could handle it or not. I'll have to get my GED. But there's 2 schools in Sacramento that I could get an associates in Veterinary Technology. is in an hour..I should go shower and eat and shiznits.

No pictures...again. Darn computer. But good news! I bought a new laptop today! Not gaming material, but will be alright for now. Pictures soon!!!!

Bad news...I got lab test results today...Chubbs and Lilith has coccidia >.< They're on Albon Suspension for the next week.
Well Chubbs (or Chubbles as I like to call him) is doing great so far. I love that little guy so much. Lilith is doing great as well..always tries to get daddy's attention hehe.

Good news! My Martin R-695 finally got shipped yesterday! (I ordered it on the 22nd). It's scheduled delivery is the 4th of January. The ratties will be happy. I can't have them out with the buns anymore because Vinci tends to pick on Lilith and Lumi.

Yup...still being lazy on the pictures. Sick again so missed a day of work. I'm literally sick almost everyday but I try not to call out more than once every 2 weeks. I've gotten suggestions of ulcers, diabetes, morning sickness, etc but lack of health insurance to check any of them out (except morning sickness which I'm 100% sure I don't have lmao) It's been like this for the past 6 months to a year. Most severe in the past 4.
Guess who's Martin R-695 came in today!?!?!?!? Woowee!!! Now I gotta wait for Errik to get home so we could go to my mother's house to pick it up. I had it shipped there instead of here because it's via FedEx and there's rarely someone home during the day. I also get to pick up Christmas gifts! :biggrin2: And and...I have a job interview on Monday!

So...a new rattie cage, prezzies and a job interview. Rina is happy despite the darn cold she's suffering through. Now she has to go shopping for interview clothes. The buns chewed through the dress pants and the ratties demolished my jeans.

Oh..and I gots to go return my laptop :( I'm back on the silly desktop because the laptop keeps crashing. That's what I get for buying a compie open box. So no pictures just yet.
LMAO I feel like I'm a roll....Kayden is saying bye bye to his little friends on the 10th :p



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