Trist, sleeping is my favorite thing too. That's why every year, my mother gets me a PJ :biggrin2:
Grace, can I come? Hehehe. I'm sure it will be fun.
Brandy, I'll be getting photos of Rolo real soon. As soon as I can breathe enough for it
I slept through most of yesterday evening. Woke here and there but was too groggy to remember any of it really. Then, late in the evening, I woke up angry. I knew the buns hadn't been taken care of yet so I got dressed and went out. I got really really upset with their dirty hutch so I cleaned it all out myself. I got pretty upset with Jeff to be honest. I told him I didn't want his help. If he had wanted to help he could have taken care of this before. In the end, I know they are my rabbits and Jeff just doesn't think of certain things. I shouldn't be relying on him in the first place. We ended up talking and he said he'd take over the cleaning and I said I could do the feeding as long as the litterboxes are clean. He also offered to deal with the hay. I will try this final attempt. If the cages get that filthy again,I am rehoming them. There is just no excuse for them to be living in less than desireable conditions. Please understand that while I say this, it really wasn't that terrible. It's terrible for a proper rabbit lover's standards. None of the bunnies are in bad shape. No one has urine scald etc. Just a lot of poop piled too high in one corner. It's just that i want better for them. I think you can understand that.
Anyway, I had a nasty asthma attack. I am medicated as much as I could without inhalotherapy right now. I feel like crap but I'm bored so I'm on the laptop. As much as I feel like crap, I still feel giddy. I don't know how that works. Lol

I feel badly for getting mad at Jeff too. I do appreciate what he does. It's just... You know, men. They don't think sometimes. They can't see anything needing done even though it's rightin front of them at times. I get tired of having to push someone. I feel like a terrible nag

I hate being the meannie all the time. Lol.
So in bed I am today. I still can't control the asthma. Get wheezy as soon as meds wear off so it's something to keep an eye on. Hopefully, if Jeff manages to just clean the litterboxes every few days, I won't get like this anymore. I think we just had it all wrong. He was more focussed on food and water. I can't help with that if the cages smell. So if he cleans the litterboxes, I can do the rest quite easily. So hopefully this will work out now.
On the other hand, it'll be just Rolo in no time. Maybelle is free range. She's been outside in the garden for weeks. She just naps and sleeps in the shed. Other than that, every morning, I open the door and she runs out, goes into a binky frenzy and just does what she likes best. She does pee and poop in the shed. Lol. We're going to get her a cat litter box. So really it will just be Rolo to deal with. That will help a lot. Maybe it will help enough that I will be able to do some cleaning as well. THat would be nice.
Trying hard to make everything work out for the bunners as well as for Jeff.